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Mrida Seva Yoga

A September to Remember YOU!

*Participate in meditation, yoga & personal self-care all month long (& after).

Week 1:
This week commit to a daily meditation practice of 10mins.
· Choose a quiet spot
· Set an environment/ceremony that feels right for you-light a candle, incense,
play soft music. Create a sacred, soothing space.
· Sit comfortably, use blanket, pillow, etc to aid in finding a comfortable seat.
· Set timer for 11mins-give yourself a minute to settle in.(FREE App on phone
Insight Timer, is a fav of mine!)
· If like use, Mudra & Mantra listed below.

Mantra: Inhale Peace

Exhale Love

Take 3 big deep breaths, In thru the nose, Out thru the mouth
Begin to soften the breath, breathing in & out of the nose
As you Inhale - chant/think Inhale Peace
As you Exhale - chant/think Exhale Love

Mudra: Dhanyi mudra

The Dhyana mudra is the gesture of meditation. Dhyana mudra is a hand gesture
used by yogis during meditation excercises to build and improve the ability to
concentrate and heal. Both hands are placed on the lap, the right hand on top of
the left one, palms facing upward. Symbolic bowl/vessel.
· Aids concentration
· Balances right and left sides of body
· Quiets mind
· Assists healing

Practice this simple mediation for 10 minutes everyday for 7 days.

Treat Yourself Thursdays!
Every Thursday will be a self-care suggestion to add self-care to your weekly
routine! Give yourself 10-30mins a week to indulge you!

Week 1: Pamper the Feet & Legs

· Basin large enough to soak feet
· Warm water
· Lavender scented-or your fav EO scent, Epsom salts, 1/2cup salt should do
· Towel
· Clean pair of comfy socks
· Favorite lotion
· Pillow
· Eye pillow, if dont have eyepillow fold a soft cloth & place over eyes
· Locate clear wall space, chair/couch, side of bed - a location you can lift the
legs into a comfortable Legs up the Wall.

As always set your environment, light candle, incense, soft relaxing music.
· Prepare your scented epsom salt foot soak
· Set timer for 10mins
· Close eyes and relax - use mantra & mudra if like
· After 10mins, dry feet & given them a gentle massage with your favorite
lotion, put on clean socks (place foot bath out of way or empty water)
· Come to designated "Legs up the Wall" spot
· Get comfortable
· Set timer for 10mins
· After 10mins, slowly release pose
· Come to seated
· Relax & thank yourself for taking this time

Treat Yourself Thursdays!

Every Thursday will be a self-care suggestion to add self-care to your weekly
routine! Give yourself 10-30mins a week to indulge you!

Week 2: Meditative Journaling

· Journal/Compostion book
· a favorite pen
· blanket
· throw pillow
This week begin to journal, find a journal or composition book that you like.
Treat yourself to a pen, ink color, style that you like.Continue with the 10
minute daily meditation practice.Add personal reflection journal time. This can
be at same time as your meditation practice, before or after you meditate, or a
separate time altogether. Do not stress about "what to journal", this is your
journal, express whatever feels right. It can be thoughts of the day, reflections
on what went right or wrong, can be poems, doodles, etc - just write, even if you
write, "I have no idea what I am supposed to write, but here I am writing, hey I
really like this pen, or oh my what was that noise, I will find out later, because
NOW I journal! It will become easier - At the very least, everyday write
down 3 things that you are happy for.
Connect with Natural Rythms:
· Find a quiet space outdoors
· Sit in chair or on ground, use blanket & pillow
· Can set timer for 15-20mins, or just allow yourself all the time you need!
· Settle in - take 3 deep breaths - Inhale thru nose, Exhale thru mouth
· Close eyes to center & ground
· Begin to let your senses take over
· Experience this perfect, present moment in time!
Listen to all the sounds around you, Smell the earth around
you, Open eyes, see & look deep into all you see
Appreciate it all
· When your ready, begin to journal - Remember there is no right way or
wrong way to journal!
· Note the sounds, sights, smells - how you feel to be experiencing all this!
Look up & down - embrace it all
· Keep writing, words, sentences, poems, doodles - whatever comes to you!
Let your Soul soar.
· Journal & explore this writing experience for at least 10mins.
· When it feels right & feel complete
· Take 3 more deep, relaxing breaths
· Say a silent Thank you
· Slowly end your meditative journaling experience.
*Feel free to continue the self-care by adding week 1's pampering
Treat Yourself Thursdays!
Every Thursday will be a self-care suggestion to add self-care to your weekly
routine! Give yourself 10-30mins a week to indulge you!

Week 3: Inspiration & Indulgence

· an uninterrupted Hour or more!
· Journal & favorite pen
· Everything that speaks to you for inspiration & Indulgence. Don't break
the bank, if have to buy, purchase trial or mini size. Set a time that
works best for you, a surround yourelf with personal inspiration & alittle
indulgence! Love decadent chocolate, purchase one, love great piece of
art, download a pic, that perfect music, put it on, a beautiful scent that
inpires your soul, use it, the taste of bubbly champagne, pop that cork,
the good jewelry, put it on, the old tattered sweater that is full of loving
memories-wrap yourself up, soak in a bath, sit under the stars, get cozy
in bed-Indulge yourself!
Set this time to explore all that sets your soul on fire. Buy yourslf that one
beautiful flower, or that special inspirational glass/mug, grab some childrens
bubbles - Set your stage, get very comfortable. Take time to savor all the
flavors, the scents, the visual beauty, the music - soak it all in.
That perfect strawberry, chocolate, savory cheese-gift your taste buds, your
syes, your ears, your skin, your nose. Take time to find your inspiration by
allowing yourself a few hours, or at least an hour-to indulge you. This practice
can become a weekly practice. Find a pretty box, bag and when you find a
piece of inspiration place in that box/bag, it will be there for your next
Inspiration/Indulgence Celebration! After enjoying your personal indulgence,
sit back & journal your inspirational thoughts - anything that feels right for
you, sketch, doodle, write a poem, the experience of truly savorying each tiny
indulgence. Create your inspiration "toy" box and allow yourself a gift when the
day is draining, light your fire and always find your inspiration!

Treat Yourself Thursdays!

Every Thursday will be a self-care suggestion to add self-care to your weekly
routine! Give yourself 10-30mins a week to indulge you!

Week 4: Try Something New

· an uninterrupted Hour or more!
· journal/composition book

This week explore something new! Step out of your comfort zone. Start with
baby steps if this is scary. Give yourself Thursdays to be your day to try
something new. If you can give yourself at least an hour to explore this.

Some ideas:
· Plant or buy fresh flowers
· Plant or buy an exotic fruit or vegetable
· Doodle or try an adult coloring book.
· Learn to play game of chess or backgammon.
· Listen to a podcast.
· Download an app to learn new language
· Visit an art gallery.
· Take a series of photos.
· Watch a foreign or Indie movie
· Go for a bike ride.
· Start a new audiobook or new book
· Write a short story or journal entry.
· Visit a botanical garden.
· Go on a date with someone or yourself
· Meditate in nature.
· Take a hike or a hilly walk.
· Listen to five new songs, each from a different genre.
· Volunteer with a nearby organization.
· Try out new yoga poses or new class
· Sign up for fun class or workshop
· Take a lunch break walk or meditation
· Try a new way home (keep GPS close!)
· Enjoy a new meal or restaturant
· Visit your local historical society
· Learn to Fly fish, paddle board, bowl, play poker
· Plan a weekend staycation
· Park & get out car, instead of drive-thru

Enjoy your Try something New Thursdays - try and journal, write about
your new expereinces-create your own little Explore my World diary!
Most importantly have fun with You!
Mrida Seva Yoga
A September to Remember YOU!
*Participate in meditation, yoga & personal self-care all month long (& after).
Week 2:
This week commit to a daily meditation practice of 10mins.
· Choose a quiet spot
· Set an environment/ceremony that feels right for you-light a candle, incense, play soft
music. Create a sacred, soothing space.
· Sit comfortably, use blanket, pillow, etc to aid in finding a comfortable seat.
· Set timer for 11mins-give yourself a minute to settle in.(FREE App on phone Insight
Timer, is a fav of mine!)
· If like use, Mudra & Mantra listed below.


Take 3 big deep breaths, In thru the nose, Out thru the mouth
Stand in front of mirror
Recite this mantra 3 times, either out loud or to yourself while looking
in the mirror. Use this mantra in seated meditation also.
(Repeat to yourself everytime you are looking into a mirror)

How we feel about ourselves is a choice. We can choose to get hung up on our flaws, or we
can choose to see all the beautiful things about ourselves. When we obsess over the things
we hate about our bodies, it not only puts us in a negative state of mind, but it also
amplifies our feelings of self-loathing. When we focus on what we love about our bodies &
allow ourselves to feel grateful for all that we have, it boosts our mood, brightens our eyes
and allows us to shine from the inside out! As you begin to recite the mantra regularly, you
will soon become more aware of the thoughts you carry about yourself. When you hear the
negative thoughts creeping in, replace them with this mantra, switch the neagtive thoughts
to something positive. You deserve to feel good about yourself, so keep using this mantra &
soon those negative thoughts will be gone! Love your perfectly imperfect Self!

Mudra: Shuni mudra

The Shuni Mudra is known as the “seal of patience.” The middle finger represents
courage to hold duty and responsibility. The thumb represents fire and divine nature.
When the two fingers are placed together it is meant to symbolize and encourage
patience, discernment, focus and discipline.
How to do the Shuni Mudra: The middle finger and thumb are lightly touching at the
tips. Use just enough pressure to feel the flow of energy but not to whiten the fingertips.
The remaining three fingers are held out gently, relaxed but not ridged.
Benefits: The Shuni Mudra helps to encourage compassion, understanding and
patience towards others & self. It also helps to develop noble thoughts and turn
negative emotions into positive ones.
Practice this simple mediation for 10 minutes everyday for 7 days.

A September to Remember YOU!

*Participate in meditation, yoga & personal self-care all month long (& after).
Week 3:
This week commit to a daily meditation practice of 10mins.
· Choose a quiet spot
· Set an environment/ceremony that feels right for you-light a candle, incense, play soft
music. Create a sacred, soothing space.
· Sit comfortably, use blanket, pillow, etc to aid in finding a comfortable seat.
· Set timer for 11mins-give yourself a minute to settle in.(FREE App on phone Insight
Timer, is a fav of mine!)
· If like use, Mudra & Mantra listed below.


Take 3 big deep breaths, In thru the nose, Out thru the mouth
Recite this mantra 3 times, either out loud or to yourself. Use this mantra in seated
meditation also. For an added benefit, after reciting the mantra, write in your journal
3 things that inspire you. These 3 simple daily reminders will invite more inspiring energy
into your life!

Those days when we feel stuck, uninspired-just blah, just going through the motions of
daily life with out really, truly living, this mantra will guide you to inspirtion, finding lifes
passions. The words within this mantra will slowly begin to "reprogram" your mind so that
you may create more space for the things that inspire you, ignite you. Guide you to find the
passion in daily life. We all have our inspirations, the trick is to actually find them & make
the time to do them. Take time,sit with your thoughts of inspiration & passion and slowly
create a list of all the things YOU enjoy doing. Then do at least 2 or 3 of them every single
day. Not feeling guilty, feeling blessed that you created this space. Using the mantra &
your personal journaling will bring your life inspiration & joy. When you make space for
inspiration it can uplift the energy & vibration of your entire life & being you more joy and
happiness. We lose ourselves in daily life, take time to bring you back!

Mudra: Kubera Mudra for Manifestation

Looking inward with compassion allows my inner wealth to sparkle. This mudra allows us to unfold
all of our possibilities. Plant the seeds for your heart’s desires. Use this mudra to bring your dreams
into reality. Suggested practice with this mudra is every morning to actively set your intention for the
day. Can also use it when starting a new project, making an important phone call, or any time you’d
like to use your power as a powerful manifestor. Use this mudra whenever you feel worry. It will help
snap you out of fears and focus on what truly is desired.
Join your thumb, index finger, and middle finger together (pressing lightly on the tips), and placing
the other two fingers in the middle of your palm. Do this with both hands without any strain in the
palms. Take slow, deep breaths while focusing on your heart’s desires.
Practice this simple mediation for 10 minutes everyday for 7 days.

A September to Remember YOU!

*Participate in meditation, yoga & personal self-care all month long (& after).
Week 4:
This week commit to a daily meditation practice of 10mins.
· Choose a quiet spot
· Set an environment/ceremony that feels right for you-light a candle, incense, play soft
music. Create a sacred, soothing space.
· Sit comfortably, use blanket, pillow, etc to aid in finding a comfortable seat.
· Set timer for 11mins-give yourself a minute to settle in.(FREE App on phone Insight
Timer, is a fav of mine!)
· If like use, Mudra & Mantra listed below.


Take 3 big deep breaths, In thru the nose, Out thru the mouth. Recite this mantra 5 times,
either out loud or to yourself. Use this mantra in seated meditation also. For an added
benefit, first thing in the morning try using this mantra as motivation to help you get up
and out of bed!

Allow yourself to embrace the gift of each day, unwrap the day with each breath. See each
sparkling moment as a new opportunity-Get up & grab them! By using this mantra daily it
will bring feelings of excitement that will flow throughout the day, and open your awareness
to all the incredible opportunities that exist. We can allow ourselves to get stuck in the
mundane, routine of our daily lives and miss or ignore the simple gift of an unexpected
opportunity, the chance to smile, say hello to a stranger, the opportunity to express
yourself at work, home, or with friends, a moment to enjoy the gift of someone holding a
door, elevator, hand or bags, the first morning sip of coffee or tea, a thank you, the gift of
traffic-making you slow down & take a look around, standing in line and taking time to
notice the event board-seeing a fun event. This mantra will bring motivation, it not only
brings awarness to opportunities, but it can guide to act on them, step out of fear, your
comfort zone, try something new. It will open you to finding inspiration & opportunity
everywhere. Let this mantra gift you the ability to feel that each day holds a new chance to
do something new, exciting and different.

Mudra: Prana Mudra the mudra of Life

Prana Mudra symbolizes energy or spirit of life. It provides energy and health. Increases
inner stability, assertiveness & self confidence. Reduces nervousness. Improves the power
of life. Boosts the immune system. It improves eyesight, increases the body resistance to
diseases, reduces deficiency of vitamins, and removes tiredness. Additionally, it reduces
hunger pangs during fasting and gives you a good night’s sleep. It also stimulates the entire
human body, energizes it and puts the internal organs in motion. Touch the tip of the
thumb with the ring finger and the little finger together, while keeping the other two fingers
straight. Allow hands to rest on knees, thighs palms facing up
Practice this simple mediation for 10 minutes everyday for 7 days.

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