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Tentative Program of Bina Insan Guru Camp (BIG) FOR 2 PISMP RBT1 AND RBT 3

Community Service

7.30 – 8.00 am - Roll Call

- Program Briefing
- Go To Pantai Air Tawar
8.15 am - Arrive at Pantai Air Tawar
- Duty Distribution

8.30 pagi – 10.00 am - Cleaning beach

10.00 pagi – 10.30 am - Rest

10.30 pagi – 1.00 pm - Continue Cleaning Beach

1.00 tengah hari – 2.00 pm - Lunch and Zohor Prayer

2.00 petang – 3.00 pm - Distribution and Delivery of Ricycle

- Closing Ceremony
4.00 pm - Return back to IPG Kampus Sultan Mizan




Tarikh : 7 August 2010

Venue : Pantai Air Tawar
Participant :
i) Students of RBT 1
ii) Students of RBT 3

On August 7, the Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia Sultan Mizan Campus

students had attend for a Bina Insan Guru camp (BIG) that was held is located in Pantai

Air Tawar, Besut Terengganu. For the second time this BIG program, it was attended by

students from PISMP Semester 2, from class RBT 1 and RBT. The objective of this

program is to expose students to gain many benefits such as responsible to our

environment, create a self-aware about cleanliness about environment and also to gain

trust and teamwork among us also to actively interact with surrounding community.

Activity that we have to do is to clean the environment and classify the trash

collected at Pantai Air Tawar for recycled. Each participant was required to attend all

scheduled activities.

The program started at 7.30 am when the bus arrived to send us to the venue. A

group of students were charged to manage all the equipments such as garbage plastic

bag and also to manage the whole activities during the program running. After a short
and simple roll call, we start heading to Pantai Air Tawar. Exactly at 8.15 am, we arrived

at venue and after that a short by group leader was made to make the program run

easier. The lecturers that responsible to monitor all the activities were their own class


Due to the area of the beach is too long, we were divided into two groups, group

A and group B. We were also distributed with a garbage plastic bag for every student.

At 8:30 am, we began the community work according to the tentative program. There

were all kinds of garbage that we found in Pantai Air Tawar such as glass bottles,

plastic, paper, fishing net and many more. It was estimated that each student

successfully collect two plastic bag full with garbage. It was a hot sunny day but the

hard work our team will keep us to continue the struggle to clean up venue.

At 10:00 am, we stop and take a rest for a while to enjoying a drink that we had

booked earlier. At 10.30 am we begin our work again to clean the beach. But the

weather’s condition was getting heat up, but we continue to perform cleaning activities.

At 1.00 pm, we started to compile all the garbage which were collected at a meeting

station. Then we had a lunch and go to Zohor prayer at a mosque near the beach at

1.30 pm.

           At 2.00 pm we continue our activities to classify the waste that need to go for

recycle. We got a lot of trash on that day such as glass bottle and disposable plastic

bag. It shows that people who go to the beach do not have the attitude of responsibility

because they like to throw garbage to anywhere they want even though litter bins was

prepared along the beach. Garbage that cannot be recycled such as rope and leaves
we throw into the trash and garbage that can be recycled such as glass and paper, we

sort according to the type and put them to the recycle can.

At 3:00 pm we had completed the tasks that we have planned before. We were

happy to be able to serve the community by cleaning up the environment at Pantai Air


At 4.00 pm, after a short rest, the bus from our campus came to bring us back to

the campus. After a roll call and closing ceremony by our tutors, we go back to the

campus after whole day cleaning the beach.

Based on the program, students were able to develop sense of responsibility to

themself after running the community service. Students were also able to fulfill our

curriculum for this semester to complete the BIG program by organizing the program by

their own.

Thank you.

Prepared by,



Secretary for BIG programs,

Bachelor of Education Semester 2,
Design and Technology 1&3,
IPG Kampus Sultan Mizan.

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