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Sayed Md.

Kowser Hamid 1

Fetal Pig Anatomy/ Food Analysis

What was the overall purpose of the laboratory?

The purpose of the First part of the lab is pig anatomy. The purpose of the second part of the lab

is food analysis. The reason we chose pig anatomy was that the organs in a pig are very similar

to the organs in a human being but it's smaller and more compact. The second part of the lab

discussed food analysis. Proper, nutritious, and healthy food for everyone has become an

important issue for the whole world. The four molecules described in food analysis are

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids 

What experiment or methodology was introduced in this virtual lab?

One experiment showed in the virtual lab is that they cut open a fetal pig and showed the organs

inside of the pig. The professor showed the fetal pig’s sexual organs and described them. One

method to identify the sex of pigs is lifting their tail and looking underneath it, the male will

have an indent and the female will have something sticking out. if we were to dissect it would be

with the fusion between the vagina and the bladder and the male pigs have the penises inside the

body only coming out when it's erect or when they want to mate. Another experiment we talked

about is Benedict’s reagent. It’s used to see the sugars present in food without having the label.

The reagent starts with blue and it changes color from green to reddish orangs, when put glucose

or sugar samples in it. Another color u might see is yellowish-brown which will appear when

you put in starch. 

Sayed Md. Kowser Hamid 2

What is the application of this experiment/methodology in the real-world?

The fetal pig was used because it is very similar to the human anatomy but it’s smaller and more

compact. This gives us a real idea of human organs. The reason this experiment is so important.

It’s better to have hands-on experience because it leads to a better understanding of the body,

unlike textbooks which only provide information. Food analysis can help us in real life because

we can analyze what we eat and we can understand what’s in our food, we can also see if the

food we are eating has the molecules we need to eat are present.

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