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1. FIND OUT 20 Words of Noun relating to Dentistry including its Indonesian meaning!

1) Filling: tambal gigi

2) Teeth: gigi
3) Denture: gigi tiruan
4) Flossing: benang gigi
5) Anasthetic: obat bius
6) Mouthwash: obat kumur
7) Toothbrush: sikat gigi
8) Toothpaste: pasta gigi
9) Braces: kawat gigi/behel
10) Dental chair: kursi dental (kursi yang digunakan oleh dokter gigi)
11) Mouthguard: pelindung mulut
12) Dental drill: bor gigi
13) Mouth mirror: cermin mulut
14) Syringe : suntikan
15) Braces: pemasangan kawat gigi
16) Dental implant: implan gigi
17) Probe: alat mengukur kedalaman periodontal
18) Needle: jarum suntik
19) Twezeers: Pinset
20) Cotton pellets: kapas bulatan kecil
2. FIND OUT 20 Words on each Adjective and Verb (General) including its Indonesian
A. Adjective
1. Beautiful: cantik
2. Dangerous: berbahaya
3. Busy: sibuk
4. Happy: senang
5. Smart: pintar
6. Long: panjang
7. Young: muda
8. Friendly: ramah
9. New: baru
10. Wonderful: menakjubkan
11. Smart: pintar
12. Bad: buruk
13. Good: bagus
14. Naughty: nakal
15. Honest: jujur
16. Angry: marah
17. Excited: bersemangat
18. Tall: tinggi
19. Quiet: tenang
20. Diligent : rajin
B. Verb
1. Filling: tambal gigi
2. Extract: cabut gigi
3. Rinse: berkumur
4. Brushing teeth: sikat gigi
5. Routine check-up: pemeriksaan rutin
6. Surgery: pembedahan
7. Inject: menyuntik
8. Roor canal treatment: perawatan saluran akar
9. Bleaching: pemutihan gigi
10. Denture fitting: pemasangan gigi palsu
11. Radiographic examination: pemeriksaan radiografi
12. Braces: pemasangan kawat gigi
13. Scaling : membersihkan plak/karang gigi
14. Suturing: penjahitan
15. Pressure measuring: pengukuran tekanan
16. Skin graft: pengangkatan kulit
17. Biopsy: biopsi(diasnostik dengan mengambil jaringan)
18. Dental implant placement: pemasangan implan gigi
19. Probing: pemeriksaan kedalaman jaringan periodontal (pendukung gigi)
20. Percussion: pemeriksaan dengan cara mengetuk gigi baik dengan tangan atau
3. Write 5 simple sentence using verb, adjective, and noun relating to Dentistry!
A. Verb
1) Diligent brushing teeth will prevent tooth decay
2) The tooth cavity was so large and had spread that the tooth had to be extracted.
3) If the teeth are uneven or spaced, you can consult an orthodontist
4) Cavities must be filled
5) Denture fitting aims to replace the loose teeth

B. Adjective
1) I routinely check my dental health to the dentist every six month
2) The tooth decay was extensive
3) Toothache that is not resolved can lead to complications and dangerous diseases
4) His teeth very strong
5) Oral health is very good

C. Noun
1) Before action ussualy use anasthetic
2) To straighten my teeth i use braces
3) To see the oral cavity used mouth mirror
4) For maximum oral hygiene can use dental floss
5) Athletes ussualy ask the dentist for mouth protector

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