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Good morning everyone, today I’m going to talk about the most recent book that I reed, the

is called “the name of the wind” by Patrick Rothfuss.

The history begins in the medieval era, whit kote, a kid of 11-year-old who life with a group of
traveling artist known as Edena ruh, they are the best musicians, singers, actors, and other things,
no one can be compared to the skills of a Edena ruh with anything related to art, and they’re like a
big family but normally they aren’t related with blood.

kvothe is the son of one integrant of the last group of the Edena ruh, and during his childhood his
father show him how to be a great artist, kote had a natural acting skill, you can’t difference a lie
or the truth with him, and he also learn how to play the Laud, a instrument like the guitar but the
music that the instrument play is so different of a normal guitar.

In one of his travels, he meet a men, a person of sixty years old more or less who is being
intimidated by a big and strong men, but when kote is going to help, the old men did some kind of
magic, he controlled the wind and throw the strong men very far away, when kote saw that he get
interested in that magic and ask to the old men what he did, the name of the old men is ben and
he explain to kote that what he did was nomination, not magic, and the nomination is a form to
call the elements and they will do what you request, both talk a lot and kote ask him if he wants to
join the group of edena ruh, because his abilities are very useful for the special effects during the
acts, Ben accept because he see that kote have potential to be a good arcanist and maybe he can
learn how to do nomination in a future, for that reason Ben take kote like his pupil.

Ben teach kote all the things he learn in the university, a big college where they teach a lot of
things, with a little bit of magic, like Alchemy, Artifice that is a class of engineering based on runes
and sympathy, Biology, Physics, Medicine, Nomination, Chemistry, Sigaldry: The language of the
runes, a special form of sympathy, Sympathy: It is not magic, in the strict sense of the word. It is
about manipulating the links between different things, passing energy from one to the other, all
are important things to be a good arcanist.

One year later, more or less, Ben have to left the group, but he do a promise with kote, in the
future kote will go to the university to learn all the things that Ben can’t teach him, and ben give to
kote one of his books with his signature because with that kote is going to remember the promise,
but one month after ben left the group of kote, the Edena ruh are attack by a group named the
chandrians, a mysterious group that the people believe that is just a fairy tales, but they are real,
and they kill all the Edena ruh group, only kote survive, and for a month he travel for the forest,
alone, traumatized, whit only his Laud, the last thing that his father gave him, and the book of Ben,
with the promise in his signature

he get in a city called tarbean and for 3 years he survive only begging for money and been a thieve,
his histories in Tarbean is not so important, so I just gonna skip it, but the important is that he
learn how to steal, a ability that is going to be important in the future,the important is that 3 years
after the chandrians kill his group he see the Ben’s book and remember the promise that he did,
he try to get money to buy new clothes, get a bath and get some kind of traveling method and he
travel to the university, during the travel he meet a girl named Denna, and during they days past
they will be a very talking a lot, they will be a very close friend and maybe in the future they will be
a couple, but for now kote have to left Denna and go to the university, but in the future they will
meet again soon.

The arrival of kote to the university is one of the moments when kote shows his intelligence and
his actors skills, because he convenes the teachers not only to not pay the first semester, he also
request to get a pay in the first semester, like a scholarship to get all the necessary things, like
books, feathers and ink, when the teachers sees that the kid have skills to be a good arcanist and
sympathizing with his situation the teachers accept

During his life in the University, he get new friends, like Simmon and Willem, his best friends who
always help kote in his studies, Fela, a very intelligent girl who kote save of die in the factory in
middle of a artifice class, and also get enemies like Ambrose, who like to bothering kote and get
kote in troubles with the teachers and the teacher Hemme, because kote makes a fool of Hemme
in one of the beginners classes because the knowledge of kote was very high thanks the classes
that Ben gave him.

During the middle of the book he go to The Eoleo, a bar where the best musicians will play to
make themselves known or get money, or more importantly, get a blue shrimp, a brooch that
shows that you are a great musician, kote with his great abilities with the Laud he get the blue
shrimp and get work with the music to pay his studies and during his travel to the Eoleo he found
Denna again.

During his time in the University he did a lot of things, he get expelled of the archive, the library of
the University, know as the most big Library in the world, in the sub floors of the archive is mostly
like a city made just with books, and the most important rule of the archive is to don’t use candles
in there, and kote get spelled for that, because Ambrose gave him a Candle, and when kote
confront him the teachers interfere and kote get punishment, during the punishment kote get hurt
by a whip but he didn’t get blood of the cut, and kote get the nickname of kote the bloodless

In the last part of the first book he finally call the name of the wind when Ambrose broke his Laud
to bother him, kote get so angry that use the wind to throw away Ambrose and get back his
broken laud, and with that kote get the attention of Elodin, the teacher of the nomination, and
now he is going to learn how to control the wind.

In the second book have a lot of more interesting histories, Ambrose try to poison kote and kote
get the best revenge ever using his steal abilities and burning his house, and for reasons that I
don’t going to say because is spoiler he go to other country named vintas and save the king of his
disease and discovering that he is being poisoned with lead and a lot of other things that I don’t
going to say because is better that you read the book, and as I say before I don’t want to do

So now talking about my opinion of the book, It was a good history, the main character, kote, has
a good evolution during the book, after the chandrians kills his group kote become more serious
and and he always try to resolve using his intelligence and his cunning and the rest of the
characters also are very interesting, and the history has a good plot, always making you want to
keep reading to know what is going to happen, the plot normally is serious but It can also give you
a break with some funny scenes, normally when Kote, Sim and will are taking a breath and talking
with Denna or fela but that kind of scenes is not just to make the book more extensive, when the
important parts of the plot came, normally something that kote learn of his friends of something
that they give to him can help to scape of his situation.

I thing that the book maybe is too long, it was difficult to me to read because normally I read
books of 200 hundred or 300 pages, but that one is of 800 pages and the second one is of 1000
thousand pages, it can be difficult to a person who is starting with the amazing world of the books
and lecture, but the book is easy to read, it didn’t use difficult words in the most part of the time.

If you like the histories with magic, mysterious, suspense, funny parts, and a badass protagonist I
recommend this book to you

Feature signature, sympathy, but

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