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Answer all Questions

For each of the following questions, you can find:

1. Description of the requirements.
2. Testing example(s).
3. Function prototype that you should write your code inside it. The function
already declared and defined in the given start-up code.
4. Helper function(s), if any, that can be used in the solution.
5. Evaluation marks.

Q1 Find Occurrences
focc <string> <substring>
• This command should search for the given substring in string and then
return the number of occurrences of this substring if found or zero if not
• <string> is sample statement
• <substring> contains a character or more that we need to find the number
of its occurrences in <string>
• The given string contains multiple words separated by underscore; i.e. the
underscore acts here exactly as if spaces exist between words
• The substring is not necessary be exist in the given string and in this case
return 0
FOS> focc hello_world ld ➔ 1 (hello_world)
FOS> focc hello_world l ➔ 3 (hello_world)
FOS> focc hello_world_o_w o_w ➔ 2 (hello_world_o_w)
FOS> focc hellohellohellohello lo ➔ 4 (hellohellohellohello)
FOS> focc operating_systems ss ➔ 0 (Not exist)
FOS> focc defenselessness ss ➔ 2 (defenselessness)
FOS> focc ppppppp pp ➔ 3 (ppppppp)

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Your code MUST be written inside the following function:

int FindNoOcc(int num_of_args, char** arguments)

1. arguments[1]: A string
2. arguments[2]: A substring we need to find the number of its
Return: Number of occurrences of the given substring in a sample
input string
a) Correct code logic [2 marks]
b) Successful run [3 marks]

[Q1 Total: 5 marks]

Q2 Calculate Array Variance

cav <array name>
• This command should calculate the variance (𝜎 2 ) of the elements in the given
<array name>, according to the following equation:
2 (𝐴)
𝑖=0 (𝐴[𝑖] − 𝜇(𝐴))
𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝐴 = 𝜎 =
▪ N: array size
▪ 𝜇(𝐴): is the mean (average) of the array elements:
𝑖=0 𝐴[𝑖]
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝐴 = 𝜇(𝐴) =
• NOTEs:
1. use integer data types (no float, no double)
2. cnia is already implemented inside the given code
FOS> cnia x 3 10 20 30
FOS> cnia y 4 400 400
FOS> cav x //should print 66
FOS> cav y //should print 40,000

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Your code MUST be written inside the following function:

int CalcArrVar(char** arguments)

arguments[1]: array name

Helper Functions:
• strcmp(const char *p, const char *q): to compare string p to string q

a) Correct code logic [2 marks]
b) Successful run [3 marks]

[Q2 Total: 5 marks]

Q3 Count free pages inside a table

cfp <table number>
This command should count the number of free pages inside the given
<table number>. A free page is the one that's not connected to any frame.
If the table is not exists, you should return -1.
FOS> cfp 960 (number of free pages inside table # 960 = 0)
FOS> cfp 0 (table is not exists, it should return -1)
Your code MUST be written inside the following function:
int CountFreePagesInTable(char** arguments)
1. arguments[1]: table number
2. If table exists, return number of free pages.
3. Else, return -1.

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a) Correct code logic [2 marks]
b) Successful run [3 marks]

[Q3 Total: 5 marks]

Q4 Count modified pages in a virtual range

cmps <start va in HEX> <end va in HEX>
This command should count the number of modified pages inside the
given virtual range [<start va>, <end va>).
FOS> cmps F0000000 F0005000
➔ (no modified pages in this range)
FOS> wum 0xF0000000 A ➔ write 'A' at F0000000 (1st page in the range)
FOS> wum 0xF0000005 B ➔ write 'B' at F0000005 (still in the 1st page)
FOS> wum 0xF0003000 C ➔ write 'C' at F0003000 (4th page in the range)
FOS> wum 0xF0004FFF D ➔ write 'D' at F0004FFF (last byte in the 5th page
in the range)
FOS> cmps F0000000 F0005000
➔ (num of modified pages in this range = 3)
FOS> wum 0xF0005000 X ➔ write 'X' at F0005000 (page outside the range)
FOS> cmps F0000000 F0005000
➔ (num of modified pages in this range = 3)
Your code MUST be written inside the following function:

int CountModifiedPagesInRange(char** arguments)

1. arguments[1]: start virtual address of the range (in HEX)

2. arguments[2]: end virtual address of the range (in HEX)

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3. number of modified pages in the given range
1. You may need to use PERM_MODIFIED
2. There's a constant in the code called "PAGE_SIZE" which equal to
3. You can use "ROUNDDOWN" and "ROUNDUP" functions, described
below in order to round the virtual addresses on multiple of

Function Description Defined in…

ROUNDUP Rounds a given “value” to the nearest upper

(value, align) value that is divisible by “align”.

ROUNDDOWN Rounds a given “value” to the nearest lower

(value, align) value that is divisible by “align”.

a) Correct code logic [2 marks]
b) Successful run [3 marks]

[Q4 Total: 5 marks]

Wishing to you all the best

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