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7/8/2019 I got my group and found some ideas to

Line call group-dorm work on as a reference and decide which
building we are going to do. We came up
with a hospital idea as a group.

10/8/2019 Research about elderly care and find some

Line call group-dorm reference and looking for what should be
included and some reference pictures.

14/8/2019 Me and my partner came up with a concept

Line call group-dorm for this project.

19/8/2019 Look at my partner work-Talk with my

Mr. Ben room partner about the overall look of the exterior
to see if it is okay to do.

12/9/2019 Research and find reference to decide on

25/9/2019 my floor plan and list the room

9/10/2019 Draw bedroom floor plan


10/3/2020 I got final shape and size for floor plan

3/4/2020 Finish drawing outline for nursery home on

home by me

24/4/2020 Start doing my work on sketchup

1/5/2020 Working on food court


20/5/2020 Working on kitchen

24/5/2020 Working on clinic


27/5/2020 Working on living room


4/6/2020 Working on staff room


This year I have been working through my capstone project. During these 2

semesters, I have been working on a build and design project. The project that I do is an

elderly care that I have decided to work on with my partner from another section. This

project was separated by one person doing the exterior and I doing the interior part.

The first that we choose to do before eldercare is a hospital because I feel that it is

an important place. As we find sources, we feel that this work will be too large for the first

time that we work on this kind of project. So me and my friend changed our mind and did the

building that is simple to understand and it is a place that is important for the second place

after the hospital. So we choose the place that is more homey and know the needs that need

to be in part of the buildings. In conclusion we choose to do elder care that is more like

home. Because we feel that the rate of birth is decreasing each year. Elderly care is a place

for people who are old and need a place to live. This place is for the people who can’t do the

house care on their own, no one helps to take care, feel lonely and want a place to have

community. It is a place where old people or getting older get time to stay with other people

and need to see doctors. For people who are getting older every year, their body is going to

break down inside. This means they need someone to take care of them.

For this project we start by gathering our ideas together and find reference to see

which direction is going to be. This project is the first work that I do with my partner, which

means when we talk or see the reference from each other is not going in the direction. So

me and my partner had a lot of discussion for the first month before we were going to do our

plan. While we are discussing the project, my partner comes up with the idea to work on

other things instead. The thing that I do is to make my partner stay on this work because if

we are not focusing on one topic we’re not going to finish this project.
The main goal for us is to make this place look bright and kind of modern. This work

we’re trying to make it more like Japan by using lots of light color wood for the furniture and

other materials. Lots of parts in this building are using glass so the light from outside can go

into the building and make it look fresh. Also, add some plants to make it more green. For

the room we are trying to make a place for old people to do activities and stay as a group

rather than make people have their own space.

For the main room in this building includes a clinic, food court, kitchen, living room,

staff room, bedroom and rooftop. In a room that is like a food court, living room and rooftop,

we’re trying to group lots of people to sit and have a chat together. So, I decided to not make

a table that can sit alone and not face together.

In the first semester, I feel that it is hard to make my work move fast. Because both of

us are not from the same class and our free time is different. So, the amount of time to work

on the product and other stuff is less. When it comes up to the second semester my partner

concludes the size of the building and the room. So, I use that floor plan to start on

homebyme. The cons of using this website to work on the project is that we can’t change the

height of the wall and it is hard to match it with my partner wall thickness. So, I'm having

trouble making it match and my mentor wants me to work on Sketchup more. In the last

quarter I moved to work on Sketchup instead.

The difficulties that I have is to use sketchup. Sketchup is used to make 3D models.

Because there is Covid-19, I changed my decision to work from the other sources and work

on this instead because my mentor said that if it is hard to find material so we don’t need to

do the product. When I change to do my work on the other one instead, I need to learn how

to use it. While I’m working on it I found out that there is a problem like I lost my work when I

imported some of the products into my work. So I solve this problem by save the work every

time I make a change to it.

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