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Hello everybody, My name is Nhi. I’m the leader of group 3.

Let me introduce my
group……..Today we’ll talk about the global warming, which is a complex
problem in the world.

Actually, the earth is being polluted and affect global warming. So now we’ll give
you some information about this problem and then we also find the solution.

So what is global warming? It is the increase of Earth’s average surface

temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions
from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would
otherwise escape from Earth.

Global warming has many causes. mainly due to our human

consciousness. The first is that factories emit smoke, dust pollutes the air
or untreated wastes pollute water sources. In addition to factories, vehicles
are also one of the causes of large amounts of CO2 emissions . The
second, the greenhouse effects puncture the ozone layer, an important
protective layer of the earth Human deforestation has removed a protective
layer that helps people avoid natural disasters.

Global warming has serious consequences.The impacts of global warming

are foreseeable. Global warming will cause polar ice melting. When sea
levels rise, some animals and plants will lose their habitats and be
killed. We will lose certain precious sources of food. In other words, we will
be seriously affected if nothing's done to stop global warming. Global
warming will also force people in coastal areas to lose their homes. It leads
to heat-related illnesses and death, and spread of infectious diseases. It
also results in melting of polar ice caps and rising of sea levels. Extreme
weather patterns such as severe storms, heat waves, flood and droughts
are obvious consequences of global warming. Not worried? Even if you live
thousands of kilometers inland, you may still suffer from floods, land
erosion, excessive snow or desertification!

While others are arguing about whether humans are the only ones causing
global warming, we should take action! Turn off electrical devices you're not
using, walk or use your bike if your journey is short, and save water when
you take a bath or do the washing. We've all heard the advice given by
scientists and environmental groups, but these above are simple things that
you don't need to work for NASA or any environmental protection
organisations to know what to do.

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