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Literary luminary

The literary luminary locates 4 sections of the text to share with the group and states
the reasons for choosing the selections.

Passage #1. The Characters

From Line: 72
Line: “How can a woman be in a hurry when the man does not hurry her?”
Reason: I opted this line to share because this describes the character who the author is
referring to Esperanza and the love she had to Alfredo; the love of the engaged couple.
Esperanza wanted to push through the weeding next month, but Alfredo is not a bit more
decided. I felt a bit sadness because it is easy for Esperanza to assume that there is a problem
with their relationship or that Alfredo isn’t fully committed to her.
Source :Based on what is currently known about marriage, romantic love appears to be most
closely linked to the phenomenon of falling out of romantic love, but due to the sparse extant
literature, the definition of falling out romantic love can only be derived from what we know
about being in love according to (Regan, 2017).

Passage #2. The Setting

Line: “The afternoon has seemed very short, hasn’t it?” Then, “This, I think is the last time we
can visit”.
From Line: 61
Reason: I choose this passage because this describes the setting; coco
nut plantation. It portrays a sadness of Julia and Alfredo when they think that that was the
last time that they are going to visit the coconut plantation. Also, it gives a sense of pure bliss
because they are enjoying their time together and time is precious for the both of them.

Passage #3. The Plot it is the climax)

Line: 189
Line: “whatever my shortcomings and no doubt they are many in your eyes, I have never
gone out of my way, of my place, to find a man”.

Source : I choose this passage because this this is relatable and portrays a sense of sincerity
and loyalty of Esperanza. It depicts the underlying motive for Esperanza’s action and words
should come from the heart and not driven by self-gain. Sincerity is a virtue. What she says
has to be sincere in order to others as well as relationships.
Source: Schneider et al., (2012) point out that when it comes to relationships, it is
recommended to start with loyalty and sincerity. Loyalty and sincerity mean to hold to one’s
integrity, principles, beliefs, actions, and intentions. It includes clearly communicating needs
and goals to your partner. It is something most people will agree they look for in a romantic
partner. Most people will also admit that they lie. How loyal people are with their partners
appears to impact the longevity of the relationship.

Passage #4. Dialog between Characters

Line: 118-122
Julia: “Home seems so far from here. This is almost like another life.”
Alfredo: “I know. This is elsewhere, and yet strange enough, I cannot get rid of the old
Julia: “old things?”
Alfredo: “oh, old things, mistakes, encumbrances, old baggage.”
Julia: “goodbye”

Reason: I choose this passage because it gives a sense of pure sorrow. I felt the mournful
emotion of Alfredo. Paz Marquez Benitez upon writing this line, she describes the sorrow that
Alfredo felt when the love of his life, Julia, left him. It also depicts how Alfredo really love
Julia and he is so affected by Julia’s departure.

Source: Upcoming endings also affect the selection of which kind of goals to pursue.
Socioemotional selectivity theory differentiates future-oriented goals that serve the purpose
of acquiring knowledge and present oriented goals that serve the purpose of regulating
emotional states (Carstensen and De Liama, 2018).

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