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Noelle T.



The idea of having my own family after making sure I was stable enough and achieving my
dreams has already occurred to me, particularly during this quarantine. Part of this idea is to let my
parents and my mother's younger brother and his prospective family in the future, to stay with us, making
us an extended family. As it is known for children raised in different family contexts to display
differential outcomes across a wide range of progressive fields, seeing and hoping that my ideal family
structure will be extended, bilateral, and egalitarian makes the younger generation be fond of those who
are older than them. The bond will be more cherished as we stay together and this will also be reflected
outside our home as family relationships play a central role in shaping an individual’s well-being across
the life course. Family members are significantly connected at every stage of life, and these relationships
are an important source of social ties and social influence for people throughout their lives. Strong family
ties can provide greater meaning and purpose, as well as tangible social resources that benefit well-being.
Moreover, as my ideal family’s paternal and maternal side offers equal level of rights and authority
among the household, possible severe stressors may be avoided as social support by constantly reminding
each family members sudden reactions that can be overwhelming for some family members. This can
lead to tensions in relationships that should be avoided because it can impair mental health. Social support
may provide a resource for coping that dulls the detrimental impact of stressors on well-being and support
may also promote well-being through increased self-esteem, which involves more positive views of
oneself. In light of the idea that my ideal family is of two-way ancestry, it exposes the family to different
moods and habits. In this case, family members can provide this social control that only eases the tension
and makes the family relationship more robust and healthier for future generations. In addition, it allows
teen family members to remember the life experiences that have occurred inside our home as they address
more serious challenges outdoors. Lastly, those receiving support from their family members may feel a
greater sense of self-worth, and this enhanced self-esteem may be a psychological resource, encouraging
optimism, positive affect, and better mental health. It is clear that the quality of family relationships may
have significant consequences for well-being. However, with the ongoing grace of God and our trust in
Him, these factors will make my ideal family stronger.

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