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CIVILENGINEERING THROUGH OBJE -CTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 638 asin 2 [-so8Scon(S—A) 8. FLUID MECHANICS AND : teen C. HYDRAULIC MACHINES 8. cos = es S- Bee PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS 2 sin BsinC a 9. tan 2 = | 208 Sos (S— A) Leen 8 fea Deere 2. Dynamic viscosity where S= 3 (A+B +0) 1 cost(A-B) 4 10. tan 5 (a +b)= - cos 9 (A+B) - cos = (A-B) 1 11. tan $ (a —)= —$—— tan 5 € cos = (A+B) cos = (a —b) 12, tan 5 (A+B)= cot Se 2 2 cos 5 (a+b) sin 2 (ab) 18. tan} (a-B)= 2 —— oot Fe sin 5 (a+b) 14, Napier’s Rule of Circular Parts (@) sine of middle part = product of tangents of adjacent parts and (6) sine of middle part = product of cosines of opposite parts 15. Standard time = LMT # difference of longitude W/E + ve = if place is west of standard —ve = if place is east of standard 16. Greenwich time = local time + longitude of place W/E use + for west longitude and ~ for east longitude 17, Parallex correction = 8.8” cos a” 18. Correction for refraction = 68” cot of iF 19. Correction for dip = cheaxatens, 1 B= Shear strain (du/dy) 3. Kinematic viscosity v = is 4, Power required to rotate inner cylinder at speed N rpm, when R, is inner radius, R, uter radius, L is length, At is thickness (R,-Ry),P is viscosity of fluid, poten RY N?PL > oe AeGOe 5. Force required to move the block with the velocity, V at a plane inclined through 6°, weight W, gap B, viscosity p, contact area A, 6. Force on a thin plate to move at a velocity V when upper gap is B, and viscosity 1, and lower gap B, and viscosity 1. U. Vv F=p,— A+ A ‘ae For resistance to be minimum a By Vio ‘7. Compressibility = 8, Bulk modulus, xc _ shange in pressure 1 ‘Bulk modulus (K) paces) 9.Pressure in excess of atmospheric pressure inside a liquid jet oa d BUILDING MATERIALS 639 10. Pressure in excess of Pressure on liquid droplet, oe 4s = Wh d,sin® a tn ee p~ 40.86 Rae atmospheric 6. Total pressure on curved surface submerged in liquid, a ‘bbe p=, +wa(1+S) & (6) when downward acceleration ; P=P,+Wh ( 11. Fluid containers subjected to constant rotatioi Cylindrical vessel containing liquid with ae & fe its axis vertical ; eas 22 ieough arid.’ parallel Wate? \) eepenen ee P=P,+ [93 |-oG-2) ROUGH OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS CIVIL ENGINEERING TH! 5. Velocity potential a (i sae OES: three dimensional flow is irrotational) (a) For one dimensional flow 9. Stream function, — Ss oe Q=A,V, =A,V, ay Se nice lation between stream fonction and velocity potential PAV, = PxAgVa (&) For two dimensional flow BUILDING MATERIALS oh PIPE FLOW 1.R, = imertiaforce _F _ pPL «viscous force — ieee K,, is loss coefficient which depends upon the shape of enlargement 12. Loss of energy in bends 2. Darcy Weishbach equati yt Re rir tend loan Ayako 13. Loss of energy in 1s pipe fittings 4: =0.08yR_ aaNet 21. For turbulent flow entrance length & = 0.7 (RM 22. For sudden expansion optimum ratio between the diameter of pipe before expansion and diameter of pipe after expansion for maximum pressure rise age Bie so: Re + 0.707 oaacw’s TYPE QUESTIONS 642 ‘triangular channe} 23. Ifa set of pipes are connected in series the equivalent pipe Cy dy f) ean ed i de channel 5. Most economical trapezoidal section 18. Froud number, F = we Bt 2zy ' C Gao where D = hydraulic depth = 4 (half the top width) a = (one of sloping side) (v) Reynold’s number, R = 2V R=y/2 iu P = mass density of flow h = dynamic viscosity of fluid V = mean velocity of fluid L = characteristic length = hydraulic radius (R) 2 For constant bottom width, A = 2 2 For most economical section 0 =60° where @ is side slope with vertical. BUILDING MATERIALS 643 B. NON-UNIFORM FLOW FLUID DYNAMICS 2 +2 42 = constant (Bernoulli's eqn.) 7 2. Dynamic eqn. for gravitational varied _ flow in wide rectangular channel, ‘Surge due to sudden reduction of flow 1 (Vy + Vy) = 2 Va + Vw) P,A,—P, A, + F,= pQV, -V,) height of surge, h = = ax—)y, PyA,— PpA, cos 0 + F, = pQ (V, cos 0-V,) an -P,A, sin 0 + F, = pQ(V, sin @ — 0) CIVIL ENGINEERING TH! 644 The force exerted by nozzle in the direction of flow, P,A, + F, = pQ(V2— Vd) There is no force acting in y direction. FLOW MEASUREMENT .V= gh area of jet at vena contracta aes area of orifice -V,, = C, Bat 4. c, = actual velocity of flow _ Va 'v~~“theoretical vlocity V; 5. Q=C,CAy2eH =C,A/2eH 6. Time of empting a tank, 2A = JH -Vh t eae. Bias ¢ ) 7. Discharge from orifice, 2 = $e, 8 Pa 8-H) when velocity of approach Vo is also taken in consideration, “fee a6 e 8. Discharge from sharp crested rectangular weir, Q= 3 C,B 2g HY? If the velocity of approach at the section is 9. Discharge from a triangular notch (weir), 8 Q= (Feu 2g tana) 7188 ROUGH OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 10. Discharge from trapezoidal weir, a= 2 c,BJ2e HS? 8 11. Cipolletti weir, Q = 1.96 BHY 12. Discharge from submerged weir on 3 Ca, 2a BH, ~ Ha)? + Cd, BH, 2a, — 72) JR. Villiemonte eqn. eof] 13. Broad-creasted weir, Q=C BH*? If velocity of approach is taken into consideration, 3/2 2 et) (Yo a-cal(e we (3 LAMINAR FLOW 1, Hagen-Poiseuille equation, = ml ap Ro* AP 128 nL 128 pL 2. The energy loss per unit weight of fluid in laminar flow through a circular tube is AP _ 32uVL Y ped? G4 _ 64 Bf Sod tn RD 4. The force resisting the motion of sphere Fy = 3mpV, 2 5. Terminal velocity V = 2 (y, — iy Tea G.-Y y, and y are the specific weights of soli and the fluid respectively 6. Capillary tube method _ md‘ (PR -P) B 128 QL _ BUILDING MATERIALS 7. Reynold’s number for sand bed Ris tw. v u = superficial velocity, d,, is the i size for which 50% of the sample by _ weight is finer and v is the kinematic viscosity. |. Momentum integral equation, So 2° 645 5. Laminar boundary layer, 8 _ 0664 =e es 5. Mach Number, ice E ee re kip 6. Waber Number, We FE ape ¥, Volpe DRAG AND LIFT 1. Friction drag, Fpy= f =dA cos 8 ROUGH OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 646 CIVIL ENGINEERING TH 2. Pressure drag, Fp, = [ PaA sin ® 3. Drag force, sth ; : = velocity in m/sec and t = time in sec “Tiboamues . t+ Bear when Vis in kmph and ¢ in sec. 3. SSD at slopes TURBINES AND PUMPS yee 1. Efficiences (i) Hydraulic efficiency, Sena _ Power developed by runner Th oO uv 2ge(f + 0.01n) 2 eee 254 (f + 0.01n)

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