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A customer is an individual or business that purchases the goods or services produced by a

business. Attracting customers is the primary goal of most public-facing businesses, because it is
the customer who creates demand for goods and services. Businesses often compete through
advertisements or lowered prices to attract an ever-larger customer base.

In sales, commerce and economics, a customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer,

or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea - obtained from
a seller, vendor, or supplier via a financial transaction or exchange for money or some other
valuable consideration. An ultimate etymology of "client" may imply someone
merely inclined to do business, whereas a purchaser procures goods or services on occasion but a
customer customarily or habitually engages in transactions. Such distinctions have no
contemporary semantic weight.

Businesses often follow the adage "the customer is always right" because happy customers are
expected to continue buying goods and services from companies that meet their needs. Many
companies closely monitor the relationships they have with customers, often asking for feedback
to learn whether new products should be created or adjustments made to what is currently
offered. Virtually everybody in a modern economy buys products or services from companies,
and so almost everybody at least occasionally acts as a customer. Several traits mark a customer
as opposed to a client or vendor.


Customers play the most significant part in business. In fact the customer is the actual boss in a
deal and is responsible for the actually profit for the organization. Customer is the one who uses
the products and services and judges the quality of those products and services. Hence it’s
important for an organization to retain customers or make new customers and flourish business.
To manage customers, organizations should follow some sort of approaches like segmentation or
division of customers into groups because each customer has to be considered valuable and

Customers can be of following types:

1. Loyal Customers- These types of customers are less in numbers but promote more sales
and profit as compared to other customers as these are the ones which are completely
satisfied. These customers revisit the organization over times hence it is crucial to interact
and keep in touch with them on a regular basis and invest much time and effort with
them. Loyal customers want individual attention and that demands polite and respectful
responses from supplier.
2. Discount Customers- Discount customers are also frequent visitors but they are only a
part of business when offered with discounts on regular products and brands or they buy
only low cost products. More is the discount the more they tend towards buying. These
customers are mostly related to small industries or the industries that focus on low or
marginal investments on products. Focus on these types of customers is also important as
they also promote distinguished part of profit into business.
3. Impulsive Customers- These customers are difficult to convince as they want to do the
business in urge or caprice. They don’t have any specific item into their product list but
urge to buy what they find good and productive at that point of time. Handling these
customers is a challenge as they are not particularly looking for a product and want the
supplier to display all the useful products they have in their tally in front of them so that
they can buy what they like from that display. If impulsive customers are treated
accordingly then there is high probability that these customers could be a responsible for
high percentage of selling.
4. Need Based Customers- These customers are product specific and only tend to buy
items only to which they are habitual or have a specific need for them. These are frequent
customers but do not become a part of buying most of the times so it is difficult to satisfy
them. These customers should be handled positively by showing them ways and reasons
to switch to other similar products and brands and initiating them to buy these. These
customers could possibly be lost if not tackled efficiently with positive interaction.
5. Wandering Customers- These are the least profitable customers as sometimes they
themselves are not sure what to buy. These customers are normally new in industry and
most of the times visit suppliers only for confirming their needs on products.

6. They investigate features of most prominent products in the market but do not buy any of
those or show least interest in buying. To grab such customers they should be

properly informed about the various positive features of the products so that they develop a
sense of interest.

An organization should always focus on loyal customers and should expand or multiply the
product range to leverage impulsive customers. For other types of customers strategies should be
renovated and enhanced for turning out these customers to satisfy their needs and modify these
types of customers to let them fall under loyal and impulsive category.


Customer level of approval when comparing a product’s perceived performance with his or her
expectations. Also could refer to discharge, extinguishment, or retirement of an obligation to the
acceptance of the obligor, or fulfilment of a claim. While satisfaction is sometimes equated with
performance, it implies compensation or substitution whereas performance denotes doing what
was actually promised.


Business always starts and closes with customers and hence the customers must be treated as the
King of the market. All the business enhancements, profit, status, image etc of the organization
depends on customers. Hence it is important for all the organizations to meet all the customers’
expectations and identify that they are satisfied customer.

Customer satisfaction is the measure of how the needs and responses are collaborated and
delivered to excel customer expectation. It can only be attained if the customer has an overall
good relationship with the supplier. In today’s competitive business marketplace, customer
satisfaction is an important performance exponent and basic differentiator of business strategies.
Hence, the more is customer satisfaction; more is the business and the bonding with customer.

Customer satisfaction is a part of customer’s experience that exposes a supplier’s
behaviour on customer’s expectation. It also depends on how efficiently it is managed and
how promptly services are provided. This satisfaction could be related to various business
aspects like marketing, product manufacturing, engineering, quality of products and services,
responses customer’s problems and queries, completion of project, post delivery services,
complaint management etc.

Customer satisfaction is the overall essence of the impression about the supplier by the
customers. This impression which a customer makes regarding supplier is the sum total of all the
process he goes through, right from communicating supplier before doing any marketing to post
delivery options and services and managing queries or complaints post delivery. During this
process the customer comes across working environment of various departments and the type of
strategies involved in the organization. This helps the customer to make strong opinion about the
supplier which finally results in satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Customer’s perception on supplier helps the customer choose among the supplier on basis of
money value and how well the delivered products suit all the requirements. The supplier’s
services never diminishes after the delivery as customer seeks high values post marketing
services which could help them use and customize the delivered product more efficiently. If he is
satisfied with the post marketing services then there are good chances for supplier to retain the
customers to enhance repeated purchases and make good business profits.

It is necessarily required for an organization to interact and communicate with customers

on a regular basis to increase customer satisfaction. In these interactions and communications
it is required to learn and determine all individual customer needs and respond accordingly. Even
if the products are identical in competing markets, satisfaction provides high retention rates. For
example, shoppers and retailers are engaged with frequent shopping and credit cards to gain
customer satisfaction, many high end retailers also provide membership cards and discount
benefits on those cards so that the customer remain loyal to them.

Higher the satisfaction level, higher is the sentimental attachment of customers with the specific
brand of product and also with the supplier. This helps in making a strong and healthy customer-
supplier bonding. This bonding forces the customer to be tied up with that particular supplier and

chances of defection very less. Hence customer satisfaction is very important panorama that
every supplier should focus on to establish a renounced position in the global market and
enhance business and profit.


1. Define a goal and metrics- It’s easy to say that you want to research customer
satisfaction. But you should be more specific before you start a survey. Define a core
metric that you are going to track (for example, Net Promoter Score). You can also set
success metrics related to the survey itself – for example, the number of answers you
want to get or completion rates. Hint: the core metric should be quantitative – either
expressed in numbers (like NPS) or answers to a close-ended question. It will make
tracking changes over time much easier and reliable. Open-ended questions are useful for
digging deeper into customers’ opinions and collecting valuable insights.
2. Create a customer satisfaction survey- When you know what exactly you want to
research, it’s time to create a survey. But before that, think what the best method for
running this survey is. Should you use targeted website surveys, in-message surveys,
questionnaires, or maybe call customers (but keep in mind that online sources are usually
favoured by customers)? After choosing the method (read this guide to learn how to
measure customer satisfaction if you need some help), it’s time to create a survey. The
basic rule: keep it as simple and short as possible to maximize response rates. Also,
surveys must be relevant – make sure customers are asked only questions they can know
answers to. It usually means the need of segmenting customers. Example: ask different
questions a new and repeat customer and use a different set of questions in a post-
purchase survey you send immediately after purchase and in a survey you send half a
year later.

Collect answers- People new to analyzing surveys often get excited after collecting a few

answers. It’s understandable that but you should wait longer for results. It’s difficult to talk about

a minimum sample size because it often depends on the number of customers you survey. For

most of the companies, it’s impossible to reach statistical significance and a few hundreds of

answers or even less must be enough. For a very small company, getting more than 100 answers

can be challenging yet it shouldn’t discourage you from measuring customer satisfaction.

Objective of study

 To identify the image of Lotus in the mind of consumers.

 Customer satisfaction Level of Lotus Herbal Products.

 To have a conceptual knowledge about organization.

 To explore the factors that enhance customer satisfaction.

 Identify the factors which are consider by the customers in purchasing the lotus herbal

Definitions of customer satisfaction have been widely discussed from the view of many

researchers and organizations who increasingly desire to measure it.

A group of researchers of the Center for the Study of Social Policy (2007) conceptualize that

satisfaction is based on the customer’s experience of both contact with the organization (the

moment of truth) and personal outcomes. According to these researchers, satisfaction can be

experienced in a variety of situations and connected to both goods and services. To another

extent, these researchers defined satisfactions as a “highly personal assessment” that is greatly

influenced by “individual expectations”.

This definition views “individual” element as powerful force to create satisfaction. Likewise,

many researchers (Oliver, 1981; Brady and Robertson, 200114) conceptualize customer

satisfaction as an individual’s feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a

product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations.

Whereas, Boulding et al., (1993) and Yi and La (2004) conclude satisfaction into two general

conceptualizations: transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction. Transaction-

specific satisfaction is a customer’s evaluation of his or her experience and reactions to a

particular service encounter (Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Bosh off and Gray, 2004). Cumulative

satisfaction refers to the customer’s overall evaluation of the consumption experience to date

(Jones and Suh 2000).

Several studies have shown that it costs about five times to gain a new customer as it does to

keep an existing customer (Naumann, 1995) and this results into more interest in customer

relationships. Thus, several companies are adopting customer satisfaction as their operational

goal with a carefully designed framework. Hill and Alexander (2000) wrote in their book that

“companies now have big investment in database marketing, relationship management and

customer planning to move closer to their customers”. Jones and Sasser (1995) wrote that

“achieving customer satisfaction is the main goal for most service firms today”

Increasing customer satisfaction has been shown to directly affect companies’ market share,

which leads to improved profits, positive recommendation, lower marketing expenditures and

greatly impact the corporate image and survival.


The questionnaire is the most widely accepted research instrument. The questionnaire was
designed keeping in mind the research objective. Most of the questions were close ended with
respondent choosing one of the options given.

A copy of questionnaires used is given in the Appendix.


Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a
scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

The topic of my research was to CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS LOTUS


PRIMARY DATA: - I collected the primary data by getting the questionnaire filled by
respondent. Respondents were the student of management and engineering colleges.

SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data obtained from the following:

News paper

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. To do my study I have
adopted exploratory research design.

Research Design : Exploratory

Data Source : Primary & Secondary data
Research Instrument : Questionnaire
Sample size : 100 respondents
Sampling Area : Noida
Sampling procedure : Non probability (convenience)

Scope of study

1 The project throws light on customer satisfaction for lotus herbal products and this study
facilitate the management for further improvement on the same.

2 This study will be useful when similar kind of research is undertaken.

3 study helps to understand importance of customer satisfaction .

Importance of study
1 To know about the customer taste and prefrences.

2 It also helps to know about company’s brand value in the market.

3 It can also tells the mistakes that the company is making & to correct it as soon as possible.

Research Design
Research has been designed in such a way that both qualitative and quantitative techniques are
applied. As per qualitative techniques are concerned, along with structured questionnaire
survey, in-depth interviews and document analysis have been used. A combination of these
techniques has given rise to important exploratory technique that is secondary data analysis,
experience surveys.

Sampling technique
The types of sampling techniques used are :

1 Random sampling

Random sampling provides equal chances of being picked for each member of the target

2 Stratified sampling

It involves the use of subset of the target population wherein the member possess one or more
common attribute. Example include mothers, students, males, females etc.

Sampling area
The sample was selected of them who are the customers of lotus herbals. It was also collected
through filling up the questionnaire prepared and by formal and informal talks through people.

sample size
The sample size of my project is limited to 100 people only. Out of which only 60 people are
interested in using products of lotus herbal.

Despite the possible efforts in conducting the research, there were some unavoidable situations,

which limited the scope of the project.

 Considering the population, the sample taken for present study seems small and hence

further investigation may be required.

 The sample taken for study was not of equal distribution so a comparative study cannot

be made.

 Time available for research was very short so certain aspects have been overlooked.

 Respondents show reluctance towards giving correct information.



Lotus Herbals Limited manufactures and sells herbal formulation products to protect, heal,

and enhance the face, body, and hair in India. The company offers WHITEGLOW, an

intensive skin whitening and brightening serum; cleansers, toners, protectors, nourishers,

correctors, enhancers, exfoliators, gels, and lip care products for skin; and moisturizers and

ayurvedic cleansers for body. It also provides repair and purify systems, and anti-dandruff

products for hair; sun care products; and make-up products for eyes, face, lips, and nails. The

company was incorporated in 1993 and is based in Noida, India.

Lotus Herbals is India’s leading natural cosmetics company. Combining ancient wisdom

from the Vedas with 21st century technology, we offer a range of over 250 skin care, hair

care, sun care and make-up products for the retail and professional markets.

India is well known all over the world for her rich bounty of medicinal and therapeutic herbs

and for the 5,000 year old science of Ayurveda that practices the application of these herbs

effectively. After many years of meticulous research we came up with scientifically

developed products that generate the same powerful effect, in a shorter time and with a

longer lasting effect.

We believe in actively utilizing herbal ingredients instead of chemical-based, synthetic and

cruel animal tested cosmetics. Our wide range of holistic health-care and enhancement

products capture the purity of nature and the strength that lies therein. When we started out

in 1993 under the guidance of Mr. Kamal Passi, the beauty products market in India was at a

nascent stage and Ayurveda still hadn’t gained footing as the magical master key to beauty.

Thus our products at that time were for export and were also produced under contract in

more than 16 countries.

However, by 2005, buoyed by the dramatic surge in the Indian beauty market, we felt the

time had come for us to shift our focus to the domestic market, which led us to offer our

products nationwide.

Each of our products contains a combination of extracts of different herbs to protect, heal

and enhance the face, body and hair. We follow strict manufacturing processes as per

GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and have earned the ISO 9001 (2000) certification

as well.

All our production systems are subject to stringent quality checks to ensure highest quality

products that match or exceed international standards. Welcome to a brave new


Net Distribution Services Pvt Ltd is India's unique multi channel online retailing company. It is

founded by experienced professionals from specialist backgrounds. The company is

headquartered in Mumbai and has offices across India.

In today's highly connected world, discerning consumers are seeking newer, smarter and cost

effective ways of buying products and services. We provide consumers with the opportunity to

make purchases for themselves or as gifts for others, using the internet and phone to make such

purchases. We operate branded stores under license from the brand owners.

Products purchased on our webstores are genuine, company sourced products which are sold by

Net Distribution Services Pvt Ltd as an authorised retailer. These are delivered to customers

through our carefully selected courier and logistics partners.

Customer service and satisfaction is our motto and we constantly work towards meeting and

exceeding the expectations of our customers



Lotus Herbals Pure Radiance Natural Compact Spf 15

Lotus Herbals Ecostay Eye Shadow

Lotus Herbals Ecostay Lip Colour

Lotus Herbals Ecostay Volumising Mascara

Lotus Herbals Ecostay Compact Spf-20

Lotus Herbals Seduction Lip Contour Definer



1. Do you purchase lotus herbals products.

Response no. of respondents percentage

yes 52 52
no 48 48
total 100 100





48% 48%


Yes No


From the sample data it is found that, 52% customers purchase lotus herbals and 48% customers
purchase other brands.

2. How frequently you use the lotus products.

frequency Respondents percentage

daily 48 48
weekly 31 31
monthly 21 21
total 100 100

Monthly, 21%

Daily, 48%

Weekly, 31%


From the sample data it is found that, 48% customers use lotus products daily, 31% weekly &
21% customers use monthly.

3. Factors that influence the customers for purchasing Lotus products.

factors Respondents percentage

quality 45 45
availability 30 30
Brand name 25 25
total 100 100

Brand name,
25% Quality, 45%



From the sample data it is found that, 45% customers gives importance to quality of the products,
30% gives importance to availability & 25% influence by the brand name.

4. Where did you search information about lotus products.

Factors respondents percentage

News paper 30 30
television 50 50
Others 20 20
Total 100 100

news paper



From the sample data it is find that, 62% customers get information about the products from
shops, 15% from newspapers, 3% from radio & 20% from other sources.

5. Did you are satisfied with the price of Lotus products.

Response respondents percentage

Yes 80 80
No 20 20
Total 100 100


30% 20%



From the sample data it is found that, 80% customers are satisfied and 20% of customers are not
satisfied with the price of Lotus products.

6. From where do you purchase your product.

Response No. of respondents percentage

Online 30 30
Retail store 40 40
Distribution outlet 30 30
Total 100 100

distribution online
outlet 30%

retail store


From the sample data it is find that 30% of people purchase lotus products online,30% from
distribution outlet and 40% from retail store.

7. customer who are satisfied by the Lotus products.

response no. of respondents percentage

yes 72 72
no 28 28

total 100 100

80% 72%




40% 28%




Yes No


From the sample data it is find that, 72% are satisfied by the Lotus products & 28% are not

8. Important factors that are consider by the customers while purchasing the

factors respondents percentage

price 62 62
packaging 5 5
quality 8 8
availability 25 25
total 100 10

Packaging, 5%
Quality, 8%

25% Price, 62%

From the sample data it is find that, 62% customers consider about price, 25% consider about
availability, 8% about quality & 5% consider about packaging while purchasing Lotus products.




After conducting the research, Researcher found that there are two categories of retailers &

Dealer. The first one is of those retailers, which just want to increase their assets, for them the

sale doesn’t matter according to them they can only increase the sale if the company will invest

in them or in their shops. These types of retailers will only work for the company, which invest

in them hugely. And if at any moment they found company has lost or lowered their interest in

them they will again shift to other major player. Other kinds of retailers are those who are more

bothered about working hard and build their reputation in the market. These types of retailers &

Dealer are using the merchandising assets to their optimum level. People in general have been

impressioned by the marketing and advertising campaigns of insurance companies. A high

penetration of print, radio and Television ad campaigns over the years is beginning to have it’s

impact now. Another heartening trend was in terms of people viewing insurance as a tax saving

and investment instrument as much as a protective one. A very high number of respondents have

opted for insurance for such purposes and it shows how insurance companies have been

successful to attract public money in recent times. There is a requirement of the company

professionals to visit these retailers & Dealers continuously. So, that they can understand the

market and suggest changes accordingly. Despite of this, salesman and other company

professionals who visit these retailers must not do the false promises. Due to this retailers &

Dealer loose their confidence in the company.


 Company should come up with its branch in Noida. With the objective and goals to meet

the demands & expectations of the public. Because the entrance of private players will

increase the competition and it would be a tough task to secure a good position in market.

 The company should also try to keep a close eye towards its competitors. Hindustan
Unilever is the major competitor of Lotus Herbal Product (from company insights), and
the recent changes that Hindustan Unilever has bought has helped them to earn a good
name as well as a good profit in the last quarter. But Lotus Herbal Product has not done
any thing In this regard and they are still following the same policies which they have
been using. Thus there is a need to do certain alteration in the policies of the company.

 There is a lot to be done by the company in the field of Quality. Even though it’s a new
firm in the consumer market segment and it also claims that it provides a good service to
the consumer. But the truth is a bit different from what it should have been. The
company’s service policy is weak and it is also a bit inefficient. Once the customer place
the service order on the phone it should be considered done, but

 The company is about to launch their New Herbal Product in the market. Thus the
company should try to remove the previous fallacies in their operations which they have
been practicing in the past.




 Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller (2006), Marketing Management (12 ed.). New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
 Kessler, Sheila (2003). Customer satisfaction toolkit for ISO 9001:2000. Milwaukee,
Wis.: ASQ Quality Press. ISBN 0873895592.
 Kurtz, Dave. (2010). Contemporary Marketing Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage
 Aaker, J., Brumbaugh, A., & Grier, S. (2000). Nontarget Markets and Viewer
Distinctiveness: The Impact of Target Marketing on Advertising. Journal of Consumer
Psychology (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), 9(3), 127. Retrieved from Academic Search
Premier database


 Business Today
 Business World
 The Times of India
 The Hindustan Business Standard Line



List of contacted people
S.No Particular Contact No.
1. Rohit sharma 9004087957
2. Amit singh 8505885744
3. Nancy jain 9810228760
4. Rahul 7898766663
5. Mukesh sharma 8743987666
6. shruti 8797664226
7. Rohit Bhargava 9876537876
8. Nisha sharma 8798372668
9. Akshay Mishra 8743074326
10. Akki Mishra 9910749848
11. Monica sharma 9968933007
12. Shalu singh 9810113443
13. Saurabh gupta 8743074316
14. Ritu sharma 8743074326
15. Ramesh gupta 9810113443
16. Ravi Sharma 8784667388
17. Shivam mehra 9810227388
18. Rohit Tandon 7658983773
19. Arjun sharma 9876277782
20. Tanya Aggarwal 9867665526
21. Nimish sharma 9876578888
22. Vaibhav goel 9855424424
23. Satyam Rajput 9877735552
24. Siddhant Rajput 7689983333
25. Manan Aggarwal 9876544333
26. Manya Mehra 7896542190
27. Rohit Kumar 9876654433
28. Rishab Kumar 9876543219
29. Kapil Kumar 9810113443
30. Bharat Singh 8764329066
31. Prateek Singh 8765432198
32. Deepti Singh 9875899434
33. Deepak Malik 7897666655
34. Monica gupta 9876769934
35. Akshay Bhargava 8743074316
36. Noni Mishra 8743074326
37. Harshita mittal 9867566663
38. Rashmi singh 9878766623
39. Parul tyagi 9876543211
40. Sonali gupta 7688888885
41. Jyoti singh 9810113443

42. Nandini todi 8743074316
43. Kapil sharma 9968933007
44. Naira aggarwal 8743074316
45. Soham gupta 8743074316
46. Sandeep mishra 9810176888
47. Piyush goel 8797654422
48. Karan sharma 9876542666
49. Ketan Sharma 8888876662
50. Rahul Bansal 9876543217
51. Shivam Bansal 9876777788
52. Veeru Mishra 7878677777
53. Shivam Mishra 9876655523
54. Monica Mishra 9876577544
55. Sanovar Bhargava 8767754322
56. Divyam Gupta 8797666637
57. Rohit Singh 7867532133
58. Shobit gupta 9876543322
59. Parul Gupta 9876777777
60. Aayush Kanojia 9876543217
61. Aashna Gupta 9876543216
62. Snehil Bhargava 9910015560
63. Monica Soni 7654427777
64. Mridul Bhatia 8976878882
65. Kiran Bhargava 9468933007
66. Kuldeep Singh 8765432155
67. Somesh Bhargava 9876543214
68. Kapil Bhargava 7854333244
69. Lipika Jalan 9876543213
70. Hittesh Gupta 9876543267
71. Aisha Gupta 9876543213
72. Monica Singh 9876578974
73. Aayush Mishra 8787665532
74. Sohan Deeda 9876544242
75. Shubhi sharma 8765526718
76. Saumitra Gupta 9837636366
77. Saumi Mishra 8272762626
78. Udita Goel 9873663636
79. Adish gupta 9387373732
80. Aman Gupta 8736636662
81. Hemant Gupta 9487474772
82. Shubhi gupta 9874744664
83. Shrey jhingan 9811744780
84. Kriti jhingan 9876543332
85. Bharat Gupta 9877655242

86. Manan Joshi 8765433256
87. Akshay Mishra 9876543344
88. Yash Gupta 9827663636
89. Shivangi Gupta 9827722762
90. Kashish Kaur 3938373737
91. Rahul Bhisht 8373636363
92. Mohit Saini 9837366362
93. Akki Mishra 8743074326
94. Kapil Bhargava 9810113443
95. Monica Bhargava 9968933007
96. Sajal Bhargava 7073351640
97. Nandini Singh 8743073116
98. Akshay Gupta 9910749848
99. Noni Mishra 9968030310
100. Nancy Mishra 9968039828


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