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毓 僑 中 學


Del Pilar, Cabatuan, Isabela
Transforming Lives through Education with Quality Assurance
SY 2020-2021

COMPLETE NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE LEVEL/SECTION: _______


Many people today especially those who suffer poverty, injustice, violence, and abuses are desperately
losing hope to rise from their miserable condition. They often say “Bahala na ang Diyos” and completely
entrust themselves to the Lord. This strongly indicates their belief that there is nothing more they can do.

How important is hope in human life?

Hope is a vital condition of human life. There are many things for which a person may hope for:
a. success in achieving goal f. equality and unity for all
b. good health and happiness g. world peace
c. abundant blessing h. good health condition
d. good relationship i. national recovery
e. freedom for the oppressed j. winning the game/contest

The things we HOPE FOR are often for the future events.
a. Hope gives us strength to pursue tasks and goals in spite of difficulties and adversities. It helps us
endure pain and overcome discouragement. Every time a hope is fulfilled, it creates confidence and
leads to a greater hope.
b. Hope sustains us through despair. It gives assurance that there is a reason to rejoice even when it
seems dark around us.
c. Hope is the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life. It is a
feeling that things will turn out for the best.
Many of us when confronted with so many problems become miserably discouraged. When we fight
serious illness, depression, and constant failures, we continue to cling to hope. Many of us forget the
importance of hope until we are placed in a situation where we have to rely on it. We rely on hope to get
us through tough times.
d. Hope is like a beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances. It
encourages and inspires us to place our trust in God. It has the power to fill our lives with happiness.
With hope comes joy and happiness. With hope, we can have patience and bear our difficulties.

The things we hope in sustain us to perform courageously our daily responsibilities and they
support us through trials, temptations, and sorrows. Loss of hope can cause more pains and sufferings.
Without hope, every day becomes a challenge. As we lose hope, we tend to lose focus. Instead of
taking proactive measure, we tend to nurture and entertain more of the negative thoughts.
If we strive for what is right, there will be no time for shame, regret or guilt. We believe that by hope,
our goal will be achieved. It allows us to approach problems with a mindset and strategy suitable for success,
thereby increasing the chance of accomplishing the goal.

a. Hope leads to learning goal, which is conducive to growth and improvement. People with learning
goals are actively engaged in their learning, constantly planning strategies to meet their goals, and
monitoring their progress to stay on track. People with mastery goal choose easy tasks that do not offer a
challenge or opportunity for growth. When they fail, they quit. They act helpless and feel a lack of
control over their environment. They do not believe in their capacity to obtain the kind of future they
want. They have no hope.
b. Hope always has a positive outcome. People with hope have the will, the vision, and the strategies to
achieve their goals. It is the hope that keeps our hearts burning, our spirits lifted, and our heads held
high. With hope, we can always make time for growth (spiritual, intellectual, and emotional).
c. Hope gives strength to change the bitter things into better ones. It graces us the fortitude to endure
our suffering and face all the trials with strong belief and expectation for a future glory.
d. Christian hope is the impulse to change the world in the perspective of God’s creative plans and
goals. Setting goals and consulting with God shows that you trust him and believe that He is able to lead
you while you are moving forward.

Three Offenses Against Hope

1. Presumption
 This is based on premature expectation or prediction and certainty of fulfillment of what is hope
 It is the unwanted expectation of goods or help of divine order.
 It is directly opposed to the fear of God.
 For example, expecting God’s forgiveness without repentance.
2. Despair
 This is the premature expectation or prediction of non-fulfillment of the same hope.
 It is a total loss of hope.
 This can be caused by traumatic experiences, continued failure, and social isolation.
 For example, stop studying because of the failing grades.
3. Faint-heartedness and Resignation
 Hope is always accompanied by an element of fear. Faint-heartedness over emphasized the
element of fear. It lacks openness to the future because one is afraid to face change and
uncertainty which goes with it.
 Resignation is a weary hope.
 It may have its cause in distrust and lack of confidence in God. It may result from
disappointments and unsuccessful work. What remains is weariness without the courage and will
for the engagement and efforts.
 For example, refusing to make the school project believing that it is difficult to start again.

There are times in life that we feel hurt, down, and alone, and our world seem to be falling
apart. We struggle and strive to surpass the situation that makes us down through the help and support
of those people who light up our life and constantly encourage us to carry on with the strong hope that
everything will be okay.

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