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Unit 7: Animals in hot and cold areas…………………………………4

- Animals in hot areas.
- Animals in cold areas.
- How do they survive?

Unit 8: Animals that live in forest………………………………………10

- What is a forest?
- Animals that live in forest.
- Survival of animals in the forest.

Unit 9: Landforms ………………………………………………………………………15

- What are landforms?
- Types of landforms.
- Changes that occur on land.

Unit 10: Water on land ……………………………………………………………21
- Ways water comes on land.
- Salty or fresh?

Unit 11: Rocks ………………………………………………………………………………26

- What are rocks?
- Size of rocks.
- Different types of rocks.

Unit 12: Minerals ………………………………………………………………………31

- What are minerals?
- Examples of minerals.

Science: Grade two
Animals in hot and cold areas: Summary

Animals in hot areas Animals in cold areas

Animals can live in hot places like in desert. Animals can live in cold places like in snow.


Penguin Polar Bear

Scorpion Seal

Science: Grade two
Animals in hot and cold areas: Summary

How do they survive?

They have thick fur on They have thick layers

the top of the body for of fat and fur to keep
shade, and thin fur to them warm.
allow easy heat loss.

Some hibernate
They have an ability to until winter is
go for a long time gone. This means
without water. they go to sleep.

Science: Grade two
Animals in hot and cold areas: Worksheet 1

Q1: Copy the words below.

De / sert Ca / mel Sna / ke Scor / pion Snow

Pen / guin Seal Polar Bear Hi / ber / nate Lay / ers

Science: Grade two
Animals in hot and cold areas: Worksheet 2

Q2: Match the animals with the type of Q3: Draw and write the name of a hot
place they live in. and a cold place animals can live in.

Science: Grade two
Animals in hot and cold areas: Worksheet 3

Q4: Write down one way animals can Q5: True (✔) or false (✘)?
survive in hot and cold areas.
1. Animals can live in hot places like
in snow.

2. Scorpion is and animal that lives
in hot areas.


3. Animals in hot areas have an

ability to go for a long time without


_________________________________________ 4. Hibernation means animals stay

_________________________________________ awake.

Science: Grade two
Animals that live in forest: Summary

What is a forest? Animals that live in forest

A forest is a place where some animals live. In the forest, there are many animals.
It is a large area covered by many trees. Some of them are:

Science: Grade two
Animals that live in forest: Summary

Survival of animals in the forest

Animals in the forest help them survive by:

Some animals hibernate or Others grow thick fur or layers

migrate during the winter to of fat to help make it through
escape the cold. the winter months.

To help in hiding, some animals such

Some eat extra food to store
as rabbits, have fur that changes
energy for winter.
color twice a year.

Science: Grade two
Animals that live in forest: Worksheet 1

Q1: Copy the words below. Q2: Find and circle the words.

Fo / rest Deer

Mi / grate Ener / gy

Science: Grade two
Animals that live in forest: Worksheet 2

Q3. Write two ways animals in the Q4. Circle and color the animals in the
forest can survive. forest.

_____________________ Q3. Draw one living and one non-living
Q3. Draw one living and one non-living
thing. thing.

Science: Grade two
Landforms: Summary

What are landforms? Types of landforms

 Land has many different forms

known as landforms.

 Each type of landform is known by

its shape, size, location and what it
is made of.

Science: Grade two
Landforms: Summary

Changes that occur on land

The movement of
The breaking down The dropping of
sand from broken
of rocks. sand in a new place.

Science: Grade two
Landforms: Worksheet 1

Q1: Copy the words below.

Land forms Moun / tains Hills

De / serts Plains Wea / the / ring

Ero / sion De / po / si / tion Move / ment

Science: Grade two
Landforms: Worksheet 2

Q2.What are landforms and how are Q3. Match each landform with its
they known? correct picture.


Science: Grade two
Landforms: Worksheet 3

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the correct Q5: True (✔) or false (✘)?
1. Volcanoes are landforms.

2. There are five types of landforms.

 The breaking down of
_______ is weathering.
3. There are two types of changes that
 The movement of sand from
occur on land.
broken rocks is
4. Deposition is the movement of sand
 The dropping of __________
from broken rocks.
in a new place.

5. The breaking down of rocks is


Rocks Erosion Sand 6. The movement of sand from broken

rocks is known as erosion.

Science: Grade two
Water on land: Summary

Ways water comes on land

Water gets on land in various ways:

Rain Ocean Lake


Science: Grade two
Water on land: Summary

Salty or fresh?

The water in ocean is salty.

The water in lakes is fresh.

The water in ponds is fresh.


The water in rivers is fresh.

The water of rain is fresh.

 What do you mean by Salty water and Fresh water?

= We say water is salty when it has salt and we cannot drink salty water.

= We say water is fresh when it has no salt and we can drink fresh water.

Science: Grade two
Water on land: Worksheet 1

Q1: Copy the words below. Q2: Write or draw five ways water gets
on land.
Rain Ocean Lake

Pond River Salty


Science: Grade two
Water on land: Worksheet 2

Q3: Is the water salty or fresh? Match Q4. What is meant by salty and
the correct one. fresh water?

Ocean ______________________

Lakes ______________________
Q3. Draw one living and one non-living

Science: Grade two
Rocks: Summary

What are rocks? Size of rocks

A rock is a hard substance There can be large rocks such as mountains.

made of minerals.

There can be small rocks such as pebbles.

Science: Grade two
Rocks: Summary

Types of rocks

There are three types of rocks.

These are formed

underground by heat and

These are formed when lava

These are made from sand
cools and becomes solid.
and clay or the shells of
sea creatures.

Science: Grade two
Rocks: Worksheet 1

Q1: Copy the words below.

Rocks Sub / stance Min / erals Moun / tains

Peb / bles Sedi / men / tary Meta / mor / phic Ig / ne / ous

Science: Grade two
Rocks: Worksheet 2

Q3. Explain how each rocks comes into Q3. True (✔) or false (✘)?
1. A rock is a hard substance
made of minerals.
_____________________ 2. There can be large rocks such
_____________________ as pebbles.
3. There can be small rocks such
_____________________ as pebbles.
_____________________ Q3.4.Draw
oneare three
living and types of
one non-living
Q3. Draw one living and one non-living thing. rocks.

Science: Grade two
Minerals: Summary

What are minerals? Examples of minerals

 Rocks are made of minerals and we use Coal

minerals in many ways.
 Minerals are obtained from mining.



Diamond is the hardest mineral

Science: Grade two
Minerals: Worksheet 1

Q1: Copy the words below.

Min / er / als Mi / ning Coal Iron

Cop / per Gold Salt Dia / mond

Science: Grade two
Minerals: Worksheet 2

Q2. Can you guess which item is made Q3: True (✔) or false (✘)?
from which mineral?

1. Minerals are made from rocks.

2. Minerals are obtained from


3. Diamond is the softest mineral.

4. Coins can be made from copper.

Q3. Draw one living and one non-living



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