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NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL KINGS OF EGYPT (including the Roman Emperors) During the Early Dynastic Period, the chief name (Horus-name) of the king was written in a rectangular frame called a serekh, The bottom part ofthe frame contained a design of panelling, and the whole was surmounted by a figure of a falcon-the god Horus, In the case of Peribsen of the Second Dynasty, the Seth-animal replaced the falcon, while the serekh of Khasekhemwy was surmounted by both falcon and Seth-animal. A second name sometimes accompanied the Horus-name, or was used independently; it was introduced by one or both of the two titles Wa ‘King of Upper and Lower Egypt’ and “The Two Ladies’, FIRST DYNASTY = DUE B | Bu) Ssh v4 f | Tu Narmer Aha Diec A a it ws MON ital Sid S477 84/5) ies 44 ge i im 7 if Hotepsekhemwy Nynetjer Semerkhet Qaa Anediib Ke IS is Peribsen Khasekhemwy THIRD DYNASTY S Bb SZs B | a Wi |e i i Sanakhte Djoser Sekhemkhet Khaba From the Old Kingdom the Egyptian king normally possessed five names: the Horus-name, the “Two Ladies’-name, the Golden Horus-name (of uncertain origin), the prenomen (preceded by thetitle +, translated usually “King of Upper and Lower Egypt’) and the nomen (preceded by the title GQ ‘Son of Re’). The nomen was first used by kings of the Fifth Dynasty who were specially devoted to the worship of Re. Prenomens and nomens were regularly enclosed within ovals called cartouches, which depict loops of rope with tied ends. By having his name so enclosed, the king possibly wished to convey pictorially that he was ruler of all ‘that which is encircled by the sun’, From the late Eighteenth Dynasty onwards additional epithets were regularly introduced into the cartouches. In times when the claim to the throne of all Egypt was disputed kings sometimes avoided the WZ. -title and used J, ‘the good god’. The names within cartouches are those by which a King is normally identified. Is FOURTH DYNASTY We Te OME OO A) fs) (2s) @ sy yeyw wu Sneferu Cheops Chephren Mycerinus: Shepseskaf FIFTH DYNASTY aA & Userkaf Sahure Nyuserre Unas es {) = => (= a, We *2 1 Ae) Rf 1 Syiag Teti Pepi Merenre Pepi tl 4 i (srw = = i ELEVENTH DYNASTY sole OR ant ACY genic | HC) naa Pleat: Saal sea) HEU SHEN)! ~~ Egk@aa) oh teil ME 5c, HOD i=} | hE); SH(od § aay CED acesel FIFTEENTH DYNASTY 3) THIRTEENTH DYNASTY oh Sea); Sen)’ NA, resi oh 49) eae)’ rbd) C=W) Neferhotep I Khyan Apo} f I Sobkhotpe It ohh), 7 C=s) GTS); RCI! ofl eaie)) 7 Cbs) Ife); Shels=()? a GS) : Shele 3)" “Sed 3} aCe); Hepes Were Were a & RS We Tuthmosis 111 at HO)’ oe Shows): OpnCale | j > SRCEoV =), Adds: els mheb mun ‘Amenop! NINETEENTH DYNASTY Be BS a | ai cs AS ae la Ee TWENTIETH DYNASTY S& ME i a le Ramesses m1 fe camesses IV Ramesses IX TWENTY-FIRST DYNASTY TWENTY-SECOND DYNASTY MRE MEME OVE) (2\(e O*\(pe) (2)\ (= QB las] lah] 34) [48 )| ast y= || #6 Sty Ge S Smendes Psusent I Osorkon II TWENTY-FIFTH DYNASTY ue ts > mS =—— a Ero (Ee*9) (CBB a hCAD) ACAD “GB cous, Wess Mena gag, | MEE a woe mz), ao _— Hees), oa esd), Some KCTS) Weeal Kesey s Necta & THIRTIETH DYN 4 Zz TWENTY-SIXTH DYNASTY TWENTY-SEVENTH DYNASTY TWENTY-NINTH DYNASTY DIE GSE 448 Sal Prolemy V' Epiphanes Cleopatra VIL LCT HGMSENS ILD ; MGM SRS — ‘ GS AAU ESKER SAGAN Te) KEN! was isola Ptolemy I Soter I Si 6) BAM Diocletian

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