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Questionnaire 3.

Star-shaped cells that helps protect the

neurons from harmful substances that might
Integumentary System be in the blood… Astrocytes
1. What is the an avascular region of the
skin? Epidermis 4. Which is correctly matched? Idk lol
2. The most superficial epidermis layer is…
Stratum Corneum

3. What substance is manufactured in the

skin (not a secretion) to play a role in calcium
absorption elsewhere in the body?
Vitamin D
4. Acne is an infection of…
Sebaceous glands/Hair Follicle
5. An organ system that controls the activity
of the eccrine sweat glands… Autonomic
nervous system
6. What is the most touch sensitive area of
the body? Lips
7. Structure that houses the hair…Hair

8. It has a lunule and a cuticle…Nail

9. Specialized nerve endings that respond to

temperature, touch, etc: Free nerve-
10. Most cells of the epidermis are…

11. Dead cells are found in… Stratum


12. Product of sebaceous glands: Sebum

Nervous tse.
1. Which consist of the brain and spinal
cord and is the command centers of the
nervous system? Central Nervous
2. What carry impulses to and from the
spinal cord? Neurons
5. Histological examination of a slice of is actively transported out of the cell B.
neural tissue reveals a bundle of nerve fibers 2,1,4,3
held together by cells whose multiple
5. It metabolizes bodies response during
processes wrap around several fibers and
form a myelin sheath. What is this extreme situations…
specimen? Tract 6. This division allows the body to relax and
6. Metabolic center of the neuron… cell conserve energy… Parasympathetic
body/soma nervous system
7. The myelin sheath has gaps, or
indentation, at regular intervals
called… Nodes of Ranvier
8. Each axon terminal is separated from
the next neuron by a tiny gap called…
Synaptic cleft
9. Which is correctly matched?

10. What is the receptor for pain

and temperature? Anterolateral
11. What is the receptor for light touch?
Medial lemniscal pathway/dorsal

12. Cell bodies of the sensory neurons of the

spinal nerves are located in…dorsal root
13. An action potential… idk way choices

1. What is the motor subdivision of the PNS
that controls body activities
automatically? Autonomic nervous
2. Which of the following is not a function of
the ANS?
3. ANS is also called the involuntary

4. Which one of the following is the correct

sequence of events that follows a threshold?
1. the membrane becomes depolarized 2.
sodium channels open and sodium ions
diffuse inward 3. the membrane becomes
repolarized 4. potassium channels open and
potassium ions diffuse outward while sodium
7. Fight of flight system is responsible for, the brain can result in loss of muscular power
except… and precision rather than total paralysis…
8. What is the sympathetic effect of the ANS
to the liver?
9. What is the parasympathetic effect of the

10. What is the parasympathetic effect of the

ANS to the sweat glands?
11. What is the sympathetic effect of the
ANS to the urethra? Bladder relaxes as
internal sphincter contracts to
prevent voiding.
12. What is not a sympathetic effect of the
ANS to the salivary, lacrimal and gastric
glands? Feeling dry
Sensory, motor and integrative system
1. This is created by the central nervous
system, through sensory or afferent nerve
or one of the organs of sense; a feeling,
or state of consciousness, produced
either by a stimulus…
2. Somatic sense of pain… nociception
3. This pathway is from the somatosensory
receptors through the thalamus, to the
primary somatosensory cortex…
somatosensory pathways
4. Which pathway conveys pain, temperature
sense, and crude touch…anterolateral
5. Which pathway conveys proprioception,
vibration sense, and fine, discriminative
touch. Medial lemniscal pathway
6. It is known as the one responsible for the
initiation and execution of movements…
7. This receives information from the sensory
systems, the spinal cord, and other parts of
the brain and then regulates motor
8. Directs the conscious or volitional motor
functions of the body. Damage to this area of
9. Which of the following is not controlled by
the reticular activating system? Sleep
10. Which of the following is a type of
memory? Working memory
11. Is an uncomfortable feeling that tells you
something may be wrong, either acute or
chronic. It can be steady, throbbing,
stabbing, aching, pinching, or described in
many other ways…pain
12. It result of a network of interconnecting
sensory nerves, that supplies many different
tissues. Type of pain perceived at a location
other than the site of the painful stimulus/
origin. Referred pain

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