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Love Is In The Air copyright Sommer Marsden

Cover image/design copyright Sommer Marsden

originally appeared in Ruthie's Club 2008 Valentine's Issue

No part of this may be reproduced or used without the author's permission. Contact for more information.
Love Is In The Air
By Sommer Marsden

Erma hoped the saleswoman had been telling the truth. She dabbed the oil onto her
pulse points—neck, wrists, back of her knees. Susan, the pushy saleslady had promised a
rush of attraction. She swore the oil increased the natural pheromones secreted by the
body. The little blue bottle bore the word “Wild” and was guaranteed to do just that.
Drive him wild.

Erma didn‟t think it smelled particularly sexy. Actually, it smelled like mangoes.
“What the hell,” she muttered and went to see about dinner. Tank should be home any
minute. Then she would see if it was true or if she had fallen victim to empty promises.

“Hey.” Tank‟s normal after work growl.

“Hi, honey. Steak for dinner. Your favorite.” Erma did her best to bat her eyelashes and
cock her hip. Anything to help the magical elixir do its job.


“Can I have a kiss?” She puckered and waited.

Tank didn‟t seem too happy about it, but he planted one on her cheek. Erma took the
opportunity and threw her arms around his brawny shoulders. She rubbed her face
against his bristly face and tried to shove her throat up to his nose.

Tank sniffed. Then he snuffled. Rooting against her neck like a truffle pig seeking its
prize. “Mmmm. You smell good,” he said.

Erma thought he sounded a tiny bit dazed. Maybe drunk. Then she forgot to care. He
shoved his pelvis against hers, and she felt a lovely hard-on. Growling and Mmmm-ing,
he rubbed against her sex. He had perfect aim, each stab of his cock slid the length of
her seam.
It was working!

Erma smelled the distinct smell of burning meat. “Tank, the steak!”

Tank didn‟t seem to care about the steak as he lifted her housecoat and shoved her
cotton panties down. Erma had just enough time to let out a shriek as he clumsily
lowered her to the floor, unzipped his pants and shoved his cock into her. She was
grateful his reaction had turned her on so much. He pushed in effortlessly, his big body
jittering over hers. The burning meat sizzled away as Tank shoved her legs up high and
pounded home. His unusual reaction was enough to bring Erma to a wonderful climax.
The first she‟d had in a long time to be perfectly blunt. Punctuated perfectly by Tank‟s
caveman roar as he spilled into her.

The burnt steak was delicious. At least she thought it was. She was too busy staring at
her handsome husband and relishing the warm post-coital glow.


The following evening Erma left the perfumed oil for after dinner. She cooked a lovely
chicken casserole. Tank came home his usual surly self. Growling and grumpy. She let it
go, making minimal chit-chat which he mostly ignored. They ate dinner in near silence,
and he barely glanced her way.

Erma bided her time.

When Tank went off for his normal after-dinner beer, she dabbed all of her pulse points.
She had that nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach as if she were doing something
wrong. For good measure, she painted a stripe of the stuff along her cleavage. Not as
supple as it once had been, but still fairly respectable.

She let him settle in his easy chair and then made her move.
“I just need that magazine,” she whispered, reaching for the magazine she had placed
conspicuously on his end table earlier in the day.

“Fine,” he growled. But when she reached past him, he sniffed. The next growl was an
entirely different growl.

“Problem?” Erma asked, trying her darnedest to keep the schoolgirl twitter out of her

“You smell so fucking good,” he said. The huskiness in his voice was due to arousal and
not anger. That did make Erma twitter.

She twittered and then shrieked when he lifted her housecoat (blue this time) and
flipped her over across his lap. He delivered three smart swats to her ass-cheeks, and
she let out a flurry of hysterical whoops. But her pussy got wet. Drenched, in fact. It
made for easy going when he peeled off her white cotton drawers, hitched her over the
edge of the easy chair, and drove into her from behind.

Erma was nearly positive it was her own voice she heard chanting, “Fuck me, big boy.
Fuck me, big boy. Fuck me real good!”

Turned out it was her voice. And he did. Fucked her real good.


The next day, Erma wore her special red housecoat. She refrained from showering
herself in “Wild,” though she was tempted. She‟d save it for after dinner. After-dinner
sex was much better than eating burnt steak. This way she could have her dinner and
her sex, too.

She heard the front door bang just as she pulled the chicken from the oven.
“Erma, I‟m home!”

Erma froze. He was announcing his arrival? He was acknowledging her? Her heart went
pitter patter, and she felt a stirring low in her belly. Excitement.

“In here!” she yelled back. Her voice was a tad unsteady but she wasn‟t used to a
greeting. Not for many years at least.

Tank sauntered in smiling. Smiling! She was so busy taking note of the smile, she hardly
noticed the flowers. Until he thrust them at her.

“What‟s this?”

“Happy Valentine‟s Day!” He beamed with pride. Or was he just horny? Erma wasn‟t
sure, and she sure as shit didn‟t care.

“Um, thanks. I didn‟t even realize it was Valentine‟s Day.”

“Yeah, we haven‟t celebrated in a while.” He looked sheepish.

Erma blinked, checked again, yep, sheepish. Her grumpy elusive husband was sheepish.
“Roughly fifteen years,” she said quietly.

He shrugged and blushed a bright red. “I‟m gonna grab a beer. Want one?”

She was too stunned to do anything but shake her head no. The moment he was gone
she dabbed the oil on every available area of skin. Fuck the chicken. The chicken could

Tank returned with his beer. “What‟s for dinner?”

“Me.” Erma meant for it to sound all sultry. Instead she sounded high and squeaky like
Minnie Mouse. It would have to do.

She lifted her red housecoat and wished she had thought to wear sexy underwear
instead of her white cotton granny panties. It didn‟t matter. She watched, flabbergasted,
as Tank dropped to his knees and shuffled forward. He pulled the cotton monstrosities
down and promptly buried his face in her pussy. He wasn‟t the quietest man when it
came to oral sex but the warm pleasure that bloomed in her cunt and spread through
her limbs was enough to forgive him his noisiness. When he shoved two plump fingers
inside of her and started to push and nudge some wonderful spots, Erma came with a
caterwaul that hurt her own ears. Then she sank to the floor as he shucked his work

“Dinner smells good.” He chuckled. “Tasted good, too.

Tank shoved up into her, grunting and sighing like an animal in heat. Erma noticed a
dust bunny under the stove but for the first time in a long while, she had no desire to
clean it up. He moved over her, face red, breath raspy. Erma reminded herself to mark it
down as she felt her cunt coil and tighten for the second time. February 14, 2007: two
orgasms. The thought flew out of her head as she came right on the heels of the
bellowing man above her.

Afterwards, Tank actually curled around her for a few moments. Held her close. Kissed
her! Finally, his stomach protested and he sighed, “Guess we should eat the chicken


Erma found the business card in her wallet. She dialed the number with shaking fingers.
Decadent memories flitted through her mind as she listened to it ring.


“Susan? This is Erma Proctor.”

“Hi, Erma! What can I do for you?”

“That „Wild‟ you sold me at Janet Marshall‟s party...”


“Is it illegal?”

“Of course not.” Susan laughed.

“Is it toxic?”

“Not at all! Erma, why are you asking? Is there a problem with the bottle I sold you?”

“No. No problem...” Erma took a deep breath. Steeled herself. It might not be the oil but
she didn‟t want to take a chance.


“Yes. I‟m here. Sorry. About the „Wild‟ ...” Another deep breath.

“Yes?” Susan was starting to sound annoyed.

“I want to buy a case!” Erma blurted.

Then she giggled.

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