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Cyberbullying: The use of electronic communication to bully a person,

typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

As a parent make sure to look for certain signs to determine if your child
has become a victim of cyberbullying, signs include:
 Withdraws from family and friends.
 Shows signs of depression or sadness.
 Has an unexplained decline in grades.
 Becomes upset, sad or angry during or after being online or using
their phone.
While in my classroom there will be zero tolerance to any kind of
If any child is found bullying anyone, parents or guardians will be
notified. If it continues, further action will be taken that may lead to
suspension from school.
I highly encourage parents to take an active interest in your child’s internet and
phone use as this issue is highly preventable. I also encourage parents to do more
research on cyberbullying by logging onto the Cyberbullying Research Center.

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