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1) Average age of a family of 4 members was 19 years, 4 years back. Birth of a

new child kept the average age of the family the same even today. How old is the
child today?

a.​ 4 years
b.​ 1 year
c.​ 2 years
d.​ 3 years

2) X can work 5 times faster than Y and takes 60 days less than Y to complete
the work. In how many days does X and Y individually can complete the work?

a.​ A = 20 days; B = 100 days

b.​ A = 20 days; B = 80 days
c.​ A = 15 days; B = 75 days
d.​ A = 10 days; B = 50 days

3) With stoppage, the speed of a train is 36 km/hr. However, without any

stoppage, it is 40 km/hr. Find out for how many minutes does the train stop per

a.​ 6 minutes
b.​ 8 minutes
c.​ 10 minutes
d.​ 4 minutes
4) A river flows at a speed of 6 km/hr. Vibha swims downstream for some
distance in just 12 hours. But he takes 18 hours to return the same distance
upstream. How fast is Vibha in still water?

a.​ 30 km/hr
b.​ 24 km/hr
c.​ 12 km/hr
d.​ 36 km/hr

5) A room has 6 yellow, 4 green, 2 gray and 3 purple sticks. When 2 sticks are
picked randomly, what is the probability that either both are gray or both are

a.​ 4/105
b.​ 1/35
c.​ 1/105
d.​ 1/15

6) In how many ways can we arrange the word ‘FUZZTONE’ so that all the
vowels come together?

a.​ 1440
b.​ 6
c.​ 2160
d.​ 4320

7) Salman buys some decorative stones at Rs. 15 per kg. He mixes it with stones
having a price Rs. 18 per kg. Finally, the mixture is priced at Rs. 16 per kg. What
is the ratio of quantities of type 1 stones to type 2 stones?

a.​ 2:1
b.​ 1:2
c.​ 5:6
d.​ 6:5
8) Soni’s room has a wall of 8m by 4m. He decides to tile the wall with tiles of
25cm x 20 cm. How many tiles will he need?

a.​ 320 tiles

b.​ 640 tiles
c.​ 160 tiles
d.​ 6.4 tiles

9) What is value of R in (p/q)​2R+2​ = (q/p)​9-R

a.​ 6
b.​ 5
c.​ -7/2
d.​ -11

10) Consider statements 1 and 2 given below and decide whether they are
enough to find the time needed for two trains to cross each other when they are
travelling in opposite directions and one train is moving at a speed of 86 km/hr.

Statement 1 – Trains are of equal length of 350m

Statement 2 – Other train is moving with speed 83 km/hr

a.​ Only statement 2 is enough

b.​ Any one statement if given is enough to find the answer
c.​ Both statements together are needed to find the answer
d.​ Even both statements together are not enough to find the answer


11) To search for a specified pattern in a column, the keyword used in SQL is:

12) How many Primary keys can have in a table?

a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Depends on no of Columns
d. Depends on DBA

13) Which command is used to change the definition of a table in SQL?


14) How will you make all paragraph elements 'RED' in color using css ?
a. p.all {color: red;}
b. p.all {color: red;}
c. all.p {color: red;}
d. p {color: red;}

15) Which of the following defines 1% of viewport height?

a. px
b. vh
c. vw
d. ph

16) How can you open a link in a new browser window?

a. <a href="url" new>

b. <a href="url" target="new">
c. <a href="url" target="_blank">
d. <a href="url" target="">

17) Data stored in ​window.localStorage​ is cleared when:

a. User closes the current tab
b. User closes the browser
c. User closes and reopens the browser
d. Not cleared in any of the above events

18) Error 403 in web signifies:

a. Internal Server Error
b. Page Not Found
c. Forbidden Content
d. None of the above

19) ‘alt’ attribute in an <img> tag is used for:

a. Specify an alternate URL for image, useful if the actual image link is broken
b. To give information about the image, useful if the image cannot be displayed due to any
c. To indicate that the image tag is used as an alternate tag.
d. None of the above

20) Which of the following is the correct syntax to display "Hello" in an alert box using


a. alert-box("Hello");

b. confirm("Hello");
c. msgbox("Hello");

d. alert("Hello");

21) Among the following, which one is a ternary operator in JavaScript?

a. +=

b. /=

c. &:

d. ?:
22) Does JavaScript allow exception handling?

a. Yes, it provides try, catch as well as throw key word for exception handling

b. Yes, but it provides only try block

c. Yes, but it provides only Try catch block, but does not allow throw exception

d. No

23) What does ​setTimeout​function do in JavaScript?

a. Executes a function after a given time interval repeatedly

b. Executes a function once after a given time interval

c. Stops page rendering after a given time interval

d. Executes a function after each 1 second repeatedly

24) Which data structure is mainly used for implementing the recursive algorithm?

a. Queue

b. Stack

c. Binary tree
d. Linked list

25) Which of the following data structure is based on the principle of “First In First Out”:
a. Linear Array
b. Circular Array
c. Queue
d. Stack

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