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Tiny Homes:

The Ultimate Guide to Small House Living


By: Lisa Daniels

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Copyright © 2016
Published by:
Lisa Daniels and Sparrow Publications
Orlando, FL 32812

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Tiny House History

What Is The Best Tiny Home For You

When The Mortgage Becomes Too Expensive
Can You Build In Your Area?
A Home On Wheels
Weight Requirements
Do You Have Special Needs?
How Much Space Should I Have?
Tiny Homes For Families
How About A Tiny Home Neighborhood?
Cottages For The Elderly

The Bohemian
The Tamarack
Ana White’s Quartz Tiny Home
The Writers Cottage
Homesteader’s Cabin

Shipping Containers?
Questions To Ask First
How Much Do These Homes Cost To Build?

Other Styles Of Tiny Homes

Yurt Style Homes

Domes And Pre Fabricated Homes

Green Energy Pre Fabricated Homes



The tiny home explosion has helped to redefine the American landscape in
the last ten years. People are choosing to downsize into a smaller more eco
friendly homes because they do not cost enormous amounts of money to

While some people may think a tiny home is not an acceptable size for
anyone to live in, others think it’s the best and only way to be.

The average sized American home is now approximately 2100 square feet
and millions of people have bought into the bigger is better mortgage
fallacy. With a big house comes extra expense bills, so tiny home owners
will tell you, smaller is superior.

Tiny homes offer home owners the freedom and affordability to travel
around with their home right behind them. For many Americans who are
living on a shoe string budget now, tiny homes also offer peace of mind in a
very affordable price range.

As more people worldwide choose to opt out of the Bank Mortgage games,
downsizing into a tiny home is a real option. After all who wants to be
overextended and stressed out over finances when tiny homes have
everything you need to be comfortable.

Is it any wonder more people are deciding to save money and buy or build a
tiny home. It’s a viable option, economically affordable and allows people
to have the freedom of moving around.

A smaller home will mean less cleaning, less electric costs and it will be
cozy to live in no matter what season.
Throughout this book we are going to go over some of the positives and the
possible drawbacks of owning a tiny home. We want you to have a well
rounded view concerning the basics of owning a tiny home.
Tiny House History

Smaller homes were the normal way of living for millions

of Americans once. The shotgun style homes built in the
mid 1800’s through to the 1920’s were homes millions of
Americans once lived in.

As you can see from the floor plan of a shotgun home, they
were not much bigger than the tiny homes of today.
Picture Source:

Row houses and cottages were other styles of homes that

were built with the average family in mind. You can still see
many of these styled homes in American cities, Europe,
England and Australia. One level row houses usually only
had one-two bedrooms and five or more people used to live
in small homes such as these.

Once in America it was normal to live in very small homes and the trend
continued with cottage style homes in the 1920’s. After WW2 small cookie
cutter style homes were built in cities all over America. Older style housing
plans did have bathrooms fitted into the home, or bathroom facilities were
placed downstairs in the basement. So as you can see it was pretty normal
for people to live in smaller homes.

So why are there so many restrictions on building and living in tiny homes
today? Unfortunately many of the restrictions come from city councils,
counties and taxes on building codes. Making money on permits, fines and
code enforcement is based more on revenue than anything else.

If you own 5 acres of land and want to build a tiny home, there shouldn’t be
any restrictions on the size of the home if it has septic and water facilities. It
seems ridiculous to most people but money is a huge part of the problem
and sometimes unfair building permits, continue to make money for the

The tiny home surge represents people who want to go back to living
simpler lives in America. With the mortgage crisis and our economy on
shaky ground, people are choosing to give up their big homes and downsize
to a manageable income level.

Another good reason to have a tiny house; because it gives a sense of

freedom to go anywhere you want with your entire home. Another plus is
the flexibility of having different tiny house plans to look over is also very
appealing for many people. So with all of these great options to consider
lets discuss the best type of tiny home for you!
What Is The Best Tiny Home For You

Picture Source:

As we previously discussed the tiny home revolution is for anyone who

wants to sell their current home and downsize. It’s also about living in a
home that gives us basic shelter, warmth and comfort. A lovely place to
hang our hats...

Tiny homes are usually less than 300 square feet in size and they are as
durable as any home you will find. Some tiny homes are built on trailers
whereas others are built as permanent structures on posts in the ground.

Another style of tiny home living are the cool houseboat models especially
created for the water lover in mind. Fishing poles will definitely be a much
needed item on a tiny houseboat like this.
When The Mortgage Becomes Too Expensive

Many elderly people want to downsize into a tiny home because of their
fixed income and living this way this is a fantastic solution for people who
still want their independence and freedom.

It’s not just the elderly who are choosing to live in tiny homes either.
Younger couples or single people are also opting for tiny home

The truth is it’s not always easy living with other people especially if they
are not your family. Roommates can be difficult at times and tiny homes
offer a sanctuary for privacy and quiet without all the added costs and
roommate headaches.

Another good reason people are choosing to live in tiny homes is because of
the economy. No-one really knows what is going on at the moment and the
building industry is not as busy as it used to be.

A tiny home offers a workable solution for people on budgets. After all who
isn’t fed up paying for high cost mortgages and electric bills that are
through the roof in the winter months? Because the economy and mortgage
lending is on shaky ground many people are choosing to save their money
and buy or build a tiny home. This is one of the best plans in remaining
completely debt free and tiny homes can help you stay on track with the

If you have an adult son or daughter who still lives at home and you want to
become free, put your house on the market and buy a tiny home trailer.

Selling your existing home will benefit you in four ways:

You will unload the bigger home and get rid of the debt
Have some extra cash for travelling
Finally have some peace and quiet from the kids
You get to travel around the country with your house

Before you go ahead with your plans here are a couple of questions you
may need to answer first:

Have you thought about where you might like to locate for instance:
state, county and or living environment?
Do you own an existing property where you can build your tiny home?
Were you considering parking your home in the backyard with one of
your children or a friend?
Do you have a company in mind to build your home for you?
Are you going to be the one who is designing and building the tiny
What are the restrictions, codes and regulations for your area?

If you have some of these questions answered first, then you have a plan to
get started on your tiny home today!

“Proper prudent planning prevents poor performance.”

Can You Build In Your Area?

If you have decided to build a tiny home on an existing piece of land one of
the first questions you should be asking is: “What the restrictions in my

The best advice we can give is to ask either the local county building, or
city council. They usually have a list of what you need to do and how to go
about following the regulations. In this day and age with so many
restrictions on what is acceptable or not, you MUST find out first what is

Unfortunately some counties do not allow people to build a tiny home on

their land because the regulations may require a minimum square footage of
600 square feet. That’s actually not much bigger than a regular tiny house
style and something this size could easily be built.

If you build a tiny home on wheels, some cities may classify this type of
home a trailer and therefore may only be eligible to park your tiny home in
a trailer park. These are things you will need to look into first before
moving into a particular city.

If you are planning on moving into a tiny home community ask questions
like this:

Find out about the people in the area first.

Are their living rules in the tiny home neighborhood?
Do neighbors get along or are there constant problems?
Will you be required to pay a rent every month?
Will you have to pitch in for amenities?
A Home On Wheels

In this section we will talk about the mobile aspect of building a tiny home.
You can easily build a tiny house on top of a flat bed trailer and sell the old
clunking 5th wheel.

A tiny house usually doesn’t come with any code enforcement because it’s
not classified a permanent structure on a trailer. If code enforcement
officials had to inspect every tiny house ever built, they would never get
anything done.

You are more likely to have problems with inspectors when building a
home on the ground, than any tiny house on wheels. How many inspectors
do you know would be blueprinting every KOA for Tiny Home

Once your home is hitched up to your vehicle, you can take on the road
anytime you want. That’s the best deal of all!

Size and Load On The Highway

Are you so anxious to get out on the highway and see all those long awaited
places? Tiny home construction is looking better every day but first you
need to know what you can legally build to be legally acceptable on the

All U.S.A States have certain regulations requiring trailers, weight, and
types of Driver’s License. If you don’t have a CDL or license to drive a
truck, there are a few road restrictions you need to adhere to. Drop by the
department of main roads and pick up one of their flyers on load and weight
Your tiny home cannot be any more than 8 ½ feet wide, 13 ½ feet high and
40 to 60 feet long. If you look at some of the 5th wheels campers the width,
length and weight load has already been taken into consideration. A 5th
wheel is built to the maximum load capacity someone can take on the road
without owning a commercial license.

So what you are really looking at creating is building a tiny home within the
legal parameters and making everything work from that point. Building a
home on the ground requires all kinds of different permits; it’s easy to see
why so many people choose to build their tiny home on a trailer.

Picture Source:

Weight Requirements

Most commercial trailers have been designed with aerodynamic features in

mind. Many of the tiny homes built on top of trailers are usually about 7ft
wide by 14 feet in length. Because every square inch is important space on
a trailer, you will need to find a style of tiny home that fits your needs in
every perfect way.

Size does matter in this case, especially if you are going to be towing a tiny
home on the highways and roads across America. A tiny home built on a
trailer, 19 feet long will weigh about six thousand pounds.

Once your house is built, adding in your belongings will naturally increase
the weight load so you could be looking at 9000 pounds in weight. That’s a
lot of weight to be pulling up a mountain pass and why there are restrictions
on how big your tiny home really should be.

While the 40 foot length trailer can still be applied to a tiny home, you
consider the weight and load you have to pull first. Eighteen thousand
pounds is a lot of weight to be pulling on a highway, especially if you are
planning on going to National Parks where the roads are not always

You will need a powerful truck with a decent sized engine to pull such a
heavy load. Remember if you are travelling and making regular stops, you
will be unhitching your tiny home a lot more too, so how’s your back?

Tiny homes are built with the same materials that you would build a regular
home with. They use the same framework style of a regular home but only
on a smaller scale. This means you still need to purchase shingles, wood,
appliances, plumbing and other things you would see in any other home
built on the ground.
There is a builder in Oregon who builds tiny homes up to the 40 foot
version. Most of the construction he does is with a trailer park home in
mind. Rich has some lovely styles with downloadable PDF’s on the styles
he builds. Some of his tiny homes weigh in at nearly 10,000 pounds and
that’s before adding homeowner possessions.

If you are looking for something a bit bigger you might want to check out
his designs. The bathrooms are quite spacious along with a decent sized
kitchen. There is also a washer-dryer hook up with a stairwell that goes up
to a roomy loft used as a bedroom.

About Hans
Hans story is not unlike thousands of other people who all felt bigger was
better. He ended up disliking living in a huge house because he spent so
much of his free time, fixing and repairing items around the house.

He came to the conclusion he was basically imprisoned by his house, so

Hans got rid of the 4950 sq foot home and downsized. Hans moved into
another home that was 1600 square feet but again, it was just him and his
dog and even that was too much.

Now Hans lives in a 40ft long tiny home with the dog and he’s completely
happy. He gets to travel around and do whatever he wants with his home
hitched up to a truck.
Do You Have Special Needs?

Now that we’ve gone over a few of the requirements concerning the
building of your tiny home, it’s time to look at the other needs such as space
and what you really need to be comfortable.

There isn’t a lot of room in a tiny home, so bringing in all your personal
belongings from the previous house isn’t going to work.

You will need to figure out how many changes of clothes, shoes and
personal items you really need to have. What about family memories, arts
and crafts because you need to think, small home means limited space.

Remember you also have to make allowances for any excess weight when
pulling the tiny home. Extra weight means more wear and tear on your
wheels and trailer frame.

Most people who want a tiny home have already decided to live in a
minimalist fashion anyway. Being a minimalist means less clutter, cutting
down on belongings and less cleaning.

One of the best examples of practicing minimalism: Older parents who

want to travel but still have adult children living at home.

Below is an example of two people who decided to sell the family home
and downsize to a tiny home. The couple wanted a fresh start without all the
current expense. They didn’t want a mortgage or taxes anymore as it was
weighing them down.

Jen and Mark:

Jennifer and Mark had spent the last 28 years of their lives raising three
boys. The couple wanted to retire, buy a tiny home and travel but the boys
were completely happy to live at home. The eldest son who was 28 still
lived downstairs.

The only way the couple could be free, was to sell the house. It wasn’t that
Jen and Mark didn’t love their children, it was just time for mom and dad to
live how they wanted for a change.

Mark had been marketing online for years so there wasn’t any reason why
the two couldn’t travel the highways of America. Jen wanted to travel, so
she could take beautiful photographs. Mark loved to backpack and hike in
the woods so their dream was about to become a reality.

The couple gave their boys three months notice and put the family home on
the market. In the meantime Jen held frequent garage sales and got rid of
things she didn’t need. She also handed the baby pictures and keepsakes
over to her sons.

Mark and Jen engaged the services of a local carpenter who built a 32 foot
home. Jen got her little balcony and Mark got his wood burning stove. The
house provides for everything they need, which includes a comfy space for
Riley the dog.

When Jen and Mark now visit their sons, their home is backed onto the
eldest son’s driveway. The freedom to travel anywhere they wanted while
earning a good income along the way, was all the couple ever wanted.

Good things do come from downsizing and getting rid of the clutter.

It makes us think about what really matters in life.

Downsizing forces us to let go of things that we no longer need.
It frees us from waste and spending.
The freedom to travel anywhere is extremely liberating.

Jen and Mark only kept the essentials in their tiny house and are happy and
free. Who doesn’t want this?
How Much Space Should I Have?

You may have already looked over some plans concerning the style of your
tiny home but there are a couple of interior items you may want to consider

Will your tiny house have a staircase or just a ladder? Obviously if you
have problems walking, climbing or balance, a ladder may not be the safest
option in a tiny home. If you have health issues that could become a
problem in the near future, a one level tiny home is probably the best option
for you.

What about the kitchen space?

What size refrigerator are you planning on putting in your tiny home?
Will you be running appliances on propane?
Will you be keeping a generator in your tiny home for emergencies?

These are important questions that need to answered before you start
construction on your tiny home.
Tiny Homes For Families

Not everybody who lives in a tiny house is single or retired. There are
families also living in tiny homes. Are you wondering how this is possible?

These families do manage and they are living quite comfortably in homes
most of us wouldn’t normally consider. However if you remember earlier
on in this book, we discussed how whole families in America were once
raised in tiny homes. So it’s not that unusual after all. Actually it’s pretty
amazing how creative people can be when they set their mind to it.

A home only 100 square foot in size is not ideal for a family of four. A tiny
home that size, will only suit the needs of one person and possibly a small
pet. However a 1000 square foot home could be ideal for a family of four
and families can make the most out of a space this size.

Learning to use the most of space you have is extremely important,

especially when it comes to children and room. Starting off small is the
ideal way to go because you can make the house grow with you. If you
decide on a simple framework, eventually there is room for an extension,
especially if your tiny home was built on the land.

The below image belongs to a family who built a loft bedroom on either
side of their tiny home. They connected the lofts together with a see
through walkway. The idea is clever and the children have a loft space they
can call their own.
Picture Source:

Here are a couple of suggestions for families considering a tiny home. You
may want to build on solid ground and these below suggestions will give
you added room.

Instead of having an 8 foot wide home, see if you can manage 10 feet
Extend the home to 40 feet in length
Start with a small home first and as the children grow, extend the
house for privacy reasons
Build multiple tiny homes so the kids can have a separate space too
Outdoor living becomes more important in a tiny home, so make room
for a deck

Another thought you will need to consider is city legalities. Can you legally
park your tiny home at a friend - relative’s home for indefinite periods of
time? Will local coding allow for your tiny home to be parked in a driveway
or a backyard?

What about elderly parents who still want their independence but need
grown children to check in on them?

If you are a caregiver with an elderly parent, will the local building codes
allow you to put a tiny home in your backyard? Why should mom or dad
have to live inside your house, if they prefer to have a tiny home in the
backyard, especially with all the independent it brings? A tiny home doesn’t
have to be on wheels. It may be an old garage that can be converted into
living quarters for an elderly parent.
In today’s society many elderly are shipped off to nursing homes without
any thought to a secondary option, such as a tiny home. However this is a
great solution for elderly folk who are still fairly independent and active.
There are a couple of other options which we are going to be discussing in
next section of this book, so read on. We are now going to be discussing
shipping containers and domes.
How About A Tiny Home Neighborhood?

As we previously discussed not every city in America will allow you to

keep a tiny home in suburban areas but there are locations around the USA
that have created Tiny Home Neighborhoods.

These communities benefit people without a lot of money or the homeless.

In other areas tiny homes can now be built for the elderly who want their
own little community. For someone who is considering living in an area like
this, there are some questions to ask first.
Source link:

Are there any conflicts going on, ask around because the neighbors
will let you know. The last thing you want to do is move into a
community where people are arguing all the time.
What is your share of the bills such as rental space, electric, water and
What are the local codes like and can you keep a pet like a dog or cat?
What other restrictions do you need to be aware of?
Can you have a small garden if you like growing food and flowers?
Are the weather conditions harsh in that particular area?

Getting the facts first can save you a few headaches with disagreeable
neighbors or being stuck in an area you don’t particularly like.
Cottages For The Elderly

Picture Source:

As we had previously touched on, tiny homes can become great secondary
living quarters for an elderly parent. They don’t have to be large quarters
because old backyard sheds can be converted into comfortable living spaces
for mom or dad.

Med-Cottages have been specifically designed for an aging parent who

cannot climb stairs or who just wants a little privacy. These homes are
designed to be flat on the ground and are uniquely designed to help people
with disabilities. The interior is designed and set up for medical equipment
if need be.

The 288 square foot cottage comes with a bathroom, bedroom-living area
and small kitchen. The house also has a monitoring system hooked up just
in case mom or dad should fall. Depending on how active the person is,
these neat little tiny homes can also come with a washer and dryer.

The idea here is convenience for the adult child taking care of an elderly
parent, while giving the person who lives inside complete privacy if they
need it. The Med-Cottage can easily house an elderly couple so there isn’t
any real problem with room.
A MedCottage can also work for a disabled child who wants some
independence from the rest of the family. Just because one of your children
is disabled, doesn’t mean they don’t want their own freedom. A small space
like the Medcottage would be ideal for someone who still needs family
support but also wants their independence away from mom and dad
watching over them all the time.

Another viable option is an old garage. You may not have considered the
old garage in the backyard that could easily become a new home for an
elderly parent-grandparent. An older structure like a garage 30 years old,
could be eligible for conversion into a great living space for grandma.

If there are any older building codes that allow for the upgrade of an
existing building in your area, why not take advantage of this great
opportunity? Ask the local building department about existing structures tell
them the age of the building and find out about laws that have a
“grandfather clauses” in them.

“Grandfather Clause: a part of a law which says that the law does not apply
to certain people and things because of conditions that existed before the
law was passed.” - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Now that we have given you some information on weight, size, where to
park your tiny house and even how a family can manage, let’s talk about
design and style. We have looked over so many different tiny home
construction plans and came up with a few concepts that we think can work
for you.

It’s time for style talk…

Do you want those sleek modern contempory lines or a cute cottage feel?
Are you going to going to have a loft or will your tiny home just be one
level? Have you decided to incorporate a few of your own ideas and need
someone to make a blue print on your behalf?

How about appliances? Are you going to buy all electric or propane? If you
are planning on being off the grid propane is cheap enough. You can also
alternate with electric power by adding a few solar panels to the roof of
your tiny home.

There are so many different styles of tiny homes you can build yourself but
you have to look at the one style that will work in load capacity, the type of
vehicle you plan on using to haul your tiny home. You also need to consider
the roads you will be travelling on. Will they be highways or camp sites
where travelling down a small dirt road, can be bumpy, filled with pot holes
or have sharp rocks all over the road.

For example: some secondary dirt tracks near mountains and scenic roads
may not be in the best condition. Hauling a tiny home into these areas
where a lot of rocks are on the road, can pop your tires or eventually
damage the framework underneath the trailer. If you want to park in areas
like this make sure your tires and tiny home can handle the journey first.
*Just a reminder: Before you build any structure like a tiny home, you
really need to check with your Local County or city building codes first. It
would such a shame if you build a home on a trailer only to be told you are
not allowed to keep something like this on your property because you made
be in a Covenant Community.

Most tiny homes do not have many building requirements but counties and
cities do have code enforcement, so it’s just safer to find out what you can
or cannot build first.
The Bohemian

The bohemian tiny house comes with an old world feel. Shingle siding and
port windows give this house a whimsical feel. Modern windows with old
world charm give this tiny home its character.

There are also retractable stairs included in this plan, which is great for
someone who has an older dog.

The home has a bathtub, compost toilet and hatch, sleeping loft and extra
storage. There is also a laundry area, kitchen and small fireplace.

If you have a pet this house is ideal for your travelling companion.
Picture source and download:
The Tamarack

The best feature about this sleek design is the open floor plan. The design
comes with a full kitchen, laundry area, stairs that lead up into the loft and
bath-shower area.

There are French doors that lead out onto a small balcony along with an
open fireplace for those cold days.

This tiny home design is 32 feet long and may need some modifications to
the trailer first like an additional axel added to the trailer before building
this home.
Picture source and download:
Ana White’s Quartz Tiny Home

This plan does not include a bathroom but it would be fairly easy to add one
into this style. Our suggestion would be to take out the ‘tilt out storage area’
from underneath the loft.

Ana also recommends the type of stove, refrigerator and sink she put
together in the kitchen.

The total dimensional space of the quartz tiny home:

24 feet x 8 feet – 6 inches x 13 feet – 6 inches

Picture source and download:
The Writers Cottage

Cute and comfortable is the only way to describe the Borealis Writers
Cottage. This is a 12’ by 12’ cabin that has a compost toilet, kitchen and
loft space.

If you want to add a shower facility you could easily move the compost
toilet and water closet around to accommodate for a small shower cubicle.

The house also has room for a wood burning stove which in cold climates is
such a great idea and the foundations on this tiny home are post and pier
with 8 feet of height between the floor and loft.
Picture source and download:
Homesteader’s Cabin

This tiny house is one of the most popular styles because it is set on the
ground. It could become an ideal home to have mother in law apartment,
guest quarters or college student. A home like this one can also be installed
into a community that allows for tiny home construction.

A little bit of information about the Homestead: its 12 feet wide x 24

feet high with a 12 - 12 loft and roof. The good thing about this plan is the
loft can be extended which makes the upstairs space larger. Downstairs can
have a kitchen, bathroom, laundry hook ups and common area.
Picture source and download:
Shipping Containers?

Photo Source:

As natural disasters become more prevalent around the world, people need
affordable and strong homes. Most of us are already aware of the damage
hurricanes and tornadoes can do to our property but steel is not that easy to

Steel shipping containers can be made into apartments for students and low
income families.

“The CubeDepot Custom Projects team helped to improve the quality of life
in a low income community by constructing an affordable student housing
apartment complex out of retired ISO steel shipping containers. This
container apartment complex was built for a fraction of the cost, labor, time,
and materials of traditional construction. By striving to build with the
resources that are so abundant around us, this project represents a
transformation in waste management, resource conservation and
community outreach.”
Thousands of people are now purchasing shipping containers as viable
ways to have a home and some homes in Florida are now being built from
shipping containers because of their durability.

There are thousands of these containers rusting and sitting around on docks
throughout America and other parts of the world and they come in different
sizes. For the most part the average shipping container will usually be 9 feet
6 inches high, 8 feet across and up to 53 feet in length.

So how tough is the steel that goes into making a shipping container?
Usually the top and sides of the steel containers are made from welded 14
gauge (.075”) corrugated steel, on a 7 gauge (.18”) tubular steel frame. The
corners are made from milled cast steel which is welded onto the outside
and inside corners.

The base or floor of a shipping container is usually created from marine

based plywood and the paint on the container is usually a standard exterior
paint. So if you are looking for strong, the shipping container home may be
ideal for you.
Questions To Ask First

Because shipping containers are made from reinforced steel many people
are not aware of welding or other things that need to be taken into
consideration first before building this type of home.

Another consideration is rust. Obviously if you are planning on having a

shipping container home, the first consideration would be finding
something that is in fairly good condition. Some companies will repaint
older containers which can be deceptive when looking for signs of wear and

Because there has been a surge in popularity in containers they are

becoming easier to find in local communities and cities. You can rent them
for storage as well as being able to rent them. The art of making a deal
could come into play here because it’s easier to purchase a couple of 40 foot
long containers with as little as $500.00 down.

Also you need to know if the company who originally used the container
still owns it. Yes folks there could be a possibility the original company
who hauled the freight may still have ownership rights on your future home.

If you are planning on putting the containers together yourself, basic

knowledge in welding will be required. If you are not sure then hire
someone who can do the job properly for you.

The top three thing people should know about shipping containers before

Finding the right type of shipping container and where to purchase

Planning and permitting in your local city or county
Finding the right people to help you put these containers together
Can you get insurance for your home?

Architecturally shipping containers can be arranged in very unique ways

and the style of shipping containers is very sleek and modern. The only
really big problem you will need to watch for is condensation building up
inside the home but you can fix this issue by using better insulation.

I wish I knew how to insulate the shipping container; we ended up soldering

elements on the walls and then sprayed them with a foam anti-fire
insulation. Also I wanted to know how to keep the sun off the roof; in the
end we did this by double ventilating the roof. Finally how could we utilize
passive solar energy for the container? We did this by placing large
windows in the container facing south west. -Arnold
How Much Do These Homes Cost To Build?

Depending on how good you are at wrangling a deal on price, shipping

containers can be purchased at a fair price. If you know of a local
distributor then ask about their prices first.

Putting containers on trucks and lugging them across the country could
easily bust the budget. Most local container companies will have already
considered their shipping costs into the price of purchasing. You can also
look over their containers and purchase the best options that are available.

How big are you planning on having your home?

Will you be stacking these containers side by side or placing them on top of
each other? Most people who already own these styles of homes will tell
you, it works out to be cheaper to stack the containers side by side instead
of needing a crane to move them up to another level.

The average new home construction works out to be about $125.00 per
square foot, so the cost for your shipping containers will need to be lower if
you are planning on doing this by pinching pennies.

We wanted to share a story with you that we found about a Denver couple
who built a huge home with shipping containers. This couple purchased 9
shipping containers, 40 foot long containers that cost the couple $2200.00
each. The home ended up being 4000 square feet with upstairs containers
being made into another living area for mom.

The owners decided to use the containers as the outside framework of their
home and placed a huge area in the center for hanging out in. The home is
very contemporary looking, which seems to work well with shipping

While most of us are not looking at owning a 4000 square foot home, the
idea is simple; shipping containers can be used as a viable system for
building a beautiful contemporary styled home.

There are so many options you can use to build an amazing tiny home so
we are about to introduce a couple of other unique styled homes, you may
not have thought of before, so keep on reading.
Other Styles Of Tiny Homes

Now that you have the shipping container information we are going to
discover the other options people have to build unique small homes. Other
styles of tiny homes include designs like domes, yurts, earthships, earthbags
and revamping old shotgun style homes.

Advice on building code restrictions concerning earth building

To be fair we should also mention, some of these homes you may not be
able to build unless you live in a county where they fully allow for the
recycling of garbage like tires or cans. Earthship walls are filled with tires,
dirt, bottles and empty soda cans. Some counties are resistant to allowing
this type of building because of the garbage content involved.

The biggest reason authorities make it hard to build earthships is because of

landowners leaving garbage left strewn across the landscape. On top of that
owners move on when their building fails and they do not clean up the

There were counties like Costilla County in Colorado that allowed for earth
type dwellings like Earthships but have since updated their county building
codes, which did not include this type of building. The biggest complaint
the county had was garbage left on properties or abandoned buildings when
land owners could not complete the building project due to faulty planning.

Because of the garbage abandonment issue it forced this county to become

stricter and last year it was a hot topic for people wanting to live off the grid
in this county.

When people moved in from other states to build off their off the grid
home, they were met with strong resistance from the community and code
enforcement. Our advice, before you move into any county find out what is
available to you through the planning and building codes first.

Which kind of home will suit your needs is something only you can know
but we can give you a few unique prospective on other styles of homes
people are happily living in.

About Earthships and Earthbag Homes

Twenty years ago Earthships were virtually unheard of. Michael Reynolds
became known as the garbage warrior and he built homes that incorporated
cans, bottles, tires and anything else he could get his hands on into the
construction process.

The earthship community in Taos, New Mexico will tell you there is
nothing better to live in. They spent time, money and energy into creating a
home that recycles water and grows food in the living room.

These homes recycle waste water, draw solar power and use everything that
can be used to help maintain a healthy environment for living.

While the idea is sound not everyone wants to build a home made from
tires. Even though some people will tell you these homes are safe, the
offgassing from tires is always a question others still believe is a problem
with this style of home.

The solution is simple, go to earthbags and there will be no question about

the earthy connection to the land. This style of home can be made from 1
bedroom to as many as you wish. The great thing about earthbags is the
way YOU get to create it.

Most earthship homes have a standard look to them with the slanted front
windows, while earthbag homes can be built in round shapes. Earthbag
homes have the ability to be just about anything you want them to be and
because they are made from bags filled with soil, sand and clay, there are no
health side effects.
Earthbag homes also help to trap heat in the home throughout the cold
winter days and keep you cool in the winter. One caveat in the building of
homes in this style, you really need to help someone else build their home
first, so you know how to do your own correctly.

“Earthbags filled with earth are excellent providers of thermal mass, which
serves an equally important function in a well designed house. Thermal
mass has the capability to store heat (or coolness), so a large interior
placement of this mass will help stabilize indoor temperatures. But it needs
to be insulated from the outdoor environment or it will lose this heat or
coolness to the atmosphere”.
Yurt Style Homes

Yurts have been around for a very long time in places like Russia,
Mongolia, Turkestan and other northern European - Asian countries. The
best example of yurt living would be the gers in Mongolia.

The Mongolian people live year round in Gers on open plains, where some
of the in harshest conditions in the world still exist today.

“The word Yurt originally came from a Turkic word referring to the imprint
left in the ground by a moved yurt, and by extension, sometimes a person’s
homeland, kinsmen, or feudal appanage. The term came to be used in
reference to the physical tent-like dwellings only in other languages.”

Traditional yurts are constructed with a wooden lattice frame, then a large
felt - woolen overlay is placed over the top of the frame. Usually a canvas is
also extended over the top of the felt for more durability and weather
resistance. A small door opening is also placed into the yurt which keeps
warm air from escaping inside, to the frigid temperatures outside.

The yurt is then wrapped on the outside with heavy rope or leather
strapping and sturdy poles are placed around the outside to prevent the wind
from blowing the canvas away. Some yurts have wooden floors whereas
others will build directly on the ground and cover the floor with a heavy
canvas or skins. It just depends where in the world you live and how much
money you are prepared to spend on sprucing up the yurt.

Some yurts can have traditional lavish furnishings so they can be

comfortable to live in. The inside walls are usually covered in silks and
other rich colorful fabrics for extra comfort. Normally a stove or firepit can
be set up in the middle of the yurt for cooking and warmth. The good thing
about yurts, you never know how cold it actually is outside until you have
to leave because there are usually no windows in yurts unless you purchase
a modern kit.

Some of the more common questions people ask about yurts:

Do yurts heat up in summer? It’s a great question to ask because the

temperature factor has lot to do with the way yurts are put together.
Most modern yurts have insulated materials placed onto the roof first
to help fight against rising summer temperatures. Some yurts also have
removable caps in the center of the roof so hot air can escape. There
are also designs of yurts that have windows in them for cooling and air
What about sizing? Yurts come in different sizes just like container
homes do. Circular measurements for yurts can be anywhere from 16
feet to 30 feet round, with a wall height of 7 feet. You can also create
interior private spaces like a bedroom in yurts. If you would like to see
more interior styles inside a yurt take a look at the source below:

What about building codes? Each county has their own list of
restrictions on building. Yurts can be considered a temporary structure,
therefore some research is needed to see if your county will allow you
to build one. We know it seems like we are harping on about building
codes but more often than not, people tend to overlook this factor. If
your county won’t allow you to build a Yurt for fulltime living, then
what other alternatives homes have you decided on?
Can I own a yurt in the tropics? Some yurts have ceiling fans
installed for those hot tropical days. Some resorts in the tropics have
yurts build on platforms along the coastal areas so yes; you can build a
yurt in the tropics. Building a Yurt on a raised platform will keep the
air flowing underneath the house which also helps to cool things down
a bit.

In modern times you can buy a yurt and put it together in a short space of
time. You can find Yurt construction happening in the Rocky Mountains
throughout regions of Colorado. The State Wildlife Department in Colorado
actually has yurts they rent out for vacationers throughout the year, so these
types are dwellings are becoming more popular with people.
Domes And Pre Fabricated Homes

Picture Source:

For people who are looking for a more green environmentally built home
we have a couple of options to show you. If money is not a problem for
you, we have a couple of suggestions that just might have you looking at
this style of home over a tiny house.

About Monolithic Domes

Domes were once a fairly popular style of home to build throughout the
1960’s and 70’s, when people were trying their hand at building unusual
and strange styled construction. The 1960’s was about the hippy era, when
being different and unique was cool and adventurous.

A Framed homes and domes were all the rage in this time and for very good
reasons. Living in a dome was not only like living on another planet, but it
was also an ingenious way to stay warmer. The dome shape was also a good
aerodynamically design which made the home strong and sturdy. The
average sized monolithic dome was not a big home and usually averaged 2

In many ways the round shape of a dome is similar to Yurts. The interior
walls and style inside can easily be planned out in the same way. Rooms
can be sectioned off as private areas such as a bathroom or bedroom.
“Because a Monolithic Dome is so well built and insulated, your home will
be energy-efficient, disaster-proof, virtually maintenance free, durable and

Most monolithic domes start their construction with a large EcoShell or

Airform bag. The bag is very similar to blowing up a balloon and this is
where the shape of the house of formed.

One of the latest in Monolithic domes is the Tiny Version Cabin. The cabin
is transportable and weighs anywhere from 9 to 14 tons.

The dimensions of the different cabins range in size from 12 to 24 feet in

circumference, with an approximate living area of 155 to 266 square feet.
Most dome cabins are 10 feet high measuring from the bottom of the floor
to the roof.
Green Energy Pre Fabricated Homes

The latest in snap together homes comes from Green Magic Homes. These
are prefabricated panels made from heavy laminate materials which were
specially designed to protect from UV radiation. This style of home can be
built on flat ground or slopes and can also be used as a base for earthbag

“Green Magic Homes components are fast and easy to assemble. Each
component has perforated flaps which screw and seal together. The entire
structure is then anchored to the foundation with galvanized steel screws.
Components with composite ducts and channels for electrical wiring and
water pipes, as well as mechanical ventilation ducts, can be added to the
shell at any point necessary.”

The green magic houses are also built with a prefabricated polymer fiber
which is strong and lightweight. This house is also mold resistant,
waterproof and will not rot like wood. No wood also means no carpet ants
or termites. The best part about purchasing domes like this; they are easy to
put together and provide an already perfect base as a mold base for other
earth built homes and garages.

In some ways The Green Magic Homes remind us of Hobbit Holes because
they are completely covered by earth. The thermal heat factor makes this
style of home, extremely useful for someone who wants to build an
earthbag constructed house.

By using the green magic shell first, it will make the earthbag construction
easier for flattening and shaping of the bag. Earthbags need to be tapped
down into position and can easily split during this process if they are not
shaped correctly. By simply using the Green Magic framework, this will
prevent excess tearing of the earthbag.

Depending on how big you want your home to be, 2 panels can be enough
room for 1 or 2 people.

Does this type of house style make the green magic homes a good idea? We
think so.

Throughout this book we have encouraged the reader to do as much

research as possible before purchasing or building a tiny home. There are so
many advantages to downsizing into tiny home living but unless you are
ready for this type of commitment, it will take some thinking and planning
to accomplish your goals.

Whether you are a single person or a small family living in a tiny home,
people can do this successfully. The idea of paying less for a place to call
home is very appealing for millions of people, who are financially
struggling in the current economy.

One size does not fit all and tiny homes are for people who want to leave
much of the rat race behind because their desire is to live more simply. Not
everyone can go from large to small but there seems to be an understanding
with people who live in Tiny Homes; it’s about living your best life without
all the strings and burdens attached. A minimalistic way of living life seems
to suit tiny home owners perfectly.

As we have been able to show you, tiny homes come in all shapes and sizes
to suit all needs and desires. Whatever your future direction is, we know
some of the suggestions in this book will help you find the perfect place for
you to call home…

Best wishes!
Lisa Daniels

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at I do my best reply to all questions that
come in and that I am able to!

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would mean a great deal to me and others who are looking.

Thank you for reading “Tiny Homes: The Ultimate Guide to Small
House Living Lifestyle”

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