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Sweeps, Circular Arrays and Secondary Feature Modeling

1. Sketch the geometry as show below on the “Front” plane.

2. Select Revolve.

3. Select the “XY – aka: Front” plane and start a sketch on it. Rebuild after completion.

4. Create a plane using the “Plane” tool located under “Parallel to Plane through Point”
Select “Finish Sketch”. Note: The 2 ingredients for creating a Parallel plane to a curve are the
YZ plane and the end Point of the curve you just completed in the last section.

5. In the “Left” view orientation select the new plane and RMB click on the end of
the curve, select Project Geometry.

6. Sketch the following using center point arc and lines, and insert relations and
dimensions as shown.

7. Creating a Sweep: Select the Sweep Icon. Then select the Path and Profile.

8. Add .188” Fillets on the bottom edges of the spoke.

9. Add .25” fillets to the intersection of the Spoke and Center.

Creating the Circular Pattern/Array

10. Select the spoke feature then select the Circular Pattern Icon. Then select the
Rotation Axis icon and the actual cylinder face located at the center and the
Spoke. Enter 3 for the number of spokes. Note: be sure to select the fillets as well, or they
will not show up on the instances.

2. Select the “XY” plane and start a sketch on it. Draw the following and don’t
forget the Centerline.

3. Select the Boss-Revolve Icon, and revolve 360 “One-Direction”.

4. Add .25” fillets around the intersections of the handle and spokes”.

5. You are finished.


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