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From the latin word DOCUMENTUM which means LESSON

French word DOCERE which means TO TEACH

It consist of writing or any material containing letters, words, numbers, figures,

symbols or other modes of written expression offered as proof of their contents.
(Legal Definition)

It is any written statement by which by which a right is established or an

obligation extinguished. (People vs Moreno)

A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or

evidence or that serves as an official record. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Best evidence rule- any physical embodiment of information or ideas

Dr. Wilson Harrison- British examiner of question document who said that an
intelligent police investigator can detect almost 75% of all forgeries by careful
inspection of a document with simple magnifiers and measuring tools.

Tremors- this movement categorized into hesitating and painful due to weakness
and illness.

Cuneiform- earliest writing system in the world, developed by ancient sumerians of

Mesopotamia 3500-3000 BCE. Use a wedge shaped symbol

Paleography- study of ancient/old writing system (Palaois means old- Graphien

means to write)

Philography – refers to an academic discipline of all forms and style of writing. It

simply mean love for writing. (Greek word Philo means Love and Graphien means to

Papyrus- a thick precursor to modern paper made from the pith of papyrus plant,
Cyperus papyrus. Papyrus was first used by ancient Egypt

Parchment – A writing material made from animal skin

Vellum- made from young calves

Graphometry- Writing measurement. Comes from greek word Graphos means

writing and Metry means measurement.

Graphology – Study of handwriting to infer one’s characteristic. Comes from Greek

word Graphos means writing and Logos means study.

Calligraphy- is the art of beautiful writing

Cacography – Act of bad writing

Agraphia- is the lost the ability to write

Ambidextrous – is the ability to use both left and right hand equally.


Class / Gross Characteristics- properties which are common found in the

specimen of writing of another.
Individual Characteristics- properties which are peculiar / highly personal, unlikely
to occur in writing of another.


1. ARC- rounded inner part of upper curve, bend and crook
2. Humps- outer portion of an upper curve, bend or crook
3. Stem/ shank/staff- backbone of the letter, Characterized by long downward
4. Whirl- long upward stroke found opposite of stem
Hitch – introductory backward stroke found in most capital letter and in some small

Beard/Double hitch - is the introductory upward and downward stroke found in

some capital letters.

Blunt – abrupt beginning/ ending at which the pen doesn’t create a diminishing

Buckle knot – a loop or horizontal line, used to complete a certain letter

Central part- characterized by small rounded or circular stroke, the body of the

Ductus link or Ductus broken- connection between letters

Initial stroke / terminal spur – long running initial or terminal strokes

Through- any garland form of strokes

Knob- tiny pool of an ink at the beginning or ending of a stroke

What are those does not constitute document even there is a writing?

A draft of a Municipal payroll which is not yet approved by the proper authority.
( People vs. Camacho)
More blank forms of official documents, the space of which are not filled up. (People
vs. Santiago)

Pamphlets or books which do not evidence any disposition or agreement are not
documents but are more merchandise (people vs. agnis)

QUESTION DOCUMENT (Disputed Document)- a document to which an issue has

been raised or which is under scrutiny.

Standard Document (Exemplar Document)- a document in which the origin is

known can be proven and can legally be used as sample to compare with other
things is questioned.

Types of standard Documents:

Collected or Procured- a standard specimen executed in the regular course of

man’s activity or that which are executed on the day to day writing activity.
Requested or Dictated (Post litem motam standard)- a standard document which
are executed upon request, they are prepare at one time.

Contemporary document – documents which are not more than five (5) years
before or after.

Public Document- a document created, executed or issued by a public official in

response to the exigencies of the public service, or in the execution of which a public
official intervened.
Documents acknowledge before a notary public except last will testament
Holographic will- will entirely written in the handwriting of the testator
Notarial will- signed by the testator acknowledge before a notary public with 3

Official Document- a document which is issued by a public official in the exercise of

the function of his office

Private Document- a deed or instrument executed by private person without the

intervention of notary public or other person legally authorized, by which documents,
some disposition or agreement is proved, evidenced or set forth. (US vs. Orera)

Commercial Document- any document defined and regulated by the Code of

Commerce. (People vs. Co Beng)

Proof of Private Document

Private document to be acceptable in evidence has to be proved as regards to its

due execution and authenticity either by:
-Anyone who saw the document executed or written
-By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or handwriting of the maker
Ancient Document- a document that is more than 30 years kept in a place where it
is normally to be found it genuine and not embellished by any alteration.

Alteration- any form of changes either an addition or deletion to the contents

of a documents
Altered Documents- Documents that has a alteration


1. Document with questioned signature
2. Document containing fraudulent alteration
3. Holographic Document-a document that is completely written and signed by
one person
4. Document questioned as to the material use in their production
5. Documents questioned as to their age or date
6. Documents including typewriting
7. Document which may identify a person through their handwriting
8. Genuine documents erroneously or fraudulently attacked or disputed
9. Documents containing printing or type prints

System of Writing- is the combination of basic shape and designs of letter and
the writing movement which was taught in the school

Copy Book Form- is an illustration of the basic design of letters that is

fundamental to the writing system

Writing Movement- refers to factors relative to the motion of the pen as, pressure,
rhythm, pen lifting, etc.

WRITING- is the visible result of a very complicated series of acts, being as a

whole or a combination of certain forms which are they visible result of mental
and muscular habits acquired by long continued painstaking effort.

HANDWRITING- is a visible effect of bodily movements which is an almost

unconscious expression of the fixed muscular habits, reacting from fixed mental
impression of certain ideas associated with script form
WRITING HABITS- refers to any repeated elements of once handwriting which
serves as an identifying characteristics.

SIGNIFICANT WRITING HABITS- elements of one’s writing that are sufficiently

unique and well fixed to serve as a strong basis of individuality

SLANT- refers to the relative degree of writing inclination relative to baseline.

Slope of writing.

BASELINE- an imaginary or straight line in which the writing rest

CURSIVE- Writing in which the letters are for the most part joined together. Also
called Rounded
HANDLETTERING- refers to writing characterized by a disconnected style.

NATURAL WRITING- a specimen of writing that is executed normally and without

any attempt of altering its usual writing habits.

DISGUISED- a specimen of writing executed deliberately with an attempt of

changing its usual writing habits in the hope of hiding one’s identity

GUIDED OR ASSISTED- a specimen of writing executed while the writer’s hand

is at steadied. Usually employed by beginners in writing.

SIGNATURE- a name of a person signed by himself on a document as a signed of


MODEL SIGNATURE- a genuine signature which was used in preparing

simulated or traced forgery

EVIDENTIAL SIGNATURE- specimen signature which was executed in particular

date, particular time and place under a particular writers condition and for a
particular purpose

FORMAL or COMPLETE – use in signing very important document

INFORMAL or CURSORY – used in routine document

CARELESS SCRIBBLE – used for not so important documents such as delivery of

mail or receipt of purchase equipment etc.

Is purposeful attempt to make a fraudulent copy of something, whether it is a
signature, money, or a piece of art.
-no signature is exactly the same in all aspects when compared

Kinds and methods of forging:

Simple forgery- makes no attempt to imitate a genuine signature

Simulated Forgery- the forger attempts to copy a known signature

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