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Name: Nashiba D.

Ismael Section: NSTP- 25



I am a strong believer that there is always a spiritual purpose behind

everything that happens, whether we perceive it as good or bad but i will choose the
latter since that has been my experience throughout this quarantine.
If there’s a greater favor that this pandemic has given me, it would probably
the moment I was being reconnected with my Creator. Before this pandemic
happened I was so busy with my study even though I still pray 5 times a day
regularly I couldn’t deny the fact that there were still many things I had neglected or
compromised to my deen for my study. I even occasionally go home at my
hometown because I had a full unit last sem so my weekend was also not available,
Since I had entered senior highschool ‘til now that I am college I live away from my
parents that’s why this quarantine was a blessing in disguise for me because it has
given me the chance to spend a lot of time with my family and has given me the
chance to reflect, ponder and realize about this life.
This pandemic made me realize that no wealth, no status, no knowledge can
save us from this tiny organism that ALLAH s.w.t has created, you may be rich or
poor, white or black, Muslim or non-Muslims, you may be living in a developed
country with an advanced technology on its appointed time your death will find you.
This realization helped me to strengthen my connection with ALLAH s.w.t because at
the end of the day, it will only be me and my deeds that will stand before ALLAH
It made me spend a lot of time with my family that makes our bond stronger, I
made me treasure my family more than ever. I realized the value of human
connection. I realized that even though I am living with my siblings I failed to witness
them growing as an individual human-being, there were things that surprises me
about them and I do cherish those things.
It reminds me how important our health is and how I took it for granted and
how insignificant we are in the eyes of ALLAH that a miniscule virus can bring our life
to an end and that we are all connected and equal regardless of our culture, religion,
occupation, status. It has given me more “me time” and that has changed the
relationship I have with my own self, I had the chance to discover a lot about myself,
things that I need to change and improve.
Now that I still have the chance to live, I promised to myself that I won’t take
everything for granted that is why I started to build some habits that are more
beneficial to me as a Muslima and as a human-being, starting off with getting rid of
my bad habits, like excessive sleeping, too much time spending in social media,
engaging in a nonsense talks and gradually starting to build good habits like waking-
up early in the morning, exercising regularly, eating healthy food, educating myself to
be more conscious with my environment and to be a better citizen and of course, the
most important ones; spending a lot of time with my family, doing a lot of dhikr
(remembering ALLAH), keeping in touch with my loved ones.

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