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My name is Juan Sebastián Ayala Martínez I was born on August 12, 2002 in the Soacha hospital,
my parents' names are Luz Angela Martínez Mora, Juan Carlos Ayala Fontecha I have two sisters
and whose names are Alison Tatiana Martínez Mora, Ana Sofia Acosta Martínez we are a very
humble family, at birth my mother takes me to the Landázuri Santander municipality since my
father was working in the field with my grandparents on his behalf, a very beautiful municipality
and the people are very friendly, after a while of being there we were displaced by the guerrillas
since in 2000 to 2004 many people were taking away two of their towns by the guerrillas, we came
to the city of Bogotá to live in a neighborhood called Tres Reyes in Ciudad Bolívar had a family of
us living in this neighborhood since when we arrived we had a better chance of reaching an
appointment to accommodate us, as time passed I already lived in the suburbs, we already had a
house We already had our little things comfortable, I started studying at a school called Tomas
Carrasquilla I studied my first year at that school I went back to live in the neighborhood of Ciudad
Bolívar my parents separated I lived with my grandmother for a long time until I crossed the
second grade, when I reached the third grade I had my first loss of the year my mother saw that
my behavior was not very good in the study she took me to live with her for me it was the
happiest to live with my mother again but there was something that made me sad Dad was no
longer going to be there, I began to study very judiciously to get the best grades I gave the best of
myself I showed that I could get ahead with my studies, when I crossed to fifth grade I started with
the pod of going around fucking with my classmates there was no time where We would jed but as
you can imagine I lost the year, since there I took a job with the study and well I am already in the
British culminating with my studies thank God with some coworkers and some teachers very
chimbas forgive me the expression in this school I have learned many things the steps you did
before all these were empty this year I started with a great experience getting to know the islands
of San Andrés it was a walk with many fun knowing spectacular places that I had never seen
beaches Very beautiful, very few days, but very good moments we spent on this walk, when we
arrived from a great trip, a few days for all this that was not there to begin, we experienced a
pandemic that arrived in less than nothing but here we go, this pandemic arrives to put on a new
reality to realize how much life is worth and that in less than nothing you can die there are always
deaths, well let's not regret this very soon we will leave all this to live as before, to spend with
family, hugs They will return, This makes us a little stronger to carry on with all our dreams, the
pandemic took too hard for us to be at home bores us sometimes this Being locked up is very
boring, we were used to being outside, they are changes that little by little were understood here
we go forward, in the future I want to be fulfilling all the projects that I have in my life so that I can
feel proud of what I have done, I want to be With my family gathered all in a very beautiful place
and having a very spectacular time as a family is one of my dreams, I want to travel to many places
fulfilling everything I think by limiting myself to sleep I want to be succeeding with mine, I do not
let dream I want to be very blessed and be with God always guiding you on the right path.

Juan Sebastian Ayala Martinez

Once: Sabado

Autogestion Ingles

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