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A Survey to Identify the Push and Pull Factors in the Development

of Malaysian Tourism Industry

(Respected participant, thank you for taking part in the survey and helping us to identify the pull
factors to enhance Malaysian Tourism.)

1. Your Age?
a. Less than 20 b. 20-30 c. 30-40 d. 40-50 e. Above 50

2. Your Gender?
a. Male b. Female c. Prefer not to say

3. Your Nationality?

4. Currently you are a?

a. Student b. Worker c. Retired person

5. How often do you travel internationally?

a. Once in a month b. Once in six months c. Once in a year d. Once in five years

6. How many times you have visited Malaysia?

7. What are the major problems you faced while travelling in

Malaysia? You can choose more than one option.
 Unfriendly behavior of Locals and Hotel Staff
 Expensive Food and other facilities
 Lack of accommodation facilities
 Lack of transportation services
 Threats of Theft and Robbery

8. Do you feel safe and secure while travelling in Malaysia?

o Definitely Yes
o Yes
o May be
o No
o Definitely Not
9. What are the factors that attract you the most to travel in Malaysia? You can choose more
than one option.
 Beautiful Destinations
 Safe Environment
 Cultural Attractions
 Tourism Amenities

10. What do you think about the locals of Malaysia?

o They are very friendly
o They do not interact much
o They are helpful
o They are rude

11. Do you think language barriers are affecting tourism in Malaysia?

o Definitely Yes
o Yes
o May be
o No
o Definitely Not

12. Are you satisfied by availability of resorts in Malaysia?

o Yes, they are enough
o Not sure
o No, they are not enough

13. Are you satisfied by the local economic conditions and rates of Malaysia?
o Very Satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neutral
o Dissatisfied
o Strongly dissatisfied

14. Do you think Malaysia can enhance its tourism industry by introducing more tourism
activities at pre-existing destinations?
o Yes
o May be
o No

15. What factors will make you come back in Malaysia? You can choose more than one option.
 Landscapes
 Economical Shopping centers
 Handicrafts Markets
 Variety of Cuisines
 Cultural Diversity
 Good Infrastructure

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