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Script task 6
Riding on a train is not always comfortable. This is what I experienced when I went
1._____________ last week. Dad, Mom and I had to sit all together 2._______________. Three
charming girls sat 3_______________. Suddenly the compartment became very crowded. The
hawkers made the compartment very hot. I couldn’t stand sitting 4_____________________
so I opened the window 5______________ to get some fresh air. I felt hungry and asked my
dad and mom to buy me some snacks, but they refused to do so. So I went 6_______________
alone. I was about to eat when suddenly a drunken man in a red T-shirt and blue jeans
appeared. He made so much trouble by talking nastily and hitting his right hand on the table.
To my surprise, he took a knife from his pocket. Realizing the danger, I ran out of the dining
car but he ran faster than I expected.

6. When you have finished, analyze the prepositional phrases according to the right descriptions.
Which one? When? Where? Which direction?
(Description) (Time) (Location) (Location)

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