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I want to take you through a hypothetical situation. Let’s say

that an application running on your computer develops a
problem. While it is annoying, you can live with it. Until one
day, your computer finally quits.
Being in sales, you realize how important it is to have
your PC working. What happens if you can’t get to your
email or send out proposals due the next day? It just keeps
getting worse. You need your computer to work.
You call the help desk and the representative says, “What
is the problem?” You reply, “My computer is not working.”
Is this enough information to solve your problem? Hardly...
more information is needed, for example:
✔ The kind of computer.
✔ The application you are having problems with.
✔ The length of time you have had these problems.
✔ Whether or not you are running other programs
at the same time.
The representative will ask you to perform a task with
the following question, “What happened?” You tell them
and they make a suggestion. If this does not solve the
problem, then:
✔ The next task is given and you answer the same
question until the problem is fixed.

This process is called an algorithm. Some of you who are

computer-programming savvy are wondering if I am talking
about the same thing that is used in developing software
designs. Yes, I am. An algorithm is “A set of instructions or
procedures for solving a problem.”
Let’s review what happened with this situation:
The problem with the application had been there
for a while, but it was not bad enough to fix it
sooner. It was annoying, but we could still get the
job done.
That is, until it stopped working. Now we quickly
became motivated to get the problem fixed.
Why do we want to get it fixed? It is vital to be able
to communicate with clients and to get proposals
out to your client on time.
Problem, motivation to get it fixed, productivity,
and personal, all exist.
We then talk to an expert who did not start off with
selling a solution but asked for the problem. Was
“My application doesn’t work” enough information
to provide a solution?
How did the representative get to the problem?
It took an algorithm “A set of instructions or
procedures for solving a problem.”

ust the facts - Developing a Problem Statement

Defining the problem is probably the most difficult phase of
the Sales Mapping system.
This phase is the one most overlooked by salespeople
and not enough time is dedicated to ensure the problem is
clearly defined and understood.
Get the problem right and you will succeed in understanding the first part of
consultative selling and getting a
happy client.
Sales Mapping uses an algorithm in working with your
client to get to a problem statement. Algorithms are stepby-step processes with
decision points, giving you options
as you complete the worksheet.
The parts of the “Sales Mapping Problem Statement
Worksheet” are:
1) What problems are you (organization, company,
department) having?
You would think that you would get the answer to the
question, but you usually do not! What you do get is the
solution or answer to the problem.
Let me explain with some examples of what you might hear
when you ask what the problem is.
“We need a new system”
This is the answer, not the problem

“We need teamwork”

This is the answer, not the problem.
“We need more sales”
This is the answer, not the problem.
“We need to save money”
This is the answer, not the problem.
“We need sales training”
This is the answer, not the problem.
This happens because the client has been so close to the
problem, they actually know what they need.
I was given the best question to ask when this happens.
It came from Shelle Rose Charvet, an exceptional trainer and
mentor. Her company is named Success Strategies and she is
discussed in chapter three of this book.
Here is what Shelle said to ask: “So what problem will
(the word your client used) solve?” Get ready to start taking
notes because they will start telling you the problems.
2) Who else is impacted by this problem?
It is not unusual for a problem to overlap with other
problems. “Follow the money” is one of the phrases we
often hear and, in this case, it’s “Follow the problem.”
Follow the problem the same way the technical representative did in locating the
source of the problem in our
hypothetical PC application problem

Often, people within the company have conflicting

answers to the problem. Sales are lost because salespeople
fail to find out all of the problems in all of the areas.
Think back in your own experiences to what caused you
a problem because the other department had not fixed their
What happens if the Sales Force Automation tool is not
working correctly and you are unable to update your
a. The problem is in the software, and the information
technology (IT) department is working with the
vendor to get it fixed. Meanwhile;
b. Because you are unable to get your update done,
the sales manger cannot get the forecast to the
regional sales VP.
c. The regional sales VP cannot get the forecast update
to the CEO.
d. The CEO cannot update the board.
e. The Chairman of the Board says, “Unacceptable, we
need a forecast.”
f. The President goes back down the chain asking for
an update, even if has to be compiled manually.
Finally it gets back to you to stop whatever you are
doing so you can get the forecast submitted.
You get the idea. The problem may be the software, but
this is causing problems for different people in different
areas and this is impacting productivity, etc

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