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Philosopher Metaphysics Axiology Society and Change

Cosmology Ontology Epistemology Ethics Aesthetics Government

Rene Descartes In his theory, Descartes Descartes is Descartes is Descartes is an

the entire ontological another not well anti-aesthetic

universe Argument example of a known for his thinker in much

was filled is both one rationalist. contribution deeper way

with of the most Instead of to ethics. than Plato.

elements of fascinating beginning Some have Descartes anti-

different and poorly philosophical charged that aesthetic

sizes which understood inquiry with the it is a stance is

shifted aspects of study of the weakness of important since

around each his nature of his I suspect that

other. At the philosophy. reality, he philosophy this is the basis

center is the Fascination suggests that that it of the overall

sun, which is with the we ask what it focuses neglect (and

made up of argument would mean to exclusively disparagement)

the smallest stems from know about on of aesthetics

kind of the effort to reality. To metaphysics and aesthetics

element and prove believe that and experience

the bigger God’s reality is epistemology within

ones sift out existence fundamentally to the philosophy

and circle from water or the exclusion of itself. If

around it. simple to indeterminate moral and Descartes is

The notion powerful or whatever political the originator of

of vortices premises. seems philosophy. modern

was also pointless, he philosophy he

used to claims, unless is also

explain we know first originator of all

forces of whether our that is mistaken

magnetism. belief itself is in modern

Importantly, justified. philosophy with

the idea of regard to

vortices aesthetic.


that the fixed

stars were

actually part

of a


universe of

systems like

our own


each other.

This notion

that the

stars are

suns would

play an


role in future




References: Internet encyclopedia of Philosophy, encyclopedia Britannica and ceasefire magazine.


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