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Miral short story description

I will write or ghostwrite fiction content for publication, personal enjoyment, or any other

The buyer may specify characters, plot points, romances, or settings that should be
included. All requests will be included in the final product. The buyer may be as specific
as they like, whether that means writing a full outline, providing nothing at all, or
anything in between.

In this gig you will get:

 By default, I will claim no credit for the writing and will cede all print publishing
rights to the buyer.
 Novellas are available by special order.
 short stories with extraordinary characters and remarkable plot. 
 Any genre is acceptable: romance, drama, horror, psychological, thriller, etc.

The buyer will receive exclusive rights to the work (unless the Outside Characters
addition has been selected) and is free to do as they please with the product, including
commercializing or publishing the work for a profit without attribution.

Research is included in every single offer, so I better understand the universe and
characters I'll be writing about!

Please contact me before ordering!!!

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