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Drag and drop- Match the correct term with the description given.

1. This was a secret society organized in the South after the Civil War to reassert white
1. Ku Klux Klan
supremacy by means of terrorism.It was reborn in the 1920s due to nativism.

2. This was a 1917 act passed after entering WWI that made it a crime to pass information that would
interfere with the success of the US Military. 2. Espionage Act

3. In the late 19th century, this political and social movement swept through the US, its followers
believing that all people who were not born in the US should be banned from the country. 3. Nativism

4. This is the separation of daily activities, such as eating in a restaurant, using water fountains, or
4. Segregation
riding the bus, that is based on racial makeup.

5. This act made the use of “disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the United
States government, its flag or its armed forces illegal. 5. Sedition Act

6. This person’s theory of communism was considered a threat to the US since one component was
overthrowing the government. 6. Karl Marx

7. This is the name given to the 1920 murder trial involving two Italian immigrants, the outcome of
7. Sacco and Vanzetti Case
which was likely influence by the First Red Scare.

8. This refers to the period after World War I where there was widespread fear of the spread of
8. Red Scare
communism in the US.

9. This was a clash between scientific ideas and religious beliefs as evolution was banned in the
9. Scopes Monkey Trial
South and West.

10. This set quota limits in order to limit immigrants from certain countries. 10. National Origins Act

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