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Alexis Walkins
225 Battleground Rd,
Cowpens, SC 29330
(443) 779 – 9681
Word count: 2,053


Today is July 18th, 2021 which marks my 14th birthday. It’s been 5 years since I’ve heard from

you. it’s okay if you forgot again mom and dad, I am writing this letter for you guys to find me. I

always wondered what we would’ve done today, maybe throw a party with my closest friends, or

go out for a all you can eat buffet, or maybe go on a skiing trip. But sadly, I only have one friend,

I’m vegan, and my birthday is set in July in New York city. But don’t worry I am living in a

group home filled with different girls and boys around my age. where did you go? I wondered

and why am I here? I tried not to question too much. “GIRLS ROLL CALL!” I forgot to tell you

about the evil monster that runs this group home, her name is Miss. Tabitha. She is in her mid-

30s, 6’1, divorced twice, and hates children. Around 9 pm we have a roll call where Miss

Tabitha loves to demolish us. “alright brats it’s time for your weekly roll call, and mail call.” The

only reason roll call is her favorite thing to do other than shoving her mouth with snicker bars

every day, is because I am the only kid here that doesn’t receive any mail; therefore, she

demolishes me more. “Hey Mel, I have a letter for you.” My eyes widen I formed a tight smile, I

flopped down on my bottom brown bunk bed and I thought “is this finally mom and dad?” I held

Whiskers around my caramel arms and held my hands out. “Here you go sweetheart.” I opened

the letter and felt my eyes start to form, my body filled with rage, it reads “better luck next time

kiddo.” As a young girl with autism it’s not very easy to receive the hate that I know I didn’t

deserve , I got up and shouted “ YOU SUCK!” the whole room chattered with laughter , my

heart kept beating like a drum. Miss Tabitha turns around and walks up to me “excuse me?’ she

says while staring deviously in my brown eyes. I couldn’t help but get distracted by the

chocolaty spots on her purely white teeth, “you are not a nice lady, and my parents will come and

get me.” I said holding whiskers in my arms, she pulled me close and wrinkled my perfect white

sweater and whispered in my ears. “listen you little brat, look around, you need a miracle to

leave this place, but better luck next time.” I felt chills running down my spine, whiskers hissed

while Miss Tabitha gracefully left the room. While I laid under my rainbow blankets, I couldn’t

stop staring at the only image I have of you guys. I watched the time tick to 11:10 pm “oh my

gosh whiskers it’s time.” Every night at 11pm I always make a wish once the clock hits 11:11

pm. I sat on the window seal gazing at the night sky of Brooklyn New York, “it’s 11:11 whiskers

make a wish.” As I held whiskers close, stared at a shining star I thought “that’s a very unusual

star whiskers, let’s make a wish on it.” I softly shut my eyes “I wish I had a miracle for once in

my life.” Then the unexpected happened “BANG” everything went dark, the room swirling

around me, I heard a soft voice next to me “meow?” I looked over to whiskers, I struggled to get

up and felt the ground shake. “what just happened? “I thought. I held whiskers and tipped toed

our way down the stairs, the lights started to flicker, the hallway towards the front door dimmed.

My eyes widen as I saw the living room window shattered, my throat felt like a fist, I witness a

glowing figure at the corner of the old mold wall that never gets cleaned. I held whiskers tight

and tip toed towards this mysterious box, “what could it be?” I asked whiskers. I kneeled and

opened the box “BANG” the ground started to shake, I felt a warm light rising on my skin, a note

appeared floating in my freckled brown face, it reads “ make a wish, say it 3 times , create a

miracle.” My eyes widen “a miracle? My wish...” I thought, I looked over at whisker passed out

and my heart dropped. “WHISKERS! PLEASE WAKE UP!” his green eyes widen and stood up

“what happened” I became speechless “you can talk?” whiskers stretched his hindlegs, “I guess I

can.” He said while walking towards the broken glass, “IM A CAT!” he pleaded, “well yeah?

What did you think you was?” I asked, “I thought I would become Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie.”

He said while licking his brown fur. “why would either of those two be in a group home?” I

asked. “to adopt us duh.” Whiskers do have a fair point. After discovering this magical box, I

thought about a wish that I wanted to come true, “what wish should we make whiskers?”, “how

about going back in time to see your parents?” whisker stated. When whiskers said that my eyes

started to water, I didn’t know what to say I thought “should I know why they sent me away? Or

should I just keep it anonymous?” when I stared at the note I inhaled deeply and took that risk. “I

wish to see my parents” whiskers looked up at me, and asked “are you sure about this?” I inhaled

deeply again, “yes I want to know the truth.” After saying it 3 times, everything went blank. I

woke up in a mysterious dark room, I looked over and witness a princess pink bed, and a small

white kitten bed. “where am I? where are we?” I asked, “well we aren’t in Brooklynn anymore

Mel” whiskers stated. I rolled my eyes and heard footsteps coming up the stairs, “we need to

hide” I snatched whiskers up and dashed into a nearby closet in the room. I witness a large figure

walking up towards the princess bed, I peep through the cracks of the white closet door, the light

turns on, “Goodnight sweetheart, my precious Melorie,” my eyes widen “Mom?” I witness her

grabbing a baby that looks like me, I looked at the calendar date in front of my white walls “

June, 8, 2007” “we did it” I whispered to Whiskers, “we went back in time.” I witness them

leaving the room and shut the lights off I felt a tug on my blue jeans. “I can’t believe we did it.

what should we do now Mel?” Whiskers asked, I slowly opened the door and tipped toed

towards my crib, I look down and my eyes filled with tears, “I can’t believe this is me” I stated.

“Ugh I can’t believe this was me.” Whisker stated. I couldn’t believe my eyes, we time traveled

back through time, but why did they never want me? I thought, I lift Whiskers around my arms

and slowly walked out of my brown front door, I heard a distant chatter down the hallway. I

witness the two arguing downstairs, “what’s going on?” Whiskers asked, we peeped our head

over the blue railing of the stairs, “I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!” My mom pleaded. My

heart cracked a little, why are they arguing? I thought. “LOOK! Howard you need to stop

drinking it’s ruining everything, we needed that money for Mel, she needs special care at the

sch...” “ENOUGH!” my ears rang from the shouting, “LOOK AMY, YOU DON’T KNOW


shouted. “Get off of me you’re hurting me” my eyes couldn’t bear it anymore of this before

running upstairs I witness my younger 5-year-old self-walking down the stairs “what am I

doing?” before I reached Whiskers bite me, “OUCH!” I pleaded, “don’t ever mess with the past,

I heard it’s very dangerous.” Whiskers said. While watching my younger self walk down the

stairs, I couldn’t believe my eyes, “Mommy? What’s going on?” Younger Mel said. “sweetie, go

back to bed.” My mom said, “but daddy is hurting you.” Younger Mel said. I couldn’t bear

seeing this, but it only gotten worse. “BANG!” and storm of Social workers and I.C.E Cops

storming in, I didn’t know what to do, could they even see or hear me? I thought. “PUT YOUR

HEADS IN THE AIR, GET DOWN! NOW!” the police shouted. “what’s going on?” My mom

pleaded. “ma’am your husband is under arrested for domestic violence, and drug abuse.” The

police stated, “but it was only one time, and it was an accident, please don’t do this...” my mom

pleaded. “I’m sorry ma’am but a neighbor filled a complaint.” By being confused of what’s

going on I witness a social worker grabbing me, “where are they taking me Whiskers?” I witness

my mom dashing towards me “WAIT WHERE ARE YOU TAKING MY DAUGHTER?” my

mom cried out. “Ma’am, you have to come with us as well.” The police stated, “but I’m an

American citizen here, my whole family is.” I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. “

PLEASE , PLEASE DON’T SPLIT US APART” I watched the tears running down my mom and

my face, the pain that we both experience felt like ripping a beautiful flower apart, I just didn’t

know the truth would look like this. I watched my dad get dragged away, and my mom ripped

away from me. I held Whiskers tight, something felt off, the room started to spin, the echoes of

our screams filled my body with rage, I saw a bright light. “ugh my head... what happened?” I

looked around and witness myself back in my group home, I couldn’t hold back my tears,

“Meow” I looked over at Whisker and held him tight, “ we went back in time, and I found the

truth about us, and why I’ve been sent here” I cried out on his brown fur. While writing this

letter to you mom and dad, I hope I reunite with you guys, it’s now 9 am present day, I walked

downstairs for breakfast and saw a letter at my table, I gasped and stormed upstairs right into


while shouting like a mountain goat, I witness other women in the office, “Excuse me?” she

asked. “um... I’m sorry for that rant but where is Miss. Tabitha.”

“she was fired due to some child endangerment; my name is Mrs. Rice” I smiled and shook her

nice caramel hands and witness a huge rock on her figure. “nice to meet you, I just witness this

letter at breakfast, and usually it’s Miss, Tabitha being cruel sending mean messages to me.” I

said while fiddling with my letter. “well she won’t be here anymore, and you’ve been receiving

letters for months now, I just decided to give you yours one by one.” Mrs. Rice said. My throat

felt like a fist, I sat down on the black couch, and held Whiskers tight “can it be?” I opened the

letter and my eyes formed like a tsunami, I looked at Whiskers and stared at Mrs. Rice “it’s this

my mom?” I asked, Mrs. Rice nodded her head and place her brown curly hair behind her ear.

“yes, it is, open it.” I opened it, and it reads: “Dear Melori, this is the first from so many. My

baby girl if you ever received this letter it means I am getting closer to come find you, it’s been 5

years, and I am almost a step closer baby girl. I bet you look so beautiful, one day I will explain

all of this, even with your father, I know whatever you are facing right now you will get through

it. I think about you every day, I hope you get this mi amor, Love mom.” I couldn’t stop smiling,

it’s been so lost since the time I seen her, and from what I witnessed last night it was only the

beginning of my new miracle.

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