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Running head: RESEARCH PROJECT 1

Research Project

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February 6, 2021

Research Project


The project description as provided by Pinto suits the characters and activities of the

movie instead of just business operations. Pinto's concept is a project with a start and finish,

carried out by individuals to achieve defined targets under cost, schedule, and quality criteria. It

has gained no recognition from the larger management research community until recent years,

considering substantial project management growth. Consequently, without the aid of substantial

interaction with the larger management culture, the project management community has

established its rhetoric and corporate opinions. The resulting predominant discourse is widely

agreed to be based on a very narrow tacit principle. The analytical ramifications of its normative

processes and tactics have generally not been considered until lately[ CITATION Wil05 \l

1033 ].

There has been a growing interest in management over the past five years, though, and it

is now beginning to feedback into project management culture. Project Management, as laid out

by the Societies, is viewed as a set of normative procedures that seem to be correct: it is implied

that effective-managed projects will be created following these protocols; project failure reflects

insufficient adherence to the correct protocols for project management. The operations manager

must be familiar with and evaluate traditional strategic policies, basic content planning,

production, and production processes. Often of significance are the concepts of output and cost

management. And finally, but not least, someone needs to be capable of navigating industrial

labor relations[ CITATION Jug07 \l 1033 ].


For optimum performance, the operations manager chooses and plans the procedures and

does the same for products with an ideal consistency and capability. It is also part of quality

control practices to organize the repair of the facilities. Also, to manufacture more successfully,

the stock and the whole supply chain needs to be handled[ CITATION Ana19 \l 1033 ].


Perform Integrated Change Control

Integrated Change Control's main priority is to assess the effect of the change on all

project constraints. Throughout the project, improvements to any aspect of the project may be

required, particularly during the project's implementation and monitoring and control process.

Not all changes are to be executed. In the Conduct Integrated Change Management, their

estimation and effect are based on changes approved or refused. Because changes are

unavoidable, the project manager can try to avoid the underlying causes of changes whenever

possible. Most situations suggest inappropriate timing of project consequences in demands for

adjustment. While changes will happen, they are not welcomed, and it is important to schedule,

monitor and regulate the management of possible changes[CITATION And16 \l 1033 ].

Avoiding the source is incredibly necessary because it lets the modifications happen.

Later, the first thing to do with a project manager is to remove the need for modifications.

Identifying the adjustment is the next step. The project manager, the sponsor, the staff, the board,

the client, or other stakeholders may be a change initiator. To recognize improvements from all

these channels, the project manager should be constructive. If he can detect the changes early,

the influence of the changes will reduce. The third task is to select the effect of the move. The

differentiation between "monitor & control project work" and "change control" is that the

priority of Conduct Integrated Change Control is on controlling any change in the project's

scope. At the same time, the focus remains on managing the implementation of this scope.

Changing organizations to win. And not only is this benefit financial. Often the aim is merely to

strengthen interpersonal interactions, speed up the development of internal processes, or

stimulate employee interest in a new initiative. There are several options, and time and effort are

invested in meeting the targets.

Validate and Control Scope

It is possible to break the scope into product scope and project scope. The product's scope

is connected to everything beyond the product's limits, such as characteristics, limitations, and

information that enable the outcomes or product required in a project to be described. On the

other hand, the project's scope refers to the definition of all the work required to accomplish what

was described in the scope of the product, taking part in all the features and capabilities

previously mentioned. The region of scope management consists of a group of six processes

which, in addition to managing the product specifications and ensuring that the project involves

all the required work and only the necessary for the completion of the project, jointly seek to

register, track and regulate those which relate to or do not relate to the project boundaries. These

processes are Criteria Selection, Plan Scope Management, Scope Description, WBS

Development, Scope Validation, and Scope Control.

Other aspects of project management, such as expense, time, and risk management, are

linked to scope management. Thus, it creates confusion because the scope is not clearly

established, and often errors can arise in the project. Validate Scope meets with the client and

signs off on the progress of the project. Monitor Scope is the job you do to keep an eye mostly

on the scope during the process while managing any improvements. The Control Quality

mechanism, which determines whether the project deliverables satisfy the quality specifications,

is closely related. Until you validate the Scope with the client, this can be completed and

contributes to the Validate Scope method. The quality management and scope confirmation

systems help you develop and deliver the correct product to the consumer. There are major

techniques, and you must know them well. The checked deliverables are collected from the

control quality team, so the confirmation scope relies solely on the deliverables. The

requirements are tested with the customer to ensure that they have been properly completed

before the customer accepts them officially. Different outcomes of project management's

information fields are viewed as the baselines for the final approval of the outcome, such as

baseline scope and reports on task success[ CITATION inv21 \l 1033 ].

Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Organizations will no longer choose whether they want to engage with interested parties;

whether and how to engage effectively is the only choice they need to take. Stakeholder

participation is focused on the idea that the right to comment and contribute to the making of

policies that concern them should be extended to all groups that can impact or are influenced by

the successes of an organization's mission. If they are not vigorously sought out in today's

culture, they will claim to be contacted sooner or later. Situations emerge where companies do

not participate sufficiently but are compelled to do so by society's desires due to a critical

situation. Organizations use crisis management tactics in response and are frequently driven into

a reactive conversation with customers, resulting in a serious and long-term loss of credibility.

This style of conversation is always antagonistic and counterproductive to morale. Significant

interaction happens as organizations, mindful of developments in the broader world and how

they contribute to corporate results, choose to build partnerships with stakeholders as a way of

mitigating the effects of those changes, such as those generated as a result of the economic

recession. By using stakeholder management, companies may either aim to reduce risk or

leverage these emerging developments to discover and build new prospects while using

constructive stakeholder engagement; the latter is defined by a desire to be open to change. The

method is not linear; rather, it is an iterative process in which an entity, instead of one-off

sessions, develops and strengthens its capacity to execute effective stakeholder interaction while

establishing mutual understanding relationships[ CITATION Kar02 \l 1033 ].


Yes, the champion is Mark Watney. The champion succeeds but has it under control so

that it is easy to accomplish the desired outcome. One is Mark Watney's survival mission, and

the other is a project that seeks to rescue him. For his survival mission, Watney has the right

skills: he's a botanist, he understands how to patch a shattered Pathfinder, and the most crucial

part, even on his first day alone on Mars, and he does not worry. In this project, he isn't alone.

The 'remote' team members who assist him are doing their hardest to accomplish their goals.

Typically, the project sponsor is older than the project manager, but not always the 'boss' or

senior up-line manager they usually report to. It is not uncommon for anyone to be unofficially

assigned to the position before the corporation is approved and the project manager is formally

appointed. In general, all major projects require a proper and senior 'project sponsor' or

'administrative in charge,' whereas small proposals that are part of the traditional duties of a

manager that do not require a special board or organizational approval do not involve a 'project

sponsor' as such, in which case executive responsibility for the project and the project manager is

part of the usual up-line site supervisor[ CITATION Cha17 \l 1033 ].



Andrade, P. R., Albuquerque, A. B., Teófilo, W., & Silva, F. A. (2016). Change management:

implementation and benefits of the change control in the information technology

environment. International Journal of Advanced Information Technology, 6(1), 23-33.

Retrieved from

Belyh, A. (2019, September 23). Operations management: definition, principles, activities,

trends. Retrieved from cleverism:


Chapman, A., & Rosenhead, A. (2017, June 7). Project Management: Skills and Techniques.

Retrieved from businessballs:


invensislearning. (2021). How does one Validate Scope in a Project? Retrieved from



Jugdev, K., & Müller, R. (2007). A retrospective look at our evolving understanding of project

success. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 34(3), 19-31.


Karlsen, J. T. (2002). Project stakeholder management. Engineering Management Journal,

14(4), 19-24. doi:10.1080/10429247.2002.11415180

Williams, T. (2005). Assessing and moving on from the dominant project management discourse

in the light of project overruns. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 52(4),

497-508. doi:10.1109/TEM.2005.856572

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