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Soal Bahasa Inggris Latihan 1




Text 1
Gobies are species of fish that can be found in tropical and subtropical waters,
including in Indonesia. These marine animals belong to the Goblidae family and live
along the coasts, on sands. and around sea reefs. It is relatively easy to recognize a
goby fish, simply by looking at the two tins on its back, It has an average size of 1-5
Though it is easy to find a goby fish, taking their photograph is hard. There
are some basic things that make it difficult to capture them This is because of the
nature of the goby fish that always reacts to any movements of approaching them. A
goby fish will flee or hide it something considered dangerous to them is approaching.
There are some peculiarities in the life of a goby fish. They establish
symbiotic relationships or mutualisms with another marine animal pistol shrimps. A
pistol shrimp (Alpheus spp), a member at the crustaceans can usually be found in
shallow waters, especially on coral reefs in tropical and subtropical regions. This
shrimp is also known as snapping shrimp because it can produce a melting sound
when attacked by a predator.
A goby fish and a pistol shrimp live together in one burrow at the bottom of
shallow waters at a depth of about 3 5 meters. Though of different species. both
protect each other. The symbiosis begins when the pistol shrimp starts to build a
burrow as deep as 5.5 centimeters and a diameter of 3.5 centimeters The goby fish
will then use the burrow as a place to rest at night. To make sure the 'house' that they
inhabit together has enough space for them. the pistol shrimp will excavate the sand
from inside the burrow tram time to time.
Both animals do their feeding activities day and night. When exiting the
burrow, the goby fish will take the front position to “guide" the pistol shrimp‘ This is
also done when they return to the burrow. The pistol shrimp will take the back position,
retreating backwards and keeping its antenna 'in contact' with the fish. The pistol
shrimp is dependent on the goby fish because it cannot see when darkness comes.
When sensing danger, the goby will move its tail and the movements signal the pistol
shrimp of the emergency.

1. The phrase "basic things" in paragraph 2 can be replaced by ...

A. supporting elements
B. additional features
C. serious problems
D. initial conditions
E. main factors


2. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Togetherness in one burrow between a goby fish and a pistol shrimp is
B. Some marine animals can onIy be inund in tropical and subtropical waters.
C. A goby and a pistol shrimp establish mutualistic relationships.
D. Unlike a goby fish, a pistol shrimp swims backwards.
E. A goby fish has a larger size than a pistol shrimp.

3. The author‘s intention of writing the sentence "the pistol shrimp is dependent on
the goby fish because it cannot see when darkness comes" in paragraph 5 is to....
A. explain the difference between the goby fish and the pistol shrimp
B. describe the physical condition of the pistol shrimp at night
C. exemplify how the goby fish assists the pistol shrimp
D. confirm the reliance ot the pistol shrimp on the goby fish
E. Illustrate the nightn life of the goby fish and the pistol shrimp

4. What most likely motivates the writer to write the passage?

A. A limited number at readers who know the mutual relationships between the
goby fish and the pistol shrimp.
B. Limited information about the benefits of the reiationships between a goby
fish and a pistol shrimp.
C. Many readers’ misunderstanding of the symbiotic relationships between sea
D. Readers' lack of knowledge about the advantages of a goby fish over a pistol
E. Minimum information about the kinship between a goby fish and a pistol

Text 2
The use of narcotics and illegal drugs does not merely have an impact on
mental and behavioral disorders Even worse‘ drugs damage the heart and can lead to
death. The effects of drugs on the heart vary ranging from mild, severe. to death.
There are three types of drugs that cause death in the heart muscle: cocaine,
amphetamines, and ecstasy. These three types of drug substances have 3 Similar
effect on the heart. They cause an increase in the catecholamine hormone which
makes the heart work harder. The effect at consuming it is a sudden increase in blood
pressure. As a result. the head muscles' demand for oxygen increases. The long-term
effect of using this type of drug can damage (tie walls of the blood vessels, both the
arteries and coronary annexes. This condition causes a tear in the blood vessel wall.
In addition, damage to the heart muscle can interfere with the heart's pumping
function and cause heart rhythm disturbances. The heart rates can become very fast
and a cardiac arrest can happen.
Other groups of drugs that damage the heart are LSD (Lysergic Acid
Dieihylamide) and psilocybin which causes hallucinations. The effect of these
substances on the heart is an increase in the heat rate and blood pressure though it
is not as high as that caused by cocaine or amphetamines. A rare but quite serious
effect is a heart rhythm disorder in the form of tachyarrhythmia where the heart raise
increases very rapidly. The next prohibited substance is morphine and iis derivatives.
Besides LSD. there is morphine which is a strong antidote in pain. but
excessive use of this substance will lead to addiction. The higher the dose is
consumed. the greater is the effect in reducing the heart‘s performance. The fatal

Soal Bahasa Inggris Latihan 1

effects comprise among others, shocks, and cardiac arrest. Anoiher disorder found in
morphine users is pulmonary edema which is submerged lungs that can be fatal. The
last group is marijuana. In high doses. marijuana causes a decrease in blood
pressure and heart rate, which can lead to fatality. The most severe condition due to
marijuana are cardiac arrest and death

5. The types of drug that can stop the heart is emphasized in paragraph(s)
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 4
E. 2

6. Based on the passage. the effect of using large amounts at morphine is....
A. hallucinations among the users
B. dramatic increase in heart rates
C. weakening of the hearts performance
D. trouble with the heart's pumping function
E. decrease in blood pressure and heart rates

7. Which conclusion is the most appropriate based on the passage?

A. The higher the dose of the drug consumed the greater the impact on the
heart's health.
B. Taking small amounts of drugs under prescription is allowed for medical
reasons only‘
C. The less drug is consumed, the healthier the condition of one’s heart
D. Illegal drugs of the LSD type have a fatal effect on the heart's heath.
E. Not consuming drugs can maintain heart's optimum health.

8. For whom is this passage intended?

A. Public in general
B. Drug addicts
C. Sick people
D. Pharmacists
E. Physicians

Text 3
Schools must incorporate technology into daily teaching to realize the
benefits. The daily use of technology in core classes correlates highly to the desirable
education success measures (ESMs). Daily technology use is a top-five indicator of
better discipline, better attendance, and increased college attendance.
In 1:1 (one child one laptop) schools, daily use of technology in core
curriculum classes ranges from 51% to 63%. Unfortunately, many 1:1 schools report
using the technology on only a weekly basis or less often for many classes. It may
appear surprising that in 40% of 1:1 schools, where every student has a laptop,
students do not use the technology on a daily basis.
The anecdotal evidence suggests a few answers: first, some schools move
into 1:1 computing based on top-down directives and do not enjoy stakeholder buy-in.
Second, many schools have inadequate levels of professional development.
America's Digital Schools 2006 provides strong support for this argument. Third,
schools buy the hardware but no courseware. In one large implementation, the


hardware vendor who won the bid allocated only 50 cents for software, requiring the
schools to supplement the software out of their own budget. Fourth, the laptops are
used for less transformative activities. Next, computer use is limited to tool use, such
as PowerPoint or word processing, with some limited web browsing. Broader uses
including digital content with meaningful integration are not employed.
Some educators have asked if technology has to be used daily to be effective or if
daily use is overkill. If the use of technology is just tinkering around the edges, daily
use may not matter or produce better results. However, it matters a great deal if
technology is embedded in the school. If applied, it produces results beyond those
expected by chance.
Technology-transformed learning is all about learning productivity. It is much
faster to look something up on a computer than in a book, but if a student spends only
30. minutes a week on a computer, the maximum productivity benefit is less than 2%.
Infrequent access precludes many productive applications.

9. With the second sentence in the first paragraph, the author intends to ....
A. show technology use within the process of teaching and learning
B. imply that educational technology leads to teaching effectiveness
C. show the use of technology in classrooms is closely related to the indicators
that lead to the success of education
D. argue that the core curriculum classes without technology ranges from 51%
to 63%
E. suggest that incorporating technology into a school curriculum will bring about
learning efficiency

10. With ideas in paragraph 3, the author would apparently agree that ....
A. the factors influencing the success of technology uses in schools remain
B. the increase of education success is highly correlated with the presence of
C. the use of computer technology has not yet been successfully implemented
D. the use of computer by students is already broad and on daily basis
E. the students’ competence in using technology is actually well-integrated

11. The author's assumption about the use of computer technology in school is ....
A. without good software and frequent use, the expected results cannot be
B. technology matters a great deal only in the top-five schools for its
C. technology should be embedded in all of the school programs
D. the effectiveness of daily use of technology is aimed to increase the quality of
E. some schools get great impacts from using technology on its daily basis

12. The author illustrates the significance of technology use on a daily basis in
paragraph ....
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Soal Bahasa Inggris Latihan 1

Text 4
Many kinds of herbs may sit in our cupboards. Little did you know that these
herbs were loaded with powerful nutrients. They add flavor and texture to boost your
meals - and also the body. Below are some examples of herbs that can give healing
The first example is Basil that has many benefits for health. It has the ability
to protect DNA. Its antioxidants and phytonutrients are known to protect
chromosomes and cell structures. The herb's essential oils protect against antibiotic-
resistant bacteria. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties and COX-2 enzyme
inhibitors work similarly to aspirin or ibuprofen.
The second example is Cayenne, also known as capsicum fruit. Cayenne
pepper can enhance circulation, digestion, and absorption. Its healing properties have
been known to be helpful in arthritis, urinary tract issues, infections, ulcers, and
respiratory ailments. It may also be helpful as a thyroid balancer, for heart health, and
for cleansing.
The third kind of herbs offering healing effects year-round is Cinnamon.
Some of the advantages are lowering cholesterol, reducing blood sugar levels,
strengthening the cardiovascular system, helping with respiratory issues, relieving
menstrual pain, reducing arthritis pain, helping to clot blood, and preventing tooth
decay and bad breath.
Another example is Dill. It was used by Hippocrates (known as "the father of
medicine") in a recipe to clean the mouth, and soldiers would also apply the burnt
seeds to wounds to promote healing. Dill's volatile oils can neutralize particular types
of carcinogens found in smoke from cigarettes, charcoal grills, and trash incinerators.
It has also shown an ability to prevent bacterial overgrowth. In addition, dill is rich in
calcium, making it beneficial in the prevention of bone loss.
Using these herbs in medication is advantageous. The herbs are easy to find
because they are just things we always have around.
In addition, they are very cheap compared to drugs we have to buy at
drugstores. Finally, they produce none or only little side effects compared to chemical
drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how they should be processed to be used
in medical treatments.

13. The author's attitude regarding herbal medication is ....

A. Convinced
B. Negative
C. Doubtful
D. Pessimistic
E. Neutral

14. What topic does the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss?
A. How to find herbs for medication
B. How to process medical treatments
C. How to reduce the side effects of herbs
D. How to get health treatment that is free from side effects
E. How to process herbs to be used for medical purposes

15. What is the best summary of the passage?

A. Many herbs are not only useful as seasonings, but they are also
advantageous for our health. Different herbs give different health benefits,
almost all at reasonable prices.


B. Many kinds of herbs can provide benefits for medical treatments. Therefore, it
is necessary to know how to eliminate their side effects in medical treatments.
C. Herbal treatment is easy, cheap, and free from side-effects. It is important for
us to improve our knowledge about this type of medicine.
D. Some types of herbs have been known to be able to provide relieving effects
on painful feeling. It is important for us to use them in medical treatments
E. While some types of Complementary and Alternative Medicine have been
considered useful, some others still need further research-based justification.
Therefore, there are needs to conduct new studies that focus on the benefits
of these herbs

16. It can be predicted from the passage that ...

A. consumption of basil will protect people's chromosomes but not the cell
B. regular consumption of capsicum fruit will result in enhanced circulation,
digestion, and absorption
C. the more people consume cinnamon, the more likely they increase the level
of cholesterol and blood sugar
D. consuming dill is useful in preventing osteoporosis in the future
E. the cheaper the price of medicine, the less reliable the healing effect will be

Text 5
One study concluded that saltwater crocodiles like to surf the waves and can
travel hundreds of kilometers by “riding" the ocean waves. Australian researchers
used underwater and satellite sensors to follow the movements of these 20 reptiles.
They found that saltwater crocodiles traveled more than 10 km, but only when the
waves flowed towards their destination.
Estuarine or saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptile on earth and can grow
to a body length of 55 meters. This animal is not a good swimmer and its habitat is in
sea water. Yet, their “home" covers thousands of kilometers in the area of the
Southeast Pacific. Researchers have long wondered how this crocodile can spread
so widely. They noted that of the many extraordinary abilities possessed by animals,
the ability of certain species to move long distances “overcoming the geographic
barrier" is one of the greatest.
Despite spending most of their lives in salt water, these crocodiles are not
considered sea creatures because these animals depend on land to find food and
drink. In a study led by Dr. Hamish Campbell of the University ot Queensland, 20
saltwater crocodiles living downstream of the North Kennedy River in Queensland,
North Australia, were captured and attached to a satellite tracking device. During the
study, eight crocodiles traveled across the ocean. One crocodile moved from the
downstream of the river to the west coast of the York Peninsula which is 590 km in 25
days. This crocodile covered the distance by riding seasonal waves in the Gulf of
Carpentaria during the summer rainy season. This crocodile can live in sea water
without eating and drinking for a long period of time. Thus, the animal travels only
when the waves of the sea allow it to move to far away places. Another crocodile
spent 20 days traveling 411 km, When a crocodile arrived at one place, large waves
flowed in a different direction from the animal's destination, and thus the crocodile
took refuge in one bay for four days and then continued the journey as the waves
changed directions.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Latihan 1

17. Phrase “overcoming the geographic barrier" in paragraph 2 can be replaced by …

A. using its natural adaptability
B. conquering the ocean waves
C. solving marine problems
D. passing through sea blockage
E. beating the obstacle in nature

18. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Saltwater crocodiles enjoy the journey through the waves up to tens of
B. Australian researchers question the movement of saItwater crocodiles in the
C. Saltwater crocodiles can travel tens of kilometers in the ocean by the help of
the waves.
D. Saltwater crocodiles can only be drifted by the flows of the waves to reach
their destination.
E. The movement of saltwater crocodiles can be tracked with sensor and
sateIIite technology.

19. The author's intention in writing the sentence " This crocodile covered the
distance by riding seasonal waves in the Gulf of Carpentaria during the summer
rainy seasori' in paragraph 3 is to …
A. explain how saltwater crocodiles move
B. detail the seasonaI activities of saltwater crocodiles
C. confirm the unique level of saltwater crocodile mobility
D. give an example of a saltwater crocodile migration pattern
E. describe the distribution of saltwater crocodiles in their habitat

20. What is the main reason the author conveyed his/her ideas in the passage?
A. Many people think that crocodiles can only live in salt water.
B. Research on saltwater crocodiles has not received much support.
C. The extraordinary abilities many animals have are not known exactly.
D. Crocodiles are often associated with the ability to move in long distances.
E. The extent the saltwater crocodiles travel in the Southeast Pacific is unknown.


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