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Laboureur 2016-2017
Laboureur guillaume travail d’anglais 2016-2017

Texte 1: Hubble

The Full Story

Release date: Feb 28, 2017
News Release number: STScI-2017-06

Happy 20th birthday to Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS)! In February 1997,
astronauts installed STIS on the telescope during the second servicing mission. The highly versatile
and productive instrument combines a camera with a spectrograph, which separates light into its
component colors-or wavelengths — to provide a "fingerprint" of the object being observed. This tells
us about the object's temperature, chemical composition, density, and motion. Spectrographic
observations also reveal changes in celestial objects as the universe evolves. STIS has also pioneered
the field of high-contrast imaging-the art of capturing faint objects (such as planets, disks, and
outflowing jets) next to very bright ones (such as the stars they accompany). The instrument is
sensitive to a wide range of wavelengths of light, from ultraviolet through the optical and into the
near-infrared. STIS science has illuminated a multitude of different astronomical topics. Below are
some examples, but this is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
Determining the Masses of Black Holes in the Centers of Galaxies 
Astronomers used STIS to conduct a census of more than 30 galaxies to look for evidence of massive
black holes at their centers. STIS precisely measures the speed of gas and stars around a black hole,
and this yields information about its mass. The findings presented a broad picture of a galaxy's
evolution and its relationship to the growth of the massive central black hole. Hubble evidence favors
the idea that titanic black holes did not precede a galaxy's birth, but instead co-evolved with the galaxy
by trapping a surprisingly exact proportion of the mass of the central hub of stars and gas in that
Tracing the Evolution of the Intergalactic Medium 
Astronomers have long sought the vast quantities of hydrogen that were cooked up in the Big Bang
but that somehow seemingly managed to disappear. This gas accounts for nearly half of the "normal"
matter in the universe-the rest is locked up in galaxies. In an extensive search of the nearby universe,
astronomers using STIS have definitively found this missing matter in the space between the galaxies.
Called the intergalactic medium, this space extends from just outside our Milky Way galaxy to the
most distant regions of space observed by astronomers. STIS observations of the local intergalactic
medium showed that the missing hydrogen is still out there in very diffuse clouds in between the
galaxies. This confirmation sheds new light on the large-scale structure of the universe and provides
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information on how galaxies built up over time. It also confirms fundamental models of how so much
hydrogen was manufactured in the first few minutes of the universe's birth in the Big Bang.
Understanding the Components of the Galactic Halo 
A halo of very hot gas surrounds the Milky Way galaxy. Because the gas is so highly energized, or
ionized, it is only visible in spectral features seen in ultraviolet wavelengths with an instrument like
STIS. With its extremely high spectral resolution, STIS looks at the spectral features of the atoms in
each of the many layers of gas to help scientists identify and understand the complexity of the halo
structure. Besides the very hot gas that is trapped in the halo, some gas is falling into the Milky Way
from the area between galaxies, known as the intergalactic medium. Other gas in the halo comes from
star formation in the disk of the Milky Way. Supernovae and winds from stars can blow this material
out of the plane of the Milky Way, up into the Galactic halo. This gas cools and gets denser, and some
of it rains back down in what is often described as "the Galactic fountain." STIS helps scientists
understand these complex processes.
Unraveling the Structure of the Interstellar Medium 
The interstellar medium is everything between the stars. It's typically very low-density material, which
is extremely difficult to study. With its ultraviolet sensitivity and exceedingly high spectral resolution,
STIS is a premier instrument for understanding this space. Scientists use stars or other bright sources
as background light to view the intervening material. They "see" it indirectly through the absorption of
the background light. The interstellar medium is not entirely uniform. There are places it is denser,
places where it is less dense, and different clumps move at different velocities. STIS provides the fine
velocity information to analyze the details of the interstellar medium. Using STIS, scientists can
determine the physical conditions and separate out components from different densities and types of
gas along the line of sight.
Characterizing the Atmosphere of a World around Another Star 
Astronomers using STIS made the first direct chemical analysis of the atmosphere of a planet orbiting
another star. This opened up an exciting new phase of extrasolar planet exploration, where
astronomers can compare and contrast the atmospheres of planets around other stars, and search for
chemical biomarkers of life beyond Earth. The planet orbits a sun-like star called HD 209458. Its
atmospheric composition was probed when the planet passed in front of its parent star, allowing
astronomers for the first time ever to see light from the star filtered through the planet's atmosphere.
Scientists detected the presence of sodium in the planet's atmosphere. They actually saw less sodium
than predicted for the Jupiter-class planet, leading to one interpretation that high-altitude clouds in the
alien atmosphere may have blocked some of the light.
Imaging the Dust Disk around Beta Pictoris 
In 1984, Beta Pictoris was the first star discovered to host a bright disk of light-scattering circumstellar
dust and debris. Ever since then, the 20-million-year-old star has been an object of intense scrutiny
with Hubble and with ground-based telescopes. Astronomers used STIS in 1997 and 2012 to take the
most detailed pictures to date of the large, edge-on, gas-and-dust disk. Astronomers found that the
disk's dust distribution had barely changed over 15 years, despite the fact that the entire structure is
orbiting the star like a carousel.
Finding Evidence for Water on Jupiter's Moons 
Identifying liquid water on other worlds is crucial in the search for habitable planets beyond Earth.
STIS imaging shows suspected water plumes erupting from Jupiter's icy moon Europa. Astronomers
observed these finger-like projections while viewing Europa's limb as the moon passed in front of
Jupiter. Europa is a plausible place for life to have developed beyond Earth. If the venting plumes
originate in a subsurface ocean, they could act as an elevator to bring deep-sea water above Europa's
surface, where visiting spacecraft could sample it, study its habitability, and even look for life. This
offers a convenient way to access the chemistry of that ocean without drilling through miles of ice.
STIS also revealed that another Jovian moon, Ganymede, may contain a subsurface ocean. STIS found
evidence for it by watching aurorae glowing above the moon's icy surface. The aurorae are tied to the
moon's magnetic field, which descends to the core of Ganymede. A saline ocean would influence the
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dynamics of the magnetic field as it interacts with Jupiter's own immense magnetic field, which
engulfs Ganymede. Because telescopes can't look inside planets or moons, tracing the magnetic field
through aurorae is a unique way to probe the interior of another world.
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For instance, thanks to STIS (Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph), Scientists calculated
the masses of black holes at the center of galaxies and studied therefore there evolution. It also
permitted scientists to finally found hydrogen in the intergalactic medium, the space between the
galaxies, which permitted to confirm a part of the Big Bang Theory. STIS also helped scientists to look
at the components of the galactic halo and to better understand the structure of the interstellar
medium. Moreover, using STIS permitted to astronomers to make the first direct chemical analysis of
the atmosphere of planets around other stars. Besides, a very close scrutiny made over 15 years of
the Beta Pictoris permitted to observe a surprisingly very tiny change of the disk’s dust distribution.
To finish, thanks to STIS imaging, it was possible to find evidences of water on Europa and

Why did I choose this article?

According to me, everybody should be aware of what is happening in the scientific world and
therefore know a minimum of scientist discoveries.

Many people say that we should stop investing/wasting money in research simply because they do
not know about discoveries or they do not see directly its usefulness.

It is however useful because it allows scientists to improve technologies, it creates jobs, it changes
our habits… Without research, there would be no phones, no internet and no television.

That is why I chose this article, precisely to show a piece of the scientific researches and the
discoveries made in this field.

Vocabulary list


IMAGING [nous] imagerie

VERSATILE [adjective] plein de ressources, polyvalent
SERVICING [noun] révision
TO COMBINE WITH [transitive verb] combiner à
COMPONENT [noun] élément
WAVELENGHT [noun] longueur d’’onde
TO PROVIDE [transitive verb] fournir
FINGERPRINT [noun] empreinte digitale
FIELD [noun] champs
FAINT [adjective] léger, à peine visible
OUTFLOWING JET [noun] jet/flux de matière éjectée par un objet
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JET [noun] jet (de liquide, gaz)
WIDE [adj] large
INFRARED [adjective] Infra-rouge
TOPIC [noun] sujet
TO CONDUCT [verb] diriger
CENSUS [noun] Un recensement
TO LOOK FOR [verb] rechercher
GAS [noun] gaz
TO YIELD [verb] produire
HUB [noun] le centre, le coeur
TO COOK UP [verb] inventer
SEEMINGLY apparement
TO MANAGE TO DESAPPEAR Arriver à disparaitre
TO ACCOUNT FOR [verb] représenter
NEARBY [adjactive]Voisin, [adv] tout près
TO SHED LIGHT ON [verb] éclairer
TO LOOK AT [verb] observer, regarder
FEATURE [noun] propriété, caractéristique
LAYER [noun] Couche
PLANE [noun] plan
TO COOL [verb] Se refroidir
TO PROBE [verb] sonder
DUST DISK [noun] disque de poussière
TO HOST [transitive verb] accueillir
SCRUTINY [noun] Examen minutieux
TO DATE [transitive verb] dater
EDGE-ON [loc adv] sur le fil
WATER PLUMES [noun] panaches d’eau
LIMB [non] limbe (=circonférence d’un corps celeste)
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Texte 2: effet de la bombe nucléaire


The energy of a nuclear explosion is released in the form of a blast wave, thermal radiation

(heat) and nuclear radiation. The distribution of energy in these three forms depends on the yield
of the weapon. For nuclear weapons in the kiloton range, the energy is divided in various forms,
roughly as 50% blast, 35% thermal and 15% nuclear radiation. Each one of these forms causes
devastation on a scale that is unimaginable. Below these effects are discussed separately for a 15
kiloton bomb, which was the explosive power of the bomb detonated by the U.S. in Hiroshima during
World War II. This is also the size of the weapons now possessed by India, Pakistan, North Korea and
would likely be roughly the size weapon created by terrorists.

Effects of Nuclear Weapons Detonations

Because of the tremendous amount of energy released in a nuclear detonation, temperatures of tens
of millions of degrees C develop in the immediate area of a nuclear detonation (contrast this with the
few thousand degrees of a conventional explosion). This compares with the temperature inside the
core of the Sun. At these temperatures, everything near ground-zero vaporizes (from a few hundred
meters in 15 kiloton weapons to more than a kilometer in multimegaton weapons). The remaining
gases of the weapon, surrounding air and other material form a fireball.

The fireball begins to grow rapidly and rise like a balloon. As the fireball rises and subsequently
expands as it cools, it gives the appearance of the familiar mushroom cloud. The vaporized debris,
contaminated by radioactivity, falls over a vast area after the explosion subsides – creating a
radioactive deadly fallout with long-term effects.
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Figure 1 : Illustration of blast effects for a15 kiloton explosion. Zones 1 and 2 correspond to the
"killing field" where the fatalities are universal.

What are blast effects?

Because of the very high temperatures and pressures at ground zero, the gaseous residues of the
explosion move outward. The effect of these high pressures is to create a blast wave traveling several
times faster than sound. A 15 kiloton weapon creates pressure created in excess of 10 Psi (pounds per
square inch) with wind speeds in excess of 800 km per hour up to about a 1.2 km radius. Most
buildings are demolished and there will be almost no survivors (much larger strategic nuclear weapons
will greatly extend this radius of destruction).

Beyond this distance, and up to about 2.5 km the pressure gradually drops to 3 Psi and the wind
speed comes down to about 150 km per hour as in a severe cyclonic storm. There will be injuries on a
large scale and some fatalities. Beyond this zone of fatalities, the pressure drops to less than 1 Psi,
enough to shatter windows and cause serious injuries. It is the high speed combined with high
pressures which causes the most mechanical damage in a nuclear explosion. Human beings are quite
resistant to pressure, but cannot withstand being thrown against hard objects nor to buildings falling
upon them.

Blast effects are most carefully considered by military warplanners bent upon destroying specific
targets. However, it is the thermal effects which hold the greatest potential for environmental damage
and human destruction.  This is because nuclear firestorms in urban areas can create millions of tons
of smoke which will rise into the stratosphere and create massive global cooling by blocking sunlight. 
In any nuclear conflict, it is likely that this environmental catastrophe will cause more fatalities than
would the initial immediate local effects of the nuclear detonation.

Figure 2 : Illustration of thermal effects for a 15 kiloton bomb. Regions 1, 2, 3 refer to the degree of
burns sustained during the explosion. People who sustain third degree burns are unlikely to survive
without immediate medical attention
What are thermal effects?

The surface of the fireball also emits large amounts of infrared, visible and ultraviolet rays in the first
few seconds. This thermal radiation travels outward at the speed of light. As a result this is by far the
most widespread of all the effects in a nuclear explosion and occurs even at distances where blast
effects are minimal.
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The range of thermal effects increases markedly with weapon yield (thermal radiation decays only as
the inverse square of the distance from the detonation). Large nuclear weapons (in the megaton class
and above) can start fires and do other thermal damage at distances far beyond the distance at which
they can cause blast damage.

Even with a 15 kiloton detonation, the intensity of the thermal radiation can exceed 1000 Watts per
square cm. This is similar to getting burnt by an acetylene torch used for welding metals. For a 15
kiloton bomb, almost everyone within 2 km will suffer third degree burns (which damage the skin and
tissues below it); for 550 kiloton bomb, third degree burns occur in a radius up to 9 km. There will be
almost no survivors since no immediate medical attention will be available (the entire U.S. has
specialized facilities to treat 1500 burn victims).

When studying the effects of a single weapon, it is important to remember that thousands of U.S. and
Russian nuclear weapons with yields 8 to 50 times larger than 15 kilotons remain on high-alert, quick-
launch status.  In a U.S.-Russian nuclear war, these scenarios would occur thousands of times over in
virtually every major city in the U.S., Russia, and NATO member states (and probably in China).

It is the cumulative effects of these firestorms – the creation of a stratospheric smoke layer resulting
in deadly global climate change – which ultimately become the primary environmental consequence of
nuclear war which threatens the continued human existence.

What are radiation effects?

There basically are two kinds of ionizing radiation created by nuclear explosions, electromagnetic and
particulate. Radiation emitted at the time of detonation is known as prompt or initial radiation, and it
occurs within the first minute of detonation. Anyone close enough to the detonation to be killed by
prompt radiation is likely to be killed by blast and thermal effects, so most concerns about the health
effects of radiation focus upon the residual or delayed radiation, which is caused by the decay of
radioactive isotopes and is commonly known as radioactive fallout.

If the fireball of the nuclear detonation touches the surface of the Earth, large amounts of soil, water,
etc. will be vaporized and drawn up into the radioactive cloud.  This material then also becomes highly
radioactive; the smaller particles will rise into the stratosphere and be distributed globally while the
larger particles will settle to Earth within about 24 hours as local fallout. Lethal levels of fallout can
extend many hundreds of kilometers and miles from the blast area.  Contaminated areas can remain
uninhabitable for tens or hundreds of years.

Radiation injury has a long-term effect on survivors. Reactive chemicals released by ionization cause
damage to DNA and disrupt cells by producing immediate effects on metabolic and replication
processes. While cells can repair a great deal of the genetic damage, that takes time, and repeated
injuries make it that much more difficult. Immediate treatment requires continual replacement of
blood so that the damaged blood cells are replaced, and treatment of bone marrow and lymphatic
tissues which are amongst the most sensitive to radiation. One must remember in this context that
there are very few hospitals equipped to carry out such remedial procedures.

Radiation injury is measured in a unit called rem. Some authorities consider 5 rem/year tolerable for
workers who are occupationally exposed to radiation —a typical value for exposure to medical X-rays
is 0.08 rem. 1.5 rem/year is considered tolerable for pregnant women. It should be remembered that
natural radiation is always present in the atmosphere over most places on the earth, but at lower
levels. However, there is no threshold, universally agreed upon, at which a dose of radiation can be
declared safe.

Things which get irradiated by “prompt” radiation themselves become radioactive. People in the area
of a nuclear explosion, and those subject to radioactive fallout stand more risk of contracting cancer.
A 1000 rem exposure for the whole body over a lifetime (which is entirely possible for those surviving
a nuclear war) brings about an 80% chance of contracting cancer.
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Cancer from radiation exposure will occur over the entire lifetime of exposed populations. For
example, only one-half of the predicted numbers of cancer have occurred in the people exposed to
the radiation produced by the atmospheric weapons tests and the explosions of the US atomic bombs
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that took place 50 to 60 years ago.

We have no idea what the long-term genetic consequences will be from the massive release of
radioactive fallout on a world-wide basis. 
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This article analyses and describes the three effects of a nuclear explosion with the example of the
consequences of a 15 kilotons bomb. First of all, we have blast effects. The explosion provokes a
wave of pressure that moves forward, destroys buildings and kills people. Then there are thermal
effects, the most widespread ones, which are responsible for huge environmental damages and
human destruction. And the third effect is radiation. There are two kinds of radiations caused by
radioactive fallout: the initial one and the residual or delayed one. Moreover, the author underlines
the long-term and permanent consequences of being contaminated by the cloud of nuclear
detonation, for both people and our environment.

Why did I choose this article?

In the 80’s, America gave some nuclear weapons to Belgium. Nowadays, they want to replace these
bombs by even more powerful ones. Only a tiny part of Belgium’s population knows that we have a
nuclear bomb. To take part to the discussion about whether or not we need to replace this bomb by
a more powerful one, I think that we must know the different effects of a nuclear bomb, how it
works and how not to use it! Better we know these devastating effects, better we can fix them. If all
Belgian people know them, we may adapt our society to treat people suffering from cancer and who
knows, maybe save their life.

Vocabulary list


TO REALEASE [transitive verb] libérer

BLAST [noun] Explotion
ROUGHLY [adv] à peu près
TREMENDOUS [adj] énorme
REMAINING [adj] restant
SURROUNDING [adv] entourant
TO SUBSIDE [intransitive verb]Se calmer
FALLOUT [noun] retombées
OUTWARD [adv] Vers l’extérieur
POUND PER SQUARE INCH [noun] livres par pouce carré
livre (poids, correspond à 453.6 grammes)
SQUARE INCH Pouce au carré (1pouce = 2.54cm)
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RADIUS rayon
IN EXCESS OF 800 KM/H Plus de 800km/h
TO DROP [transitive verb] baisser
TO SHATTER [transitive verb] briser, éclater
WIDESPREAD [adj] courant, répandu
TO DECAY [intransitive verb] Se désintégrer
WELDING [noun] soudage
PROMPT [adj] Rapide, ponctuel
TOI AGREE UPON [ loc v] s’accorder sur
DELAYED-ACTION Action à retardement
TO DISRUPT [transitive verb] déranger, perturber
TO REPAIR [transitive verb] réparer
Laboureur guillaume travail d’anglais 2016-2017

Texte3: Michael Faraday


Michael Faraday (1791-1867)

At the age of nineteen, Faraday was working as an apprentice to a bookbinder when he heard a
lecture given by the famous chemist who is known for his discovery of nitrous oxide, Sir Humphrey
Davy. Faraday wrote to Davy and asked him for a job enclosing the notes he had taken at the lecture.
Davy recognized something in Faraday and he made him his assistant in the Royal Institute.

Faraday was interested in the work of Oersted and of other scientists who were attempting to obtain
continuous rotation from a magnetic needle and electric current and thus the creation of the first
electric motor. Magnetism had been obtained from electricity, the next step was to obtain electricity
from magnetism. In 1831, he demonstrated an electrical current was produced in a coil of wire when
a magnet was pulled out of it suddenly. Thus he discovered the relationship that relative motion
between a coil and a magnet was necessary for current production. This had been difficult to observe
before because the magnetic needle stayed in a steady position as long as the current in the wire
remained steady. Everything visible to the eye was stationary, but it was the current, which was
unseen, that was in motion. Faraday described the process of electromagnetic induction in which the
force of a magnet leads to the induction of an electric current. This was a simple principle which
provided the basis for the construction of dynamos and motors.

The dynamo he created in 1831 was made of a copper disk rotated between two poles of a
horseshoe magnet. The axis and disk edge were connected to a galvanometer and as the disk
rotated, the galvanometer showed a current was produced. In principle a dynamo can be composed
of any suitable conductor, of many coils, which rotate in a magnetic field. The rotating conductor cuts
through the lines of force in the magnetic field and an induced current is created in the coils of the
rotating conductor. In each coil the induced current changes its direction during each revolution, i.e.,

A device, a transformer, was used to make the current direct by reversing the current in each coil of
the armature each time it passed a pair of conductors creating a direct current.

Besides the creation of the dynamo, Faraday contributed to the discovery of the x-ray in other ways.
As early as 1819 he added a fourth state of matter to the three already known, radiant matter.
Although no one had observed this matter, it seemed that changes he observed in materials going
from solid to the more light, fluid states of liquids and gases showed a loss of properties and he
postulated they were lost to some unseen source. He also found that the actions of an electrical
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current flowing through a gas followed the pattern Faraday described of a current flowing in a liquid.
He felt that solutions and chemical compounds contained electrically charged atoms and he named
the liquids electrolytes. When he applied a different potential to two points in an electrolyte he
concluded that the negatively charged particles moved toward the positive electrode. He named
these charged particles ions (from Greek meaning travelers)—carriers of electricity. He was also
responsible for coining the terms anode and cathode.

In his early years, Faraday performed electrolysis experiments. A simple electrolysis experiment may
be conducted by connecting two wires to a flashlight battery and putting the ends into a beaker
containing water and some vinegar. Students should be instructed to look for bubbles on the ends of
the wires. The electric current breaks up the water into its two components, hydrogen and oxygen.

Students may build their own galvanometers by cutting a piece of cardboard as wide as a compass
but long enough to fold up at the ends of each side. They should then cut a second piece in the same
manner as the first, this time folding the ends down. Instruct the students to glue the two pieces
together, back to back for a stand and a holder for the compass. The compass should be placed in the
cradle so the north and south axis points toward the closed sides of the cardboard cradle. Next
students should be told to wind one hundred turns of magnet wire (#28 or finer) over the compass
and cradle over the north and south axis. Instruct students to twist the ends of the wires together to
about twelve inches and scrape about one half inch of the enamel insulation off of the wire tips.
When connected and current flows through the coil, it will create a magnetic field around the coil.
When the coil and needle are aligned in the north-south direction, the field tends to swing the
needle to the east-west direction. The magnitude of current can be ascertained by how far the
needle swings.

To show how electricity is obtained from magnetism, connect two ends of a single length of
approximately fifty centimeters of a large diameter copper wire to a galvanometer and move a
straight section of wire quickly back and forth between the poles of a strong permanent U-shaped
magnet to show that a current is produced in the wire and that the current direction depends on the
direction in which the wire is moved in the magnetic field. By using two or more loops of wire in the
magnetic field of the U-magnet, it can be shown that there is an increase in current as the number of
loops is increased. By holding the wire stationary and moving the magnet quickly back and forth it
can be shown that the current depends on the relative motion of the wire and the magnetic field.

A second way to show that electricity can be obtained from magnetism is to have students wrap one
hundred turns of insulated copper wire around a cardboard tube. Instruct them to insert a bar
magnet into the tube. Connect the ends of the coil to a galvanometer. Show a current is present by
the galvanometer when the bar magnet is pushed into or pulled out of coil and when the magnet is
held in a stationary position and the coil is moved. Have students vary the relative speed of each
movement to show that the current is increased as the speed in increased.
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This article is composed of two parts. The first part is a kind of short biography of Michael Faraday.
This first paragraph gives us some details of how he became a scientist. It also gives us an idea of his
points of interests, his experiments and what he did for science (in the field of electromagnetism).In
addition, in the first part, the author explains how M. Faraday created the dynamo with a copper disk
and a magnet and explains how it works. The second part of the text is more educative and practical
because the author explains how students can create their own galvanometer and how to show, in
two different ways, how the current is created by a magnetic field.

Why did I choose this article?

I chose this article simply because I am interested in his work. I think that every physician know
Faraday’s law and Faraday shield. By reading this article, I wanted to discover if the scientist had
made other discoveries and experiments in his life. Moreover, it is very important to know the
process followed and to look at the paths taken by scientists to come to some conclusions and
therefore discover more on the law of nature. Sometimes, these researches give birth to major
breakthroughts and may give some clues or some ideas for further scientific investigations.

Vocabulary list

BOOKBINDER [noun] relieur

TO ENCLOSE [transitive verb] joindre
NEEDLE [noun] aiguille
COIL OF WIRE [noun] bobine de fil de fer/fil métallique
WIRE [noun] fil de fer
TO PULL OUT [intransitive verb] se retirer
STEADY [adj] régulier stable
TO REMAIN [intransitive verb] rester
COPPER DISK [noun] disque de cuivre
HORSESHOE [noun] fer à cheval
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SUITABLE [adj] approprié

DEVICE [noun] appareil
MATTER [noun] matière
RADIANT [adj] rayonnant
FLOWING [adj] qui coule, flottant
PATTERN [noun] modèle
FLASHLIGHT [noun] torche, flash
BEAKER [noun] vase à bec
CARDBOARD [noun] carton
WIDE [noun] large
COMPASS [noun] compas, la boussole
TO FOLD [transitive verb] plier
HOLDER [noun] support
TO WIND [trnsitive verb] enrouler
TO TWIST [transitive verb] tordre
TO SCRAPE [transitive verb] se débarrasser
U-SHAPPED En forme de u

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