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As there is an increase in number of Cars in this Pakistan there is also the need of parking arises
from it and today’s system of parking is not very efficient because it requires man power and toll
so the major focus of our application is Parking availability and parking automation as there is
major problem of vehicle waiting in the parking area which takes so much time of the car holders
standing in the queue of the car parking and waiting for their turn. So our application provides
with an interface of number plate recognition through which the car enters and exit from the
parking and online receipt is generated.And you can also see the availability of parking in your
nearby location.
1. Introduction:

This application allows you to park your car within no time by scanning your number plate
when the car enters in the parking area and notify the user via this app all the necessary
information regarding the car and parking detail like time when the car arrives and park in
the parking area and exit time, and also generates a receipt of the automated generated bill
containing the amount deducted from your account and the time of parking whole the time.
Or it will use portable Bluetooth printers to generate receipt. This application also provides
you with a feature of find parking through which you can find your parking slot available in
the area nearby you this is the need of the hour because in countries like china and japan
where the number of cars is more than the parking slot it is not convenient for people to find
parking by searching manually this is very costly in terms of fuel and time.

2 Motivation and Scope:

2.1. Parking:We can use this vehicle number plate recognition in the parking as the
car enters in the parking the camera scans the number plate and shows in the application
all the necessary information regarding that particular vehicle and the time has also been
noted when the car enters into the parking area and this application will also generate an
automatic bill when the car leaves the parking slot. The other major thing is also that this
application will also help you to check the empty parking slot nearby so that you can
park your car there.

2.2. Tolling: The vehicle number is utilized to compute the movement expense in a
toll‐road, or used to double‐check the ticket. Such normal undertakings, potentially
taking care of extensive volumes of traffic, perhaps more effectively done whenever
mechanized than if done by people. This would diminish related expenses of activity,
increment preparing speed and limit blunders that may result because of weariness or
dreariness if a human administrator were included

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3 Related Work

3.1. Limerick e-Parking:Limerick e-Parking is an App that pays for your on road
stopping when visiting Limerick City and the towns of Abbeyfeale, Kilmallock and
Newcastle West. Utilizing this App you can buy as meager as 30 minutes on end - a
huge saving money on utilizing stopping plates for a similar remain. This App is the
Official Limerick City and County Council App

3.2. enables you to pay transient leaving charges through your
cell phone at all current coupon-based open vehicle leaves. The application will fill in as
an elective method of instalment to paper stopping coupons. You should enter in your
vehicle number, select the vehicle leave, show the leaving term, pay utilizing your credit
or charge card and begin leaving. You will likewise have the capacity to broaden the
stopping session remotely by means of the application. You don't have to utilize the application for leaving at vehicle leaves previously introduced with the
Electronic Parking System (EPS).

4 Goals and Objectives:

Main Goals

 The main goal of this is to develop a mobile and real time application using vehicle
recognition system that allows to park the car by saving time of manual parking

 The vehicle when enters the parking area the camera captures the number plate and
gather data from the registration website. If the number plate is not original then the app
will not register the vehicle.

 Entry and exit time will be noted when the vehicle enters or leave the area if
implemented on parking area.

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 Improve and promote the country’s rule to use original number plate only.

 To enhance the security

 To provide user with a facility to check free parking slot

 To generate an automatic receipt on the app regarding you parking details

5 Proposed System:

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Advantages of Proposed System:

 It is cost effective as compared to manual system..

 Doesn’t require any external resources.

 Saves a lot of time.

 Saves the need of man power.

6 Gantt chart:

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6 Tools and Technologies:

 Languages:

Front End in XML for Android Application.

Backend in JAVA.

 Tools:

Android Studio

Google Android Emulator or Physical Device

7 Individual Tasks:


Abdullah Maqbool Sp16-Bse-044 User Interfaces (UI) for

Research & Analysis.
Database Design & Data
Performance Evaluation
and Optimization.

M.BilalHaider Sp16-Bse-026 Android Development.

Rest API for Android.
Research & Analysis.
Performance Evaluation
and Optimization.

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8 References:



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