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Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia.

E-ISSN : 2985-4393

ESD 003 :
Services And Products On Customer Satisfaction: Evidence
From Bank BSI Batam
Muhammad Gunawan 1

1 Student Department of Postgraduate Management, University Of Ibnu Sina
Ina Kurniati 2

2 Student Department of Postgraduate Management, University Of Ibnu Sina
Sabri 3

3 Lecturer Department of Postgraduate Management, University Of Ibnu Sina
Hendri Herman 4

Lecturer Department of Postgraduate Management, University Of Ibnu Sina


ABSTRACT. The development of the business world today is characterized by increasing

competition is important. The research objective was to determine the effect of
services and products on customer satisfaction at Bank BSI Batam. The number of
samples is 263 people and the respondents are customers of Bank BSI Batam. The
method used is quantitative causality with multiple linear regression analysis. Finding
the research is partial and simultaneously service and product have a significant effect
on customer satisfaction of Bank BSI Batam.

KEYWORDS: Service, Product, Customer Satisfaction

The development of the business world today is characterized by increasingly fierce
competition, therefore the role of marketing is increasingly important and becomes the
determinant of every company. The success of the company's business is determined by
the success of its marketing in implementing a profit oriented strategy. The development of
a business in managing strategy, it needs a managerial role to be able to accommodate
existing resources. Competition in the banking and financial services industry is intensifying,
requiring banks to understand the needs and desires of their customers because each bank
will compete to provide banking products and services that are in accordance with customer
wishes and better the quality will be chosen by customers.
Companies that can create value will have superior business performance, because
providing superior value to customers can be done through the provision of products and
services offered better than competitors. If the bank is able to realize it continuously, it is
expected to support its business performance in the long term. Intense competition requires
bank management to observe and even make intelligence on the activities carried out by its
competitors. As is known that the bank's business flow is effectively able to stabilize the
national economy from a financial point of view.
Behavior and the dynamics of customer behavior are very important bank managers
so that in preparing future plans can satisfy their customers. The creation of superior value
products such as savings and credit can be done appropriately if the bank is able to correctly
understand the needs and expectations of its customers. If banking management is able to
properly estimate the needs and desires of future customers, the bank can develop
innovative products and service strategies to more quickly grasp opportunities.
Customer needs for banking services are increasing, so this increase is responded
by the bank management by developing various products and services according to

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 2985-4393

customer needs. The management always wants the service of its employees to customers
according to the standards set by the company.
The management of Bank BSI Batam has tried to provide the best for its customers,
such as having expert employees who face customers directly, then providing qualified
facilities to support smooth transactions to customers actively. In addition, being able to
communicate clearly, pleasantly, being able to capture customer desires and being able to
provide trust to customers, so that customers feel confident to invest in Bank BSI Batam.
Bank management provides services to its customers in two methods, namely direct
service (offline) and online services. These services both provide good benefits for both
parties. There are many customer connections at Bank BSI Batam, of course, realized by
the bank management, if the services provided are far from perfect.
To find out the imperfections of the service, the management provides a suggestion
or complaint box. Therefore, with the presence of a suggestion box and complaints it is
known that employee services still need improvement. Customer advice to bank BSI Batam
employees to always provide excellent service, while customer complaints, such as there
are still some teller employees and customer service who are not friendly when serving
customers when making transactions, the number of teller employees is small, causing
customers to queue and the waiting room facilities are not pleasant because it is narrow.
In addition to direct services provided by the bank, there are also online services such
as mobile banking, internet banking, online clearing, and cash deposits via ATM. Online
services are currently very preferred by customers who have a busy work, because they
follow the current trends of the digital era, prioritize a millennial lifestyle and there is a shift
in changes towards self-service (independent).
In principle, online services are very good, but there is a cultural change that originally
existed in the interweaving of reprimanding each other at the time of the transaction, but with
the existence of online all of that no longer exists. The two services above have advantages
and disadvantages, meaning that offline services still prioritize the culture of knowing each
other and reprimanding each other when making transactions while online prioritizes a
person's independence in serving himself by using services available through a system
designed automatically by the program designer.
Problems that often occur in online services, namely network disruptions when making
online transactions, vulnerable to online transaction fraud and system hacking of customer
data for criminal purposes. Every company is always maximal through products in producing
products to target business targets with the hope that the product is liked by customers
because of the benefits offered and bring business benefits over a long period.
In general, bank BSI Batam savings products each have good benefits, it's just that
the problem is that people who earn a minimum wage standard cannot save and enjoy the
benefits of savings products offered by Bank BSI Batam. Banking companies that use the
concept of offline and online marketing in their marketing use the view that the success of
marketing management depends on the company's ability to meet the needs and desires of
customers. Banks that use the concept of marketing in managing pay attention to the
godliness and desires of their customers.
The creation of new products and improvements to the services provided are based
on the voice and input of customers, that in marketing banking products and services, it is
also not only pursuing transactions but emphasizes more on establishing satisfactory
relationships between customers and bank management.
Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of marketing, because banks that are
oriented towards the concept of offline and online marketing will pay attention to the
importance of building long term relationships. Bank management that is proactive in making
improvement efforts to satisfy customers so that these customers are loyal. In general,
regarding customer satisfaction, there is no problem, it's just that the levelof satisfaction that
is relatively fat cannot be measured.

According to (Kasmir, 2017: 2) said the success of a company's business depends on
the service of various influencing factors such as the presence of human resources that play

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 2985-4393

a role, available capital resources, and marketing strategies based on contemporary or

sophisticated technology.
Service is an effort to achieve customer needs or desires and the accuracy of delivery
to reach the consumer target, namely the existence of standards or conformity of
expectations with the perception of mamanagement (Sunyoto, 2018: 240). Service is any
action that is required in displaying the image of the organization in providing services that
can satisfy all customers (Haryono, 2018: 4).
Service is an employee action that isshown to create a customer's satisfaction with
customers / fellow karyawan at work (Kasmir, 2017: 47). Service is all activities carried out
or carried out by company employees to get an intangible customer experience without being
accompanied by the movement of ownership rightsn anything (Widjojo, 2014: 136).
Service is an action and the result of one's work is given by a person to a different
person without form and without resulting in a change of property rights (Hurriyati, 2015: 27).
Based on the opinions of some of the experts above, it is concluded that service is an act
carried out by a person to another person which is intangible in nature but can only be felt
in the form of an impression, thus making the person feel satisfied.
According to Kasmir (2017: 5) said the service provided to customers or customers is
to have the same goal, namely satisfying customers. Product adjustment requires a balance
between service to consumers, meaning that each product needs its own handling so that it
is more targeted.
The factors that affect service, namely the large number of workers who are members
of the service, the skill of employees in serving, the motives of employees at the time of
service, leadership that is serving, the existence of an organizational culture that supports
the creation of a good service, employee welfare in every trip given, a positive work
environment, the support of the facilities and facilities used, the benefits of the technology
used in providing services.
The effectiveness of observance of the attitude of the workforce is a priority in the
service. Employees who are the spearhead in providing services and need to be provided
with sufficient knowledge and skills.
According to (Kasmir, 2017: 53) says service to customers is based on the weight of
an employee. As for the basics of the service in question, namely looking neat and clean,
fragrant body scent refreshing, more confident in yourself, always being familiar and smiling
cheaply, greeting others politely and trying to say names if you are familiar, being calm and
diligent in fighting, having a sense of courtesy in communicating, respect in terms of mutual
respect, always using language that is pleasant in speaking, always eager in serving and
not interrupting the conversation when the other person is talking.
According to (Kasmir, 2017: 11), that banking management wants services provided
to customers, co-workers that are compact and the implementation of or rules made by
management in order to boost customer satisfaction. The characteristics of a good service
can provide satisfaction to customers, including professional employees, facilities and
infrastructure, a variety of products, being responsible, serving, clear communication and
guarantee of confidentiality
According to (Suryani, 2017: 194) says quality service is very important for customers
and banks. If the bank provides good service, it provides several benefits, namely the
realization of satisfaction. Which if a person feels satisfied from the service he receives, it
will be made of satisfaction and even able to create an essential taste. The customer's sense
of loyalty cannot afford to be bought with a number, but with the primacy of a service can
stimulate the customer's loyalty.
According to (Malau, 2017: 31) states product as the result of production carried out
by many people, covering the overall concept. In one unit, the concept in question includes
good services, benefits and guarantees. A product is a real object or in the form of a service
product that can be seen or tangible and can even be held that is designed to satisfy the
desires or needs of customers (Malau, 2017: 31).
Product is a form of goods/services, services that are presented in meeting the needs
customers (Widjojo, 2018: 117). A product is something that is done in the form of goods or
services that are bargained by the customer in order to get attention and be purchased by
customers (Kasmir, 2017: 189). Based on the statements of the experts above, it is

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 2985-4393

concluded that the product is a product or service that has good benefits for those who buy
and are guaranteed by the company that sells the product.
According to (Malau, 2017: 33) states that the product can be categorized as a matter
of durability, which is a thing that has a shape and can be resistant and useful, can be used
repeatedly, and age the item is in normal use for at least many years and goods without
long lasting are goods that have a form and are immediately consumed in the same time
as normal use is not reaching annually.
Then it is categorized based on the type of public consumption which includes
consumer products that are purchased for direct taste and there are several types of it,
namely comfortable products, ordinary products, special products and external products.
According to (Malau, 2017: 38) states product attributes are factors that consumers
consider in deciding about purchasing a product brand or product category that sticks to the
product or becomes part of the product. This concept of attributes product refers to the view
that the market chooses products that are more useful, quality, innovative. The fall of choice
to the product is certainly a multiple of the value of benefits, the value of the quality of a
product, the value of innovation and the value of the price of the product. The satisfaction
obtained by the customer can be accumulated from the added value of the compensatory.
If the customer provides added value to a product, then the assessment is the total
value of the total components above. Marketers should make the value of their products
higher against competitors in the eyes of their customers. Customers are already satisfied
with using the products offered instead of using other people's products. Global competition
is competing to attract customers by presenting products that can really give you a sense of
satisfaction that is significant. Customers always choose the best products from many highly
competitive options. Therefore, this condition requires that every creative company create a
quality product that can meet the needs and desires of customers that are satisfactory.
A quality product is a product that is in demand by customers, because customers
desire to want their fasting to be fulfilled so that they are without fear of the number of bills.
The company has a duty to be able to fulfill the wishes of its customers from each product it
produces. The product being marketed must be a product charged with high level of power,
so that when it is marketed, the product can survive and not disappoint. In preparing a
product, companies must seek three considerations in carrying out the development of a
product, namely the core of the product, the form of the product and the product being
refined. These products have their own ways of marketing.
Customer assessment of the company's products, which includes the weaknesses and
strengths of such products over competitors' products and information that is not biased
towards the real performance of the product and based on sales, profit and market share.
Customer assessments on products can establish the steps that the company takes, and
the acceptance of criticism and suggestions by customers should be received with open
arms, for the good of the product.
Rejection of customer criticism by the company is sometimes a problem that can cause
losses for companies That concentrate on developing their products instead of paying
attention to competitors' products can create losses because competitors' products, for
example, are of higher quality and cheaper than the products being offered. The knowledge
of competitors makes in the customer's assessment of the new products offered.
According to (Malau, 2017: 40) that products are classified based on their usefulness
and function. The change of one or more of the above Five attributes classifies the value of
the product itself. Any change of any of these attributes makes a difference in the product's
satisfaction value to the user. The change from value to difference for a new product to
consumers and the opportunity in market.
According to (Kasmir, 2017: 235) states that customer satisfaction can also be
influenced by product quality, price, and other factors. Customer experience in transactions
varies, but they have one goal, which is to want to get satisfaction with the service they
receive. It should be noted that in reality the level of customer satisfaction also varies based
on the background of the customer himself. Understanding the customer experience, it is
hoped that company employees can provide the best service possible, so that customers
get satisfaction with the service they want.
Customer satisfaction is a measure of a person's feeling level after comparing the
performance or results obtained compared to expectations (Sunyoto, 2018: 227). (Kasmir,

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 2985-4393

2017: 236) the satisfaction of a person is a desire for a form. According to (Priansa, 2017:
197) the feeling of satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment belongs to sea
person about what he receives and gets and compares with his initial expectations. Based
on the theory of the experts above, it is concluded that customer or customer satisfaction is
the degree or level of a person's feelings towards something that is owned with a satisfactory
value. According to (Kasmir, 2017: 234) states Customers who arrive for transactions
generally come from different regions, groups or groups. These differences start from the
origin, taste, ethnicity, religion, customs, fish pendid and diversity of income size.
According (Kasmir, 2017: 237) states that customer satisfaction is not only influenced
by many service factors, but also by other factors. It's just that the service factor is the main
factor in determining customer satisfaction. Factors in influencing customer satisfaction in
addition to service factors, namely product quality, pricing, strategic location, product brand,
packaging, design, color, and others. Therefore, to provide optimal satisfaction, the services
provided by employees must be followed by the above factors. If any of the above factors
are not met, then it affects the overall customer satisfaction.
According to (Kasmir, 2017: 238) that it is often unheard of that the quantity of
subscriptions increases sharply as customer desires rise. The subject of this starts from
employees and superiors to streng then their best service. The increase in customer
satisfaction, of course, provides a lot of benefits for employees and the company. In reality,
if the customer is satisfied with the service offered, then the advantages that the company
receives, especially for customers who have purchased in the company, namely the
satisfaction of senior customers.

This research uses quantitative research, where this research explains the effect of
services and products on customer satisfaction at PT Bank BSI Batam. According to
(Sugiyono, 2013: 80), it states that population is a whole consisting of objects / subyects
that have certain qualities and characteristics set by the researcher to be studied then the
conclusion was drawn and the population was the active customers of IDR premium token
savings at Bank BSI Batam as many as 766 people. The sample is part of the number and
characteristics possessed by the population (Sugiyono, 2013: 81). In this case, the
researcher uses a sampling technique, namely Probability Sampling with a random sampling
technique. With the slovin formula used with an error rate of 5%, there was a sample sample
of 263 respondents. In this study, the questionnaire used as a tool for collecting data from
respondents, whose contents were carefully compiled.

Based on the data that is tabulated and then processed with statistical test tools, the
results can be known in the next explanation. From the processed data for the validity test
of each variable, it was obtained hasil the value of r-count > r-table 0.198 so that it was
declared valid. In the reability test each variable has a Cronbach Alpa value of > 0.60 so that
it is declared realiable. This study has qualified the classical assumptions of normality,
multicholinearity and heteroskedasticity.
Table 1: Test Result t

Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 2985-4393

The results of data processing for free variable T tests (services and products)
obtained calculated T values> T tables (7,993> 1,652 and 6,358> 1,652) and Sig values<
0.05 (0.000<0.05), so that the decision of the free variable partially has a significant
effect on the bound variable.
Table 2: Test Result F

The results of data processing for the F test obtained calculated F values> Ftables
(320,903> 3.04) and Sig values< 0.05 (0.000<0.05), so that the decisionof yes free variables
simultaneously had a significant effect on the significance of the against bound variables.
Table 3: Determinant Test

Based The results of data processing for the determination test obtained an R value
of 2, namely 0.712, so that the contribution of free variables to bound variables was 71.2%.

Based on the results and findings, it can be concluded as follows. Partially service has
a significant effect on customer satisfaction at Bank BSI Batam. Partially, the product has a
significant effect on customer satisfaction at Bank BSI Batam. Services and products have
a positive and significant influence together on customer satisfaction at Bank BSI Batam.

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Conference LIS 2022 @ Kota Jambi, Indonesia. E-ISSN : 2985-4393

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