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Logline: After being invited to a sweet 16 a young teen performs a ritual game to seek revenge

on her classmates that will impact their lives forever.

Sarah Lee is a new high school sophomore at Rose Brooke Highschool in Richmond Virginia.
Her first week becomes hell after being humiliated at lunch for being queer. Sarah Lee hides in
the bathroom, she encounters a new friend that invites Sarah to her sweet 16 party to be more a
part of the school, and to help her feel better. Sarah Lee felt skeptical about the situation but she
decided to attend anyway.
When Sarah Lee showed up at the party, she realized that her new friend is apart of the “cool
kids” that humiliated her during lunch. During the party Sarah lee had an idea to gather 5 people
around a campfire to play a ritual game that changed their lives that night.
Everyone gathered around and Sarah Lee created a game called “reverse.” An old ritual she
learned from her grandmother. Sarah Lee told everyone to write down their biggest fear and
place it in the fire, and that fear will no longer exist. Each fear was skin falling off, drowning,
spiders, clones, and clowns.
Everyone laughed and thought the game was stupid; however, everyone participated and put
each of their fears on paper and threw it in the fire. Sarah lee started to chant and the unexpected
happen. The fire turned a blueish color and all the lights around the house started to flicker.
Sarah lee continues to chant, and everyone started to feel uneasy, until Sarah Lee’s friend told
her to stop.
Sarah Lee continues and told everyone to not to break the circle or their fears will reverse back to
them. The ground started to shake, and grey clouds formed, with the echoes of thunder, until
someone pushed Sarah out the circle and broke the chain. Everything started to calm down and
Sarah Lee ran out the house, while everyone called her a freak. Sarah Lee went home to finish
the ritual after she warned them not to break the chain, her eyes became pitch black and reverse
the game on her classmates for revenge.
One-night Sarah Lee gets a message from her friend that reads “did you know about this?” Sarah
opens the link and read an article about a young teenage boy is hospitalized from getting attacked
by poisonous spiders. Sarah Lee puts her phone down and looked at all the fears “number one is
spiders” her throat tightens she look ran towards the mirror and witness her reflection smiling
back at her, Sarah screamed and called her friend “WE NEED TO TALK NOW!”
When Sarah went to school, she rushed to find her friend and told her that something bad is
happening. Her friend looked at her confused and asked her “what are you talking about?” Sarah
opened the book of fears that everyone wrote down that night, “when I was pushed out the circle,
the chain of commands broke and now the game is reversed, your fears are now coming true.”
Sarah friend eyes widen “that’s impossible” Sarah Lee and her friend gathered the other 3 that
was apart of the circle outside at lunch.
Sarah Lee explained that what happened to the boy with his fears of spiders hurting him came
true, everyone in the circle didn’t want to believe Sarah but after what happened to their friend
they started to be more careful when going home.

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