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5 Types Of Sprouts And Reason Why You

Should Eat Them

# Bengal Gram Sprouts

# Green Gram sprouts

# Bean sprouts

# Pumpkin sprouts

# Sunflower Sprouts

In the 21st century, every individual wants to stay in shape without a headache.
This is what is increasing the annual count of vegetarians every year. This is true
that going vegan can help you to quite an extent. But, will that not be a treat if the
results can be accentuated with some types of vegetables? Well known for their
nutritional value, these shoots are also used in the field of Naturopathy. There are
numerous types of sprouts.
# Bengal Gram Sprouts

hey are free from cholesterol and can be eaten raw as well as cooked. They are
abundant in healthy carbohydrates and are a high source of dietary fibers. Also,
these sprouts are a great supply of Vitamin B-6. They are also a very healthy
source of thiamine.

# Green Gram sprouts

They are filled with acute quantities of fiber.The essential nutrients found in them
are – iron, Vitamin B, C, and K. They have a large percentage of antioxidants.

# Bean sprouts

Bean sprouts are known for their remarkable protein value and low-calorie profile.
They too are rich in Vitamin C. On addition to these, these sprouts are also filled
with fol ate.
# Pumpkin sprouts

These sprouts are usually made from hulled seeds and can be eaten raw. You may
also lightly roast and add them up to your salads or sandwiches.

# Sunflower Sprouts

Sunflower sprouts are a good source of amino acids. They also provide a lot of
vitamins and minerals to your body.Vitamins like B, D and E and minerals like
copper, iron, magnesium and potassium are present in the sprouts.

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