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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 392-397

Implant platform switching concept:

a literature review
Section of Endodontics, *Section of Dental Materials, and **Section of Oral Surgery and
Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation; Odontostomatological Institute, School of Medicine,
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy

Abstract. – BACKGROUND: The platform After the insertion of the implant and its pros-
switching concept involves the reduction of the thetic connection, crestal bone undergoes remodel-
restoration abutment diameter with respect to the ing and resorption processes3. In particular, after
diameter of dental implant. Long-term follow up
around these wide-platforms showed higher levels
one year from the prosthetic restoration, the crestal
of bone preservation. bone levels resulted approximately 1.5-2 mm below
AIM: The aim of this article is to carry out a the implant-abutment junction (IAJ)4. Although the
literature review of studies which deal with the etiological factors underlying bone loss have not
influence of platform-switched implants in hard been fully established5, the main causal factors of
and soft oral tissues. crestal bone loss are occlusal overload and peri-im-
volving “platform switching” that are indexed in plantitis. Regarding the submerged implants, some
MedLine and published between 2005 and 2011 studies have correlated the loss of bone tissue with
were used. Clinical cases, experimental and non- the relations between IAJ and bone crest6. Given
experimental studies were included, as well as that a sufficient dimension of peri-implant mucosa
literature reviews. is necessary to allow for proper epithelial-connecti-
RESULTS: In our search, we analized 18 clini- val attachment, where the size of the tissues is not
cal cases and 3 reviews. The results indicate that
peri-implant bone resorption is reduced with suitable this would generate a certain peri-implant
platform switching system. bone resorption to ensure the stabilization of an at-
CONCLUSIONS: All papers written by different tack with adequate biological width. In particolar,
researchers show an improvement in peri-im- soft tissue inflammation localized at the implant-
plant bone preservation and satisfactory aes- abutment interface following the attempt of the
thetic results. Further long-term studies are nec-
essary to confirm these results.
same soft tissues to establish the biologic width,
would be responsable for a certain bone loss7.
Key Words: Many Authors, however, have identified in the
Platform switching, Crestal bone remodeling, Crestal presence of a microgap at the implant-abutment
bone loss, Biologic width, Bone implant contact (BIC).
interface, resulting in bacterial colonization of im-
plant sulcus, the possible etiologic mechanism8. It
is likely that there is a bacterial leakage within the
implant system, after its prosthetic connection,
Introduction with subsequent penetration of bacteria and their
products within the microgap between implant and
The goal of modern implant therapy entails abutment. This would cause an inflammatory
more than just the successful osseointegration of process close to the crestal bone, resulting in bone
the implant. A successful result must also include support loss9.
an esthetic and functional restoration surrounded It was pointed out, however, that the resorption
by stable peri-implant tissue levels that are in resulting from biological processes after pros-
harmony with the existing dentition1,2. The main- thetic restoration change with the use of a plat-
tenance of peri-implant bone is a major factor in form switching model10.
the prognosis of prosthetic rehabilitation support- In an attempt to improve long-term bone
ed by implants; the crestal bone loss can also maintenance around implants, a new implant-to-
lead to a collapse of soft tissues and adversely af- abutment connection referred to as “platform
fect the aesthetics of implant-prosthetic elements. switching” has been proposed4.

392 Corresponding Author: Luca Marigo, MD; e-mail:

Implant platform switching concept: a literature review

The platform switching concept is based on Results

the use of an abutment smaller than the implant
neck11; this type of connection moves the perime- The results described by the different Authors
ter of IAJ to the center of implant axis12-14. It is are encouraging. The bone loss is lower in all
likely that moving the IAJ inward brings out bac- those cases in which platform geometry is modi-
teria more internally and, therefore, away from fied resulting in a better aesthetic outcome.
the bone crest; this would explain the limitation The principal aspects of the consulted articles
in bone resorption15-19. Recent studies suggest the refer to biomechanical behavior of the abutment-
formation of a more consistent connective sleeve implant complex in response to occlusal loading,
when the abutment’s base is smaller than the im- bone crest level preservation and biological space
plant platform, with advantages in the ability to repositioning.
form a mucosal seal20. Regarding biomechanical Sample sizes varied between 1 and 180 im-
advantages in the use of platform switching, the plants (the average number of implants was 67.6
results indicate that, unlike conventional implants ± 1.3) and a follow-up period varied from 4 to
where a high stress area around implant’s neck 168 months (average follow-up 27.06 months).
and along its lateral surface is present, in the In the studies on platform switching involving
model with platform switching the stress area is a follow-up period of 4-168 months, the reported
localized to the center of the implant. Moreover, bone loss varies between 0.09-2 mm (Table I).
in this type of implant, the strong tension is con-
centred near the implant-abutment interface and
the shear force exerted on the cortical bone in the Discussion
platform switching model is lower than in the
normal model21. The biological space adjacent to an implant is
greater than the space adjacent to a natural tooth,
with histological differences in terms of the orga-
Materials and Methods nization and distribution of the fibers.
According to Lazzara and Porter4, the deliber-
The present study offers a review of the litera- ate creation of a space for the mentioned physio-
ture dealing with the impact of platform- logical barrier minimizes the space for reposi-
switched implants on the oral hard and soft tis- tioning of the fibers. By displacing the junction
sues. To this effect, a Medline search was carried with the abutment to a more medial position with
out, using the PubMed search engine with the respect to the axis, an increased surface area of
key words “platform switching”, “crestal bone the implant is freed, thus favoring controlled
loss’, biologic width”, “crestal bone remodel- repositioning of the biological space22,23.
ing”, “bone implant contact (BIC)” and, as well The space is created in the horizontal plane one
as combinations of these key words. A total of 21 millimeter from the implant-abutment junction,
works published between 2005 and 2011 were supported over the external margin of the platform.
examined; most of these studies are clinical cases In addition, this procedure keeps the inflammatory
or single clinical cases. In addition, we found 2 infiltrate away from the crestal bone margin, with a
finite element analyses and 3 literature review. 50% reduction in occupation surface4,22.
Eighteen texts described clinical studies and
Inclusion Criteria: these proved more useful for the purposes of this
1. Papers published in journals indexed in Med- review. All of the authors agree with the fact that
Line, between 2005 and 2011; firstly, the main bone loss is observed during the
2. Human studies, both of males and females; first month after oral exposure and secondly, that
3. Papers in which modified platforms in dental the bone loss is lower in all those cases in which
implants are studied (platform switching con- platform geometry is modified resulting in a bet-
cept), using different surgical techniques and ter aesthetic outcome.
clinical situations (immediate loading, delayed Enkling et al 24 confirmed that platform-
loading). switched implants showed very limited peri-im-
plant bone level alterations.
Exclusion Criteria: Wagemberg et al1 in their prospective study
1. No indexed manuscripts; evaluated implant survival and crestal bone levels
2. Studies with no results. around implants that used the platform – switch-

Table I. Crestal bone loss, number of placed implants and follow-up according to the clinical studies found in the Medline search of dental implant platform switching in human subject.

Mean crestal N° Follow-up Study

Author bone loss (mm) implants (months) caracteristics Surgical caracteristics

Enkling et al 201124 0.74 42 25 Clinical cases One step and two steps surgical protocol
Calvo-Guirado et al 201134 0.97 83 60 Clinical cases One step surgical protocol
Wagenberg & Froum 20105 1.8 94 132-168 Clinical cases Two steps surgical protocol
Cocchetto et al 201028 0.86 15 18 Clinical cases One step surgical protocol
Bilhan et al 201029 1.39 126 36 Clinical cases Two steps surgical protocol
Canullo et al 201013 0.83 44 33 Test and control group Two steps surgical protocol
Trammel et al 200919 0.99 25 24 Test and control group One step surgical protocol
Canullo et al 200912 0.65 22 25 Clinical cases Immediate post-extraction restoration
Rodriguez-Ciurana et al 200922 0.89 82 15 Clinical cases Two steps surgical protocol
Prosper et al 20093 0.65 180 24 Test and control group One step and two steps surgical protocol
Calvo-Guirado et al 200910 0.13 59 12 Clinical cases Immediate functional loading
Cappiello et al 200815 0.95 75 12 Test and control group One step surgical protocol
Calvo-Guirado et al 200820 0.6 104 16 Clinical cases Immediate loading and immediate restoration
Hürzeler et al 200717 0.12 148 12 Test and control group Two stage surgical protocol
Canullo & Rasperini 200718 0.78 10 22 Clinical cases Immediate post-extraction restoration
Calvo-Guirado et al 200726 0.09 10 6 Test and control group Immediate post-extraction restoration
Vela-Nebot et al 200624 1.15 30 6 Test and control group One step and two steps surgical protocol
Gardner 200525 2 1 4 Clinical cases Immediate post-extraction restoration
C. Cumbo, L. Marigo, F. Somma, G. La Torre, I. Minciacchi, A. D’addona
Implant platform switching concept: a literature review

ing concept, with a follow-up period ranging Prosper et al 5 in a randomized prospective

from 11 to 14 years. The results of this investiga- study revealed that the use of platform-switching
tion showed that 99% of all the surfaces exam- concept and of implants with an enlarged plat-
ined had ≤ 2.0 mm of bone loss over this obser- form, as compared to cylindric implants inserted
vation period, confirming that the platform- with conventional surgical protocols and with
switching concept was effective in preserving in- abutments of matching diameter, significantly re-
terproximal crestal bone levels. duced postrestorative crestal bone loss when
Cocchetto et al25 evaluated both clinically and placed in both two-stage and one-stage tech-
radiographically the biologic effect of using a niques. Moreover, it seemed that the positive ef-
wide platform-switching restorative protocol in fect of the platform-switching concept was
human. The results of this preliminary study in- stronger when implemented on implants with an
dicated that, when properly selected, patients re- enlarged platform.
ceiving wide platform-switched implants may Calvo Guirado et al noted the success of the
experience less crestal bone loss than that result- placed implants after eight months with minimal
ing from the use of regular platform-switching or marginal resorption (less than 0.8 mm) and highly
non-platform-switching approaches. satisfactory aesthetic results in the anterior zone32-34.
In their study, Bilhan et al26 compared bone Cappiello et al35 confirmed the important role
around platform-switched and regular platform of the microgap between the implant and abut-
implants that supported removable prostheses ment in the remodeling of the peri-implant cre-
and reported that, after a period of 36 months, stal bone. Platform-switching seemed to reduce
the marginal bone loss was statistically signifi- peri-implant crestal bone resorption and increase
cantly lower in platform-switching situations. the long-term predictability of implant therapy.
Canullo et al20,27 observed that implants re- Hürzeler et al23 observed that a certain amount
stored according to the platform-switching con- of bone remodeling occurred 1 year after final re-
cept experienced significantly less marginal bone construction.
loss than implants with matching implant-abut- Vela-Nebot et al 36 conclude that platform
ment diameters. In addition, it was observed that switching improves aesthetic results and that
marginal bone levels were even better maintained when invasion of the biologic width is reduced,
with increasing implant-abutment mismatching. bone loss is reduced (p < 0.0005). However, they
The authors was in favour of platform switching say that further microbiological, pathological and
and they evaluated the relation between immedi- clinical studies are necessary to confirm both
ate loading with these implants and its effects on these results as well as the study’s working hy-
soft and hard tissues28,29. pothesis.
Trammell et al30, in a case-control study, mea- Gardner37 discusses the literature dealing with
sured the biological width with reduced and con- the changes that occur when an implant is placed
ventional platform abutments in the same indi- in bone and he presents a case study using plat-
vidual. Although the biological width was similar form switching implants. He states that its main
in both groups (1.57 ± 0.72 mm with the expand- advantage is that it is an effective way to control
ed platform and 1.53 ± 0.78 mm with conven- circumferential bone loss around dental implants
tional abutments), bone loss was significantly but he concludes that platform switching needs
smaller with the expanded platform. further investigation. Furthermore, he notes sev-
Rodriguez-Ciurana et al31, in a two-dimension- eral potential disadvantages of this procedure
al biomechanical study involving platform such as the need for components that have simi-
switching integrated into the implant design, lar designs (the screw access hole must be uni-
failed to obtain peri-implant bone force attenua- form) and the need for enough space to develop a
tion values as high as those reported in earlier proper emergence profile.
studies, when comparing platform expansion Serrano-Sànchez et al22 in a literature review
with a traditional restoration model. In addition, reached the conclusion that the expanded plat-
the authors concluded that force dissipation in form obtains excellent aesthetic outcomes, but
the platform switching restoration is slightly further investigations are necessary to show long
more favorable in an internal than in an external term results.
junction, since it improves distribution of the López-Marì et al29 reviewed published articles
loads applied to the occlusal surface of the pros- dealing with platform switched implants in order
thesis along the axis of the implant. to assess survival rates and clarify their influence

C. Cumbo, L. Marigo, F. Somma, G. La Torre, I. Minciacchi, A. D’addona

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