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The joy of roughness…

-Abhishek Saini

Roll no.-16204

Branch-Electrical engg.(1st year)

First and foremost let me tell you, if you are going through a rough patch in life, you are not alone. We all
have been there and went through it. But it is these tough times that make the best stories to tell when you
grow old. Stories that will weave your life into an interesting one. Stories about how you got stronger and
stronger with every hurdle you faced, also incidences that can probably be told as a joke to someone and
laugh over it 20 years down the line.

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower”. – Alexander Den

 When people go through tough times, they tend to over think about every situation. What you need to
remember is over-thinking is never going to solve matters but positive thinking will definitely help.

What you are feeling today will change tomorrow or even sooner than that. Time will play its role and change
things for your good.

At this point of time, you need to count your blessings. If you have a roof over your head, there is nothing to
be depresseTaking advice from people will never make you seem weak. It is better than making the wrong
decisions in the wrong state of mind.d for.

Your anxiety and depression is nothing to be ashamed of. You are allowed to be not okay once in a while. Do
something new, something you love every day. Not everyone has the opportunity that you have.

Think about people deprived of the basic necessities before comparing your life with someone else.Before
hating yourself for feeling this way, think about someone who deeply loves you for whoever you are.“What
will the world think?” Get rid of this idea and realize the fact that everyone is busy building their own lives
and no one really cares what you do and what you don’t. Cut off all the negativity from your life. Be it people,
things or memories. Simply cut it off!

 Even if today sucked, tomorrow could be the best day of your life, because today is not forever and when
you think everything is falling apart, remind yourself that we live in a world where chocolate exists. Grab one;
sit back, take a bite and let things fall back together.

So embrace your life, smile through it and take a chill pill! *wink wink*

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