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The global warming

One of the biggest problems facing humans in recent day is global warming, caused mainly
by humans. What is global warming? Global warming is a phenomenon in whch the
average temperature of the air and oceans on earth gradually increases according to
observations in recent decades. This is an extremely dangerous problem now that it brings a
lot of effects on ecosytem at the earth. The essay below will discuss the issue of global
warming, its cause, effect and suggest some solutions for it.
First of all, the most gigantic cause of global warming is carbon dioxide emissions from
coal burning power plants. When coal is burnt to make electricity, it releases a large amount
of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That is very worring that in the period of economic
development, there are many factories constructed. It has led to the emissions of a great
deal of carbon dioxide. Another source of carbon dioxide releases is the burning of petrol
for transport. In the world, the vehicles running on petrol are responsible for about a half of
carbon dioxide emissions. The situation is getting worse as the demand for cars is rising
dramatically in the modern world.
Furthermore, Another reason for the temperature rise is deforestation. People have
exploited natural resources for economic improvement. Huge swathes of trees have been
destroyed to build factories and cities. Beside that, cutting down of forests is also used to
produce wood, paper or farming. Deforestation has interrupted the process that forests
absorb and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. People will not have a clear
enviroment if the deforestation continuously happen.
Of course, this issue brings some nagative consequence for the earth. The worst effect of
global warming is the increase in the earth’s temperature at some places and fall at other
places which could make millions of animals or people lose their homes. As an illustration,
animals such as the polar bear and peguin are endangered species on the verge of
extinction. Another no less serious effect is climate change that results in severe weather-
related natural disasters such as floods and droughts which can kill or injure large numbers
of people.
If we do not take actions to drop that risk now, the impact of global warming on us will
become more and more serious. In order to solve this problem, we should plant more and
more trees so that they can perform their process to reduce the carbon dioxide. People can
also use the green transports or public transports to decrease the emissions of carbon
dioxide from burning of petrol. The government should promote citizens to be
afforestation. Especially, they must enact more strict laws about deforestation.
In cloclusion, the global warming which is caused mainly by humans inflicted many
negaive effects for human life and animals. Thus, people need to be aware of the global
warming in order to find the way how to prevent it.

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