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1. Gregory is from Greece. What nationality is he? - He is _______________.

2. Ivan is from Russia. What nationality is he? - He is _______________.

3. Rio is from Brazil. What nationality is she? - She is _______________.

4. Jim is from England. What nationality is he? - He is ________________.

5. Nurten is from Turkey. What nationality is she? - She is _______________.

6. Hillary is from the USA. What nationality is she? - She is ________________.

7. Rita is from Germany. What nationality is she? - She is ________________.

1. What is her name? ________________________________________________________________

2. What nationality is she? ___________________________________________________________

3. What is his name? ________________________________________________________________

4. How old is he? ____________________________________________________________________

5. Where is he from? ________________________________________________________________

6. What nationality is he? ____________________________________________________________

7. What is your name? _______________________________________________________________

8. How old are you? _________________________________________________________________

9. Where are you from? _____________________________________________________________

10. What nationality are you? _________________________________________________________

C. Complete the sentences with the right time prepositions.

Sunday Easter 2008

Spring 23rd April 2008
My birthday

The afternoon

in on

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1. Mary’s birthday is …….. May, …….. 23rd. To be precise, she was born …….. one o’clock …….. the morning.
2. My mother was born …….. 1976, …….. February, …….. a Wednesday, …….. 13th February 1976.
3. I have classes … the morning, not the afternoon.

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