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Assignment 1 – Part D

1. What question or questions do you think will reveal the most business insights to
Justin and George?

The questions from section II: Customer service, will reveal the most business insights as that section
because those questions refer to the service given by the employees or the system for both aspects:
physical (branch) and online services and the customer perception.

Depending on the customer, he/she shall access their account either by going to the nearest branch or by
accessing the online/mobile platform. For the former, the employees are the ones who perceive the
customers’ status and emotions: if the employee gives them a friendly treatment and are able to help
them with most of their issues, the customers will leave the bank with a positive attitude and sense of
confidence as the bank managed to help him. Otherwise, no matter the services given or if the benefits
the bank provides are the best among the local competitors, customers won’t feel enthusiastic about
joining First Bank. For the latter, a well-established and easy-to-use platform that is available all time
without lagging issues makes the transaction quick and simple for every user. An online platform with
bugs, glitches, or difficult to understand will make users and, eventually, customers leave the bank.

2. What is the one key takeaway from your experience in designing the survey?

The survey designer will be subconsciously adjusting the survey based on his/her experience as both
customer and employee. Even if the designer finds the bank services easy to understand or user-friendly,
his/her opinion won’t be shared by the respondents, so the designer must readjust it over and over again
in order to make it easy to understand. That’s because most respondents don’t have the same experience
or knowledge the survey designer has regarding the topic and respondents will prefer a survey that, while
the topic is an unknown one, the questions are easy to understand with basic concepts.

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