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Exercise 5: Loft and Shell

By Isidro V. Marfori III

1. Start a Part file in Solidworks.

2. Select the Right Plane at the Features Manager Design Tree.
3. Click the create new sketch icon to create a sketch at
the right plane. This sketch will be called “sketch1” as
its default name.

4. Draw the following figure. Make sure to add the necessary smart dimension, relations and construction

5. Exit the sketch and select the right plane once more.
6. Click the plane icon from the reference geometry toolbar.

7. Select distance from the plane properties manager and set the value to
8. Create a new sketch using plane1 as the reference plane.

9. Draw the following figure. Make sure to add the necessary smart dimension, relations and construction

Make sure that the circle is at the center

with reference to the rectangle at sketch1.
You can do this by creating two
construction line from the center of the
circle up o the midpoint of the top edge and
left edge of the rectangle. Make the two
construction lines vertical and horizontal,

10. Exit the sketch. The model should look like the following.

11. Click the loft icon located at the command manager when its at its features mode.
12. Select Sketch1 and Sketch2 for the profile at the loft properties manager.

13. Click the check button. The model should look like the following.

The loft command allows you to create a three

dimensional feature similar to extrude but
uses two or more sketches to create a complex

14. Select the shell icon located at the command manager when it is at its features mode.
15. From the shell properties manager, select the two surfaces of the model for the faces to remove section
and set the distance to 6mm.

16. Click the check button. The model should look

like the following.

The shell command allows you to transform a

solid feature into a shelled feature. You can input
the thickness and select surfaces to remove.

17. Create the two remaining features to finish the model.

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