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Reuben Varner

2nd Period
Prewriting for Persuasive essay
I. Introductory

A. Thesis: Black people are accused of raping because of racism.

II. Body Paragraph 2

A. In TKAM Tom Robinson was accused of raping the girl Mayella

B. Atticus shows empathy for Tom Robinson
C. “In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the
white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life.”
(295). This quote is saying that not everyone was treated equally, especially
to white people.

III. Body Paragraph 3

A. In Accidental Courtesy there is a quote that says “you can’t kill the dreamer,
but you can kill the dream” (Accidental Courtesy)
B. When Daryl Davis was young he and his parents went to a March, while in
March white people started throwing little rocks at Daryl Davis.

IV. Body Paragraph 4

A. In the Bible God cares how we treat each other because we’re all created in
His image (Genesis 1:27). He makes no distinction between the inherent
value of one race or ethnicity over another.
B. The verse is saying that we need to treat others with kindness because God
cares. Also God created us specifically to love as Christ has loved us.

V. Conclusion 5

A. There is a saying that “why bad things happen to good people”.

B. Because of the color of your skin that does not change who you are in God’s
Reuben Varner
2nd Period

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