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1. Look at this photo or any other photo related to “Bob Sponge Square Pants" or you can
use any other.

2. Make a list in which you use each the possessive pronoun twice. In total you must have 12
sentences. (draft).


Possesive Pronoun Sentence
MINE That Picture is MINE. (Mia)
This homework is MINE.
YOURS That IceCream is Yours (Arenita a Gusanito)
This mesh is YOURS (Bob Sponja a Calamardo)
HERS That Flower is HERS. (de Arenita)
That Glasses are HERS. (de Arenita)
HIS That red TIE is HIS (de Bob Sponja)
That red Cup is HIS (de Bob Sponja)
OURS This is OUR happy time (Todos jugando)
This is OUR favorite place (Todos)
THEIRS The place where they are playing is THEIRS.
That houses are THEIRS.

3. Make a video of 1-minute TALKING in which you use the sentences made above.

I am going to read the sentences I made using the Possesive Pronouns according to the picture I
choose. The sentences above are …..

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