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the Chocolate Factory

Is a story writen by Roadl Dahl in November 23th of 1964 in

United Kingdom the great author of children's literature;
Genre: Children’s fantasy and fiction novel; It was written
originally in English language.
Mr. Wonka, owner of the magnificent chocolate factory, has
hidden five gold tickets in his chocolates. Those who find
them will be the ones chosen to visit the factory. Charlie is
fortunate to find one of those tickets and, from that
moment, his life will change forever.
Characters: Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Veruca Salt, Violet
Beauregarde, Mike Teavee, Grandpa Joe; Charlie Bucket is a
child who lives with his parents and his maternal and
paternal grandparents in a small house. They are poor and
hungry and more when their father is fired from his job.
Charlie and his grandfather Joe dream of visiting the Wonka
Chocolate Factory that has been closed for years. And the
dream will come true. Willy Wonka, the owner of the
factory, puts five gold-colored notes into circulation in his
chocolate tablets. These tickets will allow the five children to
find them, visit the factory, take a cargo of chocolates and
sweets for life and, the winner, receive a very special prize. Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Mike
Tevé and Charlie Bucket will be the lucky winners. All enter with their parents, except Charlie, who is accompanied by
the grandfather Joe.
Once inside they discover, with the eccentric Mr. Wonka (who receives them at the entrance of the factory), a
wonderful world of chocolate and goodies. Each of the boys and girls is leaving the factory because of their manias,
defects and bad education. Augustus Gloop can gluttony him, falls to a river of chocolate, and is absorbed by a tube
that takes him outside the enclosure. Violet Beauregarde, the obsessive chewing gum cheerleader and relentless
competitor, turns into a blueberry for testing experimental chewing gum for a full two-course meal and dessert.
Veruca Salt, spoiled and spoiled girl who does not stop asking, is thrown to the hole of the waste by squirrels when
trying to get one of them. Mike Tevé, an indefatigable viewer, is transformed into a small TV character that they have
to lengthen like a gum so that it returns to a minimally normal aspect (that means four children left). And finally only
the Charlie factory, the winner. The prize is the factory: Mr. Wonka grows older and wants an heir, and kind and wise
Charlie quit because he had to be at the factory without his family. Wonka understood what the family meant.
Is a story writen by Roadl Dahl in October 1st of 1988 in
United Kingdom; the great author of children's literatura;
Genre: Humor, Fiction and fantazy; It was written originally
in English language.

Characters: Matilda Wormwood,Miss honey,Miss

Trunchbull, Mr. Wormwood,Mrs Wormwood, Lavender
Brown, Bruce Bogtrotter, Michael Wormwood, Amanda
In a small Buckinghamshire village, Matilda Wormwood is
a five-and-half-year-old girl of unusual precocity, but she is
often ill-treated or neglected by her parents. In retaliation,
she resorts to pranks such as gluing her father's hat to his
head, hiding a friend's parrot in the chimney to simulate a
burglar or ghost, and secretly bleaching her father's hair.
At first, Matilda was naughty and used her powers to
revenge herself.
Matilda has read a variety of books by different authors,
especially at the age of four, when she read many in six
months; At school, Matilda bestfriends her reception teacher, Jennifer Honey, who is astonished by Matilda's
intellectual abilities. She tries to move her into a higher class but is refused by the headmistress, the tyrannical Agatha
Trunchbull. Miss Honey also tries to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood about Matilda's intelligence, but they ignore her.
Matilda quickly develops a particularly strong bond with Miss Honey and watches as Miss Trunchbull terrorizes her
students with creative, over-the-top punishments. When Matilda's friend, Lavender, plays a practical joke on Miss
Trunchbull by placing a newt in her jug of water, Matilda uses an unexpected power of telekinesis to tip the glass of
water containing the newt onto Miss Trunchbull.
After Matilda reveals her powers to Miss Honey, Miss Honey confides that she was raised by an abusive aunt after the
suspicious death of her father. Her aunt is revealed to be Miss Trunchbull, who appears (among other misdeeds) to be
withholding her niece's inheritance so that Miss Honey has to live in poverty in a derelict farm cottage. Preparing to
avenge Miss Honey, Matilda develops her telekinetic gift through practice at home. Later, during a lesson that Miss
Trunchbull is teaching, Matilda telekinetically raises a piece of chalk to the blackboard and writes on it, posing as the
spirit of Miss Honey's late father and demanding that Miss Trunchbull hand over Miss Honey's house and wages and
leave the region forever.
This is soon done, and with the approval of a new school head teacher, the capable and good-natured Mr. Trilby,
Matilda herself advances to the highest level of schooling. Rather to her relief, she is no longer capable of telekinesis;
this is explained by Miss Honey as the result of using her mind on a more challenging curriculum. At the same time,
Miss Honey is promoted to the headmistress position.
Matilda continues to visit Miss Honey at her house regularly, but one day finds her parents hastily packing to escape
from the police, who are after her father for selling stolen cars. Matilda asks permission to live with Miss Honey, to
which her parents rather uninterestedly agree. So both she and Miss Honey find their happy ending.
Is a story writen by Stephen King in September 15th of 1986 in
USA; the great author of children's literatura; Genre:Horror; It
was written originally in English language.

Characters: Pennywise (IT), the clown, Beberly marsh, Bill
Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Eddy Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Mike
Hanlon and Stan.
The novel takes place in the fictional city of Derry, which
appears "That", a threatening and voracious being that takes
various forms but is usually identified as the clown Pennywise.
The so-called "Losers Club" consisting of seven children (Bill
Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Richie Tozier, Eddie
Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon and Stan. Uris) will face That in the 50's,
and later will have to face him again in the 80's, as adults when
a new batch of homicides and mysterious disappearances come
There are also chapters as an interlude, in which one of the protagonists narrates various events in Derry in which
people have died without an apparent explanation. After twenty-seven years of tranquility and remoteness an old
children's promise makes them return to the place where they lived their childhood and youth as a terrible nightmare.
They return to Derry to confront their past and finally bury the threat that bittered them during their childhood. They
know that they can die, but they are aware that they will not know the peace until that thing is destroyed forever.
Movie Dick
Is a story writen by Herman Melville in 1851 in USA;
the great author of children's literatura; Genre:
Novel, adventure fiction and epic; It was written
originally in English language.
Characters: Captán Ahab, Queequeg,
Ismael, Moby Dick, Capitán Boomer,
Starbuck, Stubb, Elias.
Moby Dick is a hate story. Fundamentally hatred
and anger. A cold hatred that drives all the threads
of the argument.
Captain Achab by his very presence is able to drag
with his hatred a whole crew towards a terrible
end. Hate will be present in each and every page
of the story. A bitter hatred with gall. Moby Dick is
not a story about the whale; it is the story of
Achab, the old and resentful Captain Achab, and
the pursuit of a goal in life.
Achab is a man obsessed with an idea: to kill Moby
Dick, the white whale. In his previous encounter
with the whale, Achab lost a leg from a Moby Dick
bite, and this has upset him, haunting him just an
idea in his mind. Moby Dick will embody all his
An empty man, who has nothing left, because he
has dedicated a life to an obsession. Achab is 58
years old, 40 of
Whom have been hunting whales, and along which he has only been 3 years on his land where he has a
wife and daughter. None of this matters to you, not the family, not the money, not the work... nothing.
Just do away with the white demon.
Shortly after beginning the hunting trip, as news of Moby Dick is heard by other boats, he is diverting the
Pequod route, even stopping whaling on the way to quickly approach the object of his desire, being
reproved by his officers, and with the threat of the ever present mutiny. But the character of the captain
and his long shadow will prevent any kind of rebellion. Nothing will stand between him and his destiny.
Finally, and when the decisive encounter occurs, as it could not be otherwise, the fate of Achab and Moby
Dick will be united to the end, dragging in his journey to hell with the Pequod with all his crew. Only Ismael
remains as a witness of the cruel denouement, to bear witness to the terrible end of a man and his
General Meaning of Reading

Book’s title: _________________________________________ Author: ___________________________________

Genre: ________________________________________________________________

Setting: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Main Characters: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Secondaries: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Incidentals: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Personal opinion: __________________________________________________________________________________




Cognates & Verbs identification

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Cognates Verbs

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