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Hiking is the most popular and oldest form of tourism.

What makes it unique is

the fact that we can access hard-to-reach places on foot. This is its main
advantage and a characteristic feature among many others. Hiking is the
cheapest of all forms, because it does not require a lot of expenditure on
equipment or means of transport. Moreover, it is by far the safest and easily
accessible. Anyone can cultivate it, regardless of the season, weather conditions,
as well as age or gender. In Poland, hiking is very popular, both among young
people and the elderly. It is worth remembering that when going on the trail, you
should have a map with you and preferably a compass, which is now replaced
by GPS, but as it is commonly known, the old proven methods are the best. The
only condition for their effectiveness is the ability to use them.

However, hiking is not only about advantages. It is currently one of the most
important factors influencing the transformation of the landform. By descending
from the marked routes and treading alternative paths and shortcuts, tourists
contribute to the destruction of vegetation and the deterioration of the air-water
properties of the soil cover. Moreover, valuable natural areas shrink and
biodiversity disappears. And, what happens not only in the case of hiking, but all
other tourism, it leads to pollution of the environment with waste left by tourists
on and within the trails, and an increase in noise levels, which negatively affect
animals living in tourist areas.

Nevertheless, as long as tourism exists, it will have a negative impact on the

environment, and we, tourists, can only try to minimize these negative effects.

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