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Reviewing places and terms

a. Briefly explain the importance of each of the following words
1. City-state: an autonomous political unit made up of a city and its surrounding
2. Republic: a government in which citizens elect representatives to rule on
their behalf.
3. Benelux: the economic union of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
4. Nationalism: the belief that people should be loyal to their nation, the people
with whom they share land, culture, and history.
5. Berlin Wall: a wall erected by East Germany in 1961 to cut the capital of
Berlin in two, and later dismantled in 1989.
6. Nordic countries: countries of northern Europe, including Denmark, Finland,
Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
7. Euro: a common currency proposed by the European Union for its member
8. Cultural crossroads: a place where various cultures cross paths.
9. Balkanization: the process of breaking up a region into small, mutually hostile
10. Satellite nation: nation dominated by another country.

b. Answer the following questions

1. It was the first democracy.
2. They spread roman Catholicism and the Spanish and Portuguese languages.
3. Because of linguistic and cultural differences, some Basques want complete
freedom from Spain and have used violence to achieve it.
4. It led to the rise of Protestantism, and protestants and Catholics have fought
each other in many wars.
5. First, it helped inspire the French revolution, and second, it led to rivalry
among nations often ending in wars.
6. They are famous for music; composers include Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart.
7. They were seafaring warriors from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They
terrorized Europe and moved to Iceland, Greenland, north America,
Normandy and Russia
8. Its iron ore and coal helped it industrialize. Being an island helped protect it
from invasion and also encouraged the development of a navy, its industrial
and naval strength enabled it to build its empire.
9. Eastern Europe had little history of self-rule.
10. Government control of industrial planning led to inefficiency and reduced the
motive to please customers; the factories were outdated and created heavy

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