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Rauhul Fauzah

Success in competition will be met if the company can create and

retain customers by creating a sense of comfort through service and
providing room facilities that are not boring for customers, due to
negligence and errors in service can cause customers to feel uncomfortable
and complain about the various problems they face. This customer
complaint, of course, will first be poured into CS as a public relations
officer who is one of the officers who play an important role in handling
customer complaints.
The type of research method used is qualitative research methods
and data collected through interviews, as well as documentation of
information and explanations that are in accordance with the problems
The results of this study explain that customer service as public
relations has carried out its duties and functions correctly, namely as a
receptionist, deskman, salesman, customer relations officer, and as a
communicator. And plays an important role in handling customer
complaints, because the services provided by customer service to customers
who submit complaints will affect the customer's assessment of the bank.
Customer service tries to solve problems faced by customers by using good
service and communication strategies and applying the A3 service concept,
namely attitude, attention and action.
Keywords: Customer Service, Handling Customer Complaints.
Currently, it can be seen that the development of science and
technology has an impact on increasing competition in the business world,
both companies engaged in industry, trade and services, especially in
banking. The development of science and technology has an impact on
increasing competition in the business world, both companies engaged in
industry, trade and services, especially in banking. Success in the
competition will be met if the company can create and retain customers. To
achieve this goal, banking companies require various efforts so that the
planned goals can be achieved. One of the efforts to pamper customers is
through the services provided. Banks must make customers as comfortable
as possible in using financial institutions, namely providing financial
services through collecting and providing funds and other financial
services.1 Service is the key to success to maintain and increase customer
trust, therefore banks need to maintain a positive image in the eyes of the
public, this image is built through product quality, service quality, and
security quality. As a syariah bank, you should have a work environment
that is in line with syariah so that the integrity of a good Muslim executive
is reflected.

In simple terms the term service can be interpreted as "Doing

something for others". While in general service is any activity that is
intended or intended to provide satisfaction to customers, through this
service the desires and needs of customers can be met. Service is the key to
success to maintain and increase customer trust, therefore banks need to
maintain a positive image in the eyes of the public, this image is built
through product quality, service quality, and security quality. As a syariah

Kasmir, Pemasaran Bank.(Jakarta: Kencana, 2005), hal. 201
bank, you should have a work environment that is in line with syariah, so
that it affects good Muslim executives.2

In providing services, customer service at Bank Syariah Indonesia

(BSI) Sub Branch Office (KCP) Praya Sudirman 2 can be said to be at the
forefront of banking, where customers carry out transactions, consultations,
inquires or other matters through CS directly. The role of CS, which is
always dealing directly with customers, can provide a positive perception to
customers. Through CS, banks can also find out what the customer's
expectations are so that the bank can provide what customers need and
want. At BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2, CS is also the party that directly
bridges communication between customers and the company in relation to
transactions or daily operations, especially in terms of accommodating and
submitting customer complaints, because of course every part of the
banking system can make mistakes that result in customers less happy and
less comfortable. Customer complaints are expressions of dissatisfaction
that are suspected to be due to errors or negligence on the part of the bank.
Of course, this complaint will first be submitted to the CS officer. As
happened to BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2 after interviewing CS and several
customers, where there were many customers who submitted complaints
from various problems, ranging from complaints that were conveyed well
even with an emotional tone to anger, the anger of this customer was always
inflicted on CS and not to the part that made the mistake.

Formulation Of The Problem

The problem discussed in this study is related to how the role of

customer service as public relations in overcoming customer complaints at

Muhammad Syafi’i Antonio, Bank Syariah Dari Teori ke Praktik. (Jakarta: Gema
Insani, 2001), hlm. 34
Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2, and how customer service
strategies as public relations in overcoming customer complaints.

Benefits of research

The results of this study are expected to add to the theory in the
development of Islamic banking science, especially those related to
customer service and public relations. At the same time adding to the
literature related to qualitative research. Then, for banking, this research can
be used as input for BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2, especially in customer
service in serving customers. So that it can increase service satisfaction
which makes customers able to receive information easily from customer
service. And the benefit of this research for researchers is that it can be used
as a source of knowledge and insight about customer service performance as
a source of services carried out at BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2 customer
service directly. And for universities, the results of this research can be a
reference and comparison in making further research for students.

Research Methods and Theories

The research method used is a qualitative method, where this

approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data, namely a
research method that describes or describes systematically, factually and
accurately about the facts, characteristics, and the relationship between the
phenomena being investigated.

The theory used as a problem solver in this study is the theory of the
functions and duties of customer service, namely as a receptionist, deskman,
salesman, customer relations officer and communicator. With theory,
researchers will find it easier to interpret a phenomenon or social
phenomenon. This theory will be used as a comparison of information
obtained by researchers. And theory acts as a reinforcement so that
researchers are able to explore research data thoroughly.

Customer satisfaction is a major achievement in companies such as
banks. Customer satisfaction depends on the services provided by the bank,
especially CS. These services include serving customers in meeting their
needs, serving customer transactions, and serving customer complaints. One
of the things that CS must be able to control is customer complaints. If CS
fails to serve customer complaints, what happens is that the customer will
turn to another bank or the customer will bring down the bank's image. If
this happens otherwise, the bank's image will be better in the eyes of the
public because it is able to handle complaints that occur to customers. 3

The role of CS as public relations in dealing with customer

complaints is very important in the banking world, because every customer
who comes to the bank to submit his complaint is always well served and
served with excellent service where SC always helps customers who have
problems to the maximum and find solutions to solve them. customer
problems. Likewise, CS Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 is
always quick to provide understanding and information, knowing in detail
the customer's problems while still providing excellent service, then
providing services to the interests of customers as well as seeing the
problem situation that is expressed in order to be able to provide problem
solving on the spot or give instructions to come tomorrow if the problem
involves several parties other than customer service.

A customer service plays an important role in the company. In

addition to providing services, a CS has the function of fostering public
relations, especially with customers. In addition, customer service must
Rosady Ruslan ,Manajemen Public Relation dan Media Komunikasi: Konsepsi
dan Aplikasi, (Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada 2003) hlm 89.
have the ability and service ethics that function to retain old customers to
continuously use products at the bank and attract new potential customers to
buy the products offered. In providing CS services at Bank Syariah
Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 has carried out its duties and functions
well, namely as a receptionist, deskman, salesman, customer relations
officer, and communicator. The results show that customer service at Bank
Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 has carried out its duties as a
receptionist, where CS at BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2 has served customers
optimally, giving full attention to customer needs and desires and helping
customers in all forms of transactions. . The best service provided to
customers is to try to serve as best as possible and understand every need
and complaint conveyed by customers, and must be patient when serving
customers, speak gently so that customers feel comfortable.As well as
providing maximum service to customers in accordance with the company's
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), such as remaining polite, greeting
well and pleasantly by applying good ethics such as not interrupting
customer conversations, listening carefully to what customers say so that CS
can catch up with them. quickly the intent of the customer and the customer
will feel valued by CS. Statements and opinions from customer service and
active customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 show
that CS has carried out its duties well as a receptionist, customers agree with
this and even customers show satisfaction with the services provided by CS.
Likewise, in terms of handling customer complaints, the services provided
are very influential on customer loyalty. When customers encounter
information difficulties, problems or complaints, CS always serves well,
politely, deftly and quickly which is used as an effort to resolve customer
complaints so that customers are comfortable and problems can be resolved.

CS at BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2 has also carried out his duties as
someone who assists customers in filling out product and service
transactions that will be carried out. Serving various types of applications
(applications) submitted by customers, starting from filling out forms to
assisting in completing required data. CS helps customers and prospective
customers fill out forms, explains the products and services to be taken, then
helps complete the required requirements such as helping to copy/scan the
customer's personal data (KTP/KK). Then give full attention to prospective
customers when showing interest in a banking product, making it easy for
customers to get the services they expect. This is shown by showing
enthusiasm to serve and assist customers in filling out forms, then serving to
complete the transactions made by customers.It can be understood that from
the statements of CS and customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya
Sudirman 2, after conducting in-depth interviews and observations, it can be
seen that CS has carried out its duties as a deskman well. In handling
customer complaints, the role of Cs as a deskman is also very helpful in
dealing with complaints and problems faced by customers, for example,
when a customer gets a problem regarding an application provided by the
bank, then CS will immediately help to solve the problem by implementing
its function as a person who serves charging. banking application.

At Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 plays an

important role as a means of promotion and marketing of banking products
and services as well as conducting cross selling. Bank CS in serving
customers always tries to be attractive and friendly by seducing prospective
customers to become bank customers in various ways, such as offering
products as attractive as possible by giving gifts, bonuses and showing the
advantages of banking products. In addition to CS's duties as a salesman, the
bank hopes that from the services provided, customers can participate in
promoting the bank to others. CS at BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2, really
plays its role in marketing products because CS has the convenience of
interacting with customers directly. The most important role of CS is as a
party who can foster and maintain good relations with its customers, when
the bank's relationship with customers is well established, it is very useful in
handling complaints by CS, in dealing with customer complaints, CS always
shows that CS is able to solve the problems encountered, this is to provide
assurance that what they say is really being heard.Record the complaint
neatly and promise to the customer that they will immediately follow up on
the matter and inform the customer as soon as possible the results.
Throughout the process of receiving complaints from customers, the
customer service is expected to remain polite and use good sentences, even
though the customers already sound angry and disrespectful.The CS effort
of Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 in fostering good
relations with its customers is to apply basic ethics in serving customers,
such as knowing customers so that they can easily handle customers, then
knowing the wishes of customers so that banks will be able to fulfill their
wishes which will have an impact on customer loyalty. Then help every
customer's desires and needs, always pay attention to the problems faced by
customers, be polite and friendly in serving customers, have a high sense of
tolerance, take care of customers' feelings, can restrain emotions and can
please others, especially customers. At Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya
Sudirman 2 CS has served customers well, helped customers solve problems
and find solutions to problems faced by customers.This is in accordance
with what CS BSI KCP Praya Sudirman 2 has done, namely CS serves and
retains customers by providing excellent service to customers by
implementing applicable SOPs to ensure that customer complaints can be
resolved properly and on target, then give the best impression in each
service provided. to customers.

The task of CS as a communicator can be explained that by carrying

out his duties as a communicator CS can easily serve complaints and
problems faced by customers. What customer service does when handling
customer complaints is to listen to what customers say, ask questions to
customers or repeat things that have been conveyed by customers to ensure
that there are no misunderstandings from both parties. As a communicator,
CS is tasked with providing information to customers and as a liaison
between banks and customers or other parties with an interest in the
company.Including as a place to accommodate complaints, objections, and
consultations for each customer. A CS certainly has defined functions and
duties that must be carried out as well as possible, namely providing
services and fostering relationships with the community, CS must also be
able to maintain old customers so that they remain bank customers.CS
functions as a source of information and intermediary between banks and
customers who want to get bank services and products, as well as receiving
complaints from customers and finding solutions to every problem faced by
their customers and finding a way out of every problem faced by their
customers by friendly, polite attitude, not interrupting customer
conversations, and listening to customer complaints with empathy and then
providing solutions for any problems faced by customers.4

As someone who plays an important role in overcoming customer

complaints, CS at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 always
provides understanding and information, knows in detail the customer's
problems, then provides services to the interests of customers. Then carry
out procedures to provide solutions to customers, namely treating customers
well, when they find angry customers trying to appear empathetic to
customers. As well as being humble and patiently giving explanations
slowly so as not to be provoked by emotions.The strategy implemented by
CS at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya Sudirman 2 to address customer
complaints is to regulate the implementation of communication while still
serving customers with the best service and in accordance with service
Nina Rahmayanty, Manajemen Pelayanan Prima, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu,
2010), hlm 55.
SOPs applicable to banking which are included in the communication
strategy. Then recognize and understand the character of the customer who
submits the complaint, then CS prepares the information to be conveyed
related to customer problems. Establish service standards that are supported
by the facilities and infrastructure owned which directly affect the quality of
services provided. In dealing with customer complaints, CS must always
behave well with customers when submitting complaints, accommodate and
record problems faced by customers then analyze the problems that occur
and CS quickly take action by finding the best solution for customers. With
the implementation of a good service strategy, customers feel comfortable
submitting complaints to CS and are satisfied with the answers and services
provided because CS is able to handle customer complaints well. So when
customer service which acts as public relations can carry out its role well, it
can be said that a bank is successful in its service.

The service procedures provided by CS at BSI KCP Praya Sudirman

2 in dealing with customer complaints are as follows:

a. Accept complaints well

CS let the customer know that CS paid attention to what the
customer said, then admitted if he made a mistake, didn't forget to
apologize immediately for the inconvenience caused by the error, then
CS said he would fix the error at the appointed time. However, if it
turns out that the complaint submitted by the customer is not caused by
CS's fault and there has been a misunderstanding, just tell the customer
that CS understands how the problem can make them disappointed. As
a CS, you don't just agree with what customers say, but you can still
respect their feelings.
b. Show empathy and good communication
Show empathy to customers and provide two benefits in handling
customer complaints. First, as a standard for CS action in building self-
perception of complaints, so that CS will have a sense of what if they
were in their position. Second as self-perception to customers.
c. Map the problem of customer complaints
After hearing the complaints submitted by customers, CS can
understand well what problems are actually being faced. After that, do a
quick analysis of problems and handling complaints and whether the
solutions provided are successful so that they can be used to handle
other customer complaints.
d. Immediately handle complaints quickly
After CS understands the core of the complaint faced by the
customer and apologizes for it, now CS can offer the right solution to
overcome it. Explain the solution to the customer and confirm whether
the solution can solve their problem.
e. Provide the best solution
Handling customer complaints is not finished until actually
implementing the solutions that have been offered. The implementation
of the solution must be an efficient experience for the customer. For
example, a customer submits a complaint because the website's network
server suddenly went down. Make sure the customer knows that CS
understands the urgency of the problem and then fix it in a few hours.


Based on the research that has been done by researchers, both

research data obtained from documentation, interviews and observations, it
can be concluded that Customer service at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP
Praya Sudirman 2 has carried out its duties and functions well. The role of
customer service as public relations in handling customer complaints is as
an intermediary that bridges between customers who file complaints with
the bank who will solve the problem. Customer service also plays an
important role in handling customer complaints, because the services
provided by customer service to customers who submit complaints will
affect the customer's assessment of the Bank. The roles of Customer Service
in dealing with customers who make complaints are:

1. Be concerned and empathetic to customers,

2. Asking questions clearly Help find the best solution that can solve
customer problems,
3. Fostering good relations with customers and maintaining the good image
of the bank.


1. Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Praya sudirman 2 must maintain the image
of the bank and always improve the quality of products and services as
well as services and the banking system so that no more customers will
experience problems. And prepare a form regarding customer satisfaction
to be able to measure banking performance.
2. Good customers, should be wiser in addressing the problems that occur.
Convey well and explain in detail the complaints submitted.
3. For further research, it is expected to be able to conduct better research
by adding respondents to the study and using appropriate research
methods to obtain credible research results.
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